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Everything posted by RainySunday

  1. My dd was tongue-tied and we had her clipped. We had it done because while she was nursing well and gaining well, I was in excruciating pain (felt like glass shards being applied while she would nurse). We had an LC who checked for latch/positioning/etc and that was when the tie was noticed. We had it done by an ENT when she was 10 days old. I hated it, but she was fine (a little screaming about being restrained, a tiny bit of blood, and was nursing as soon as it was over). I am so glad we had it done; nursing improved immediately, and now we won't have to watch for speech issues (at least not ones caused by that). If you wait too long, and it needs to be done later, it will have to be done under general anesthesia, which is something we definitely didn't want. Good luck with deciding what is best for your family. I know it isn't an easy decision.
  2. We are definitely holders too and we love it. We are also the ones who don't share our babies well and will take them back from someone else if baby starts to fuss. If our kiddos don't want to be held by someone else, we don't force them. It drove some of our family nuts the 1st go round and they swore up and down we were ruining her and she would be so dependent/clingy/etc as an older...well, she is the most friendly, outgoing 3.5 yr old ever. We did/are doing the same thing with our second (a ds) and fewer made a deal about it, since we had "proof" it worked before. Same thing, he didn't like to be held by others as a baby, now at 14 mos, will reach for others, cruises around on his own and is so happy and well-adjusted. It may not work for everyone/every kid, but for ours, following their lead when they are babies seems to help them to be confident, happy toddlers/preschoolers/etc. Enjoy your baby!
  3. My DH is a public school teacher, and here the survey is given as well. I think it's called the Healthy Youth survey (or something like that). All sorts of questions are included about s*x, drugs, alcohol, and also healthy relationships (do you feel you have a parent/adult you can talk to about...etc). The survey is totally anonymous, there are opt out forms sent home and the results are used to inform instruction (kids in general need more guidance in...this new suchandsuch a curriculum seems to be helping, etc), and it is tied to grant money in some way (it's a national thing as far as I know; not everywhere does it, but it is super common). The biggest problems I (and my husband) see with it are...as young as it is given here (6th grade), there is a level of suggestibility (if you're asking about it, it must be common, maybe I should try it type thinking) and the results are for the current students, and by the time the results are back, those kids have moved on to the JR high and they have new kids (does still help with overall trends though), also, a lot of kids aren't very truthful most likely. Anyhow, I don't think it is a horrible evil thing, I don't know how totally needed it is, but I do know that lots of schools give it.
  4. I live in the Seattle area...ish. For Seattle itself, I'd recommend Pike Place Market. The Ballard Locks are also really neat. There are several museums (EMP, etc) around too, as well as salmon fish ladders (not sure about that time of year). The more general area is just pretty to explore too; lots of green, lots of water. That time of year *should* be nice, maybe even hot...but don't count on it. Our saying around here, "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes." Last year, we had about 3.5 seconds of summer, this year isn't looking much better so far. Have fun while you are here!
  5. I have a new blog just like that...well, it will be when it has more than 1-2 posts, haha. Mostly it will be about life around the farm-ette, but will include stuff about the kids and our general goings on too.
  6. I am sure SOME rescue groups are like this, but when we had to rehome a dog (growling at our 1 yr old ds, and the dog was a rescue already, so unknown history; awesome dog otherwise), we worked with our local purebred rescue for his breed, and they were great! His bio online was a bit light about the no kid issue, but they made it very clear when anyone asked about him. He ended up in a great home with no kids and they adore him.
  7. yeesh! That is very creepy. More so because I remember hearing stories about my family way back. My great aunt and uncle lived really close to where the Manson family was living in CA. They remember their house being "creepy crawlied" (where members would go out and enter someone's house, move a couple things, creep around, then leave, all while everyone was asleep)...We all know how those little missions ended up eventually. *shudder*
  8. So so sorry for your family's loss. We lost our 1st at 20 weeks (5 years ago now), and it was/is so hard. I'll be praying for your family.
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