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Everything posted by Homeschoolnewbe

  1. WCA 2-Day Summer Lab Intensives Registration is now OPEN FOR 2018!! Registration Closes May 16, 2018 ​ 2-Day Lab Intensives: Students will complete a full year of labs for Biology or Chemistry in two intense days. All lab supplies, lab manual, and two days of in-person instruction are included in the fee for the lab intensive. These lab intensives are high school-level labs, and are open to any student able to complete high school level work. ​ What is provided to students: Each student will receive a lab manual, apron, safety glasses, and all the supplies and specimens needed for the labs. At the end of the intensive, students will have a full lab manual to show for their hard work and will have earned a full year of lab credit. Credit can also be issued from Williamsburg Classical Academy upon request. ​ 2018 Dates: WED & THURS, May 23rd & 24th, 2018 ​ Times: 9am - 4pm Location: Williamsburg Church of Christ ​ Cost of each intensive: $250 per camper; campers bring their own snacks, lunch and drinks. Please remember we are a NUT FREE campus - no nuts or nut products, please. ​http://www.williamsburgclassicalacademy.org/summer-lab-intensives
  2. Please share! Need Labs to fill out your year of science study? This is an alternative for those of you who were just as disappointed as us to lose Landry Academy as a homeschool lab resource. Williamsburg Classical Academy, located in Williamsburg, VA, has been providing high-quality homeschool classes since 2006. Please join us for on-site hands on lab classes! Summer Lab Intensive Registration is now open! http://www.williamsburgclassicalacademy.org/summer-lab-intensives http://www.williamsburgclassicalacademy.org/summer-lab-intensives
  3. Congratulations to your DD! I wanted to echo the sentiments of Creekland that maybe you could create a vacation out of this and maybe spread the driving out over a 2 days by stopping along the way and investigating some potential learning opportunities along the way. Both events sound too wonderful to miss!
  4. :iagree: I just finished college apps and DD has been accepted to colleges with me doing exactly what Debbie suggests to you. l let her be in the top 1% for rank. There's lots of discussion on the rank issue, but that's what I did. HTHs!
  5. That sad part is I hear more and more teens talking this way. "Just get a loan". Someone posted on the thread that her likely payments would be in the range of $1200/mo, but she was unfazed!:eek: She informed the thread that her sister? had gone to Northeastern on loans and was doing great. She could do the same. The sad part is... if her payments are $1200/mo her parents will be paying the almost the same amount!!! She didn't even mention it!!!!!! I just cannot CANNOT see that being okay?
  6. I am reading a post from CollegeConfidential about a young lady who wants to go to NYU. She is certain that taking out loans in excess of $20,000 per year is the way to go. What is more shocking is that she fully expects her parents to assist her by also taking out loans in the same amount if necessary!:blink: I pleaded with her on the post to reconsider, she informed the thread that debt was a way of life... My question is this... what would you say to your child who told you that they wanted to go to this one college only, Bad Financial & Merit Aid University, and they need you to co-sign loans totalling about $100,000 over 4 years for them to do it. Would you do it? What is the limit to what you would do? How do you dissuade them? Would you dissuade them?
  7. Congratulations HSMAMAINVA and MARGARET IN CO! It is sooo wonderful to read good news!
  8. I have to agree. Trying to teach a language you don't know is next to impossible. What we found is that college students were great tutors. Often they charged around $10/week and were wayyyy more enthusiastic about the topic than I could ever have been. I'm not sure where you are located, but perhaps a local college dean could give you some leads on potential tutors. Also, my kids have Skyped foreign language lessons with teachers we found online or who were local, but couldn't make the trip to our house. You can do it, but it may take a lot of creativity to make it successful! HTH!
  9. Gum! I gave my daughter a fresh supply of many flavored sweet fruity gum for the test. She said everytime she started to get tired she'd pop in a new piece of gum. It really helped her stay focused for the entire test. Maybe that little bit of sugar gave her a bit of an energy jolt too, well just enough to make it to the end anyway. HTH
  10. Unless I missed it, you may need to add a Government or Civics class. I'm not sure what state you are in or if that is required. It is required here in VA. As for the science, none of the colleges my kiddo applied to recognized Physical science as a lab science, or meeting min. science entry requirements. So you may need to check with the colleges she's planning to apply to, and see what they require.
  11. @MOOOOOM Congratulations on the acceptances! On a side note: I live in VA, and I'm super curious what merit aid George Mason is giving to in-state students. Its pretty popular. I will say budgets are tight in Va, and state schools are tightening their belts. I haven't heard accepted in-state students mention anything about getting any kind of merit awards.
  12. Confession: I've never used household planning stuff before either...LOL But this year I so desparately want to become the kind of uber organized person that does...wishful thinking? Maybe a free DY download baby-step is just what I need....instead of expensive software???
  13. Please bare with me... I can be a little slow!LOL But is the idea that I would save the templates in each child's digi-folder and then fill out or update and print as needed for each subject, and same with the household organizers which would be saved in its own digi-folder for reglar updating. Things like the household organizers would not need to be printed unless they are meal organizers going shopping with me???
  14. I would really like to organize my home and homeschool this year, digitally! Can anyone recommend a good software program that does that? Ideally, I would like to meal plan, create chore charts, and manage my homeschool in one place. There's got to be more than these three I've found?? http://www.taskimpact.com/ This looks really interesting. Maybe I can create task lists for each child and then print them?? Plus I'll also be able to create chore charts, and its quite inexpensive. It looks as if I can do homeschool planning and home planning with one program. But there's no meal planning module... bummer. http://www.contechsolutions.net/products/eths_pc/index.htm "Edu-Track" This would really only be good for organizing the homechool. However, I just noticed it has a chore chart feature??? http://www.homeschooltracker.com/default.aspx "Homeschool Tracker" From what I can tell. It is pure homeschool records management. No household features. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong! Help!
  15. OMG! I am so sorry that was said to you. Goodness. But I have come to the same conclusion about CC. I applaud you for sticking to your guns and really trying to examine schools that are the best fit for your son.
  16. I just got finished with a schedule like this for both my middle and high schoolers, and it was not fun. By the end of this semester we were all glad it was over and seriously reprioritizing for the winter/spring semester. I have to agree with the other posters. If you feel its too much, it probably is, but if he is committed to all of those things then all you can do is support him and help maintain that commitment level for the remainder of the year. HTH
  17. Now, please don't think I believe every child can be a surgeon or an engineer. I know what you mean by expecting every child to have the exact same interests and then constantly measuring them against each other. My mother grew up in a time and place that said success was being a doctor or an engineer. Period. No room for variation. Doctor or engineer. That is not healthy, but what is healthy is expecting every able child to exhibit hard work and accomplish reasonable goals, like learning to read, write, and handle your own affairs. Why is that not a reasonable expectation for every able child regardless of race or class? Again, JM2C
  18. OMG, Ester Maria... something magical may have just happened... I think perhaps, we are.... in agreement!!!:w00t: That is exactly my point. There just seems to be wayyyyy too much focus on what we can't change and not enough on what we CAN change, like developing a work ethic and pride in accomplishment. JM2C
  19. My dd did Saxon k-3 and then 5/4 with no issue. However, we did use the DIVE cd. It seems the cd always explained it differently than I did so she got taught two different ways for each lesson. I tried the Saxon Teacher DVDs for Algebra with older dd, and I must say they are quite thorough!
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_race_and_intelligence_controversy I think that IQ tests make excellent outhouse wallpaper! LOL :tongue_smilie: And honestly, this link does not begin to express what I think about beginning an article like this with a reference to Francis Galton.
  21. Okay, I just believe too much emphasis is placed on percieved natural talent and IQ. I just do. If your child has any ability, they should be expected to achieve whether it is piano or multiplication tables. I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but its just how I see things. IQ and the presence or lack of percieved natural talent can become a crutch, positive or negative, affecting expectations.
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