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Everything posted by Karie

  1. Not too many people seem to use this, but it has been very beneficial. I didn't like the workbook style of spelling-it seemed like busy work for my sons. Spelling Plus has lists and then I add to them with words they have misspelled during their course of writing. So, on Monday, they get a pretest and have to write out each word they miss 5 times. Here's the meat of the program to me: Tuesday-Thursday I give them 4-5 dictation sentences that have spelling words in them. And then on Friday, I give them a post test. The thing I was finding is that they can spell the words on the pretest, but when I give the word in a sentence, they would get some wrong. Maybe they use a different part of the brain when writing sentences, I don't know:). The dictation part of the program has been SOOO helpful. They can spell really well now. This takes about 5 minutes on my part each day, so it's not labor intensive. http://www.susancanthony.com/Books/sp.html I just use the teacher book and dictation book.
  2. Ds has to do cursive for copywork, but other than that, I don't require him to use it. He much prefers manuscript. I also prefer manuscript for myself and can write faster than using cursive. Ds also types and I think that is a skill that is much more necessary nowadays than cursive. I taught him cursive so he could read it, not write it. I pick and choose my battles, and cursive is not one I'm willing to die on.
  3. Yes, the student book is absolutely necessary. There is SOOO much more in the student books once you hit level C. They are a necessary part of the program and you can't tell what is in the student book by just looking at the teacher edition.
  4. It is easy to use, my ds has used in independently this year (semi last year). It's quick and to the point and retention has been high. I think you should take a look at it again! I can't say enough good things about it. We'll be starting level 5 this fall.
  5. I did RS4K Chemistry with some experiments from atoms and molecules. After we tired of that, we moved on to Apologia Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. We are enjoying science with Apologia. I plan to do their Swimming Creatures next.
  6. How about John 1. I memorized that in HS, and still remember it well.
  7. I can't find this on the internet. If you happen to have a link or would know the order of the books in Little House on the Prairie, I would appreciate it. I want to read them in order, but not sure what that order is. Thanks!!!
  8. Sonlight has discussion questions. That is probably the closest history program to what you are looking for.
  9. Thank you all for your prompt replys. Also, that link you gave, Trivium, is awesome!
  10. I'm really trying to figure this out. In yr1, week 1 for level 3 it states in the Writing assignments: "Learn or review the steps in the writing process". So, where in the world to I find that info? My confusion lies in that I don't know WHERE to go for this info. I'm holding a copy of WA in my hands, but I can't seem to find it. Can you please help me with this? Thanks!
  11. I'm looking at the BJU math 6 teacher's guide to see how to go about doing the lesson. Well, it says to use the Home teacher packet and flip charts, etc. to teach. I only have the student book and teacher's book. I looked at a few lessons and the explanation for teaching the materials comes from using the Home teacher's packet, which was my understanding that I really didn't NEED that. Now I'm confused. How DO you teach BJU math? Do you just go over the student book and go from there? I'm not sure the purpose of the teacher's guide at this point. Help me understand this, please!! (pleading:confused:)
  12. This is put out by John MacArthur. I do this with my boys-1st and 3rd, but it can be done independently and is written to the child. The devotionals are short with scripture and short activities they can do. I've really liked it.
  13. I'm interested in the strengths/weaknesses of these programs. I'd like to use a more independent method of teaching math once ds reaches 6th/7th grade. Thanks!
  14. I've read that some of you are doing both TOG writing and CW, how do you get that all in in your week? I'm really warming to TOG writing, but I like the CW approach, too. I'm doing WT right now. Just curious how you do all the writing without turning your kids away from writing.
  15. Nancy, I've also been thinking about doing HO with my son who will be in 5th grade and SOTW with my younger son who will be in 3rd grade. Younger son doesn't remember anything about SOTW 1! Anyway, If you have your schedule written in a form that could be emailed, I would be forever grateful to have it. I was thinking I could line them up, also, but I would love to see your schedule. If you aren't able to do so, that's okay, I thought I'd ask. Karie
  16. This has been very helpful. I didn't realize the pages were so thin. For those who write on PP, what do you use? Wet erase markers?
  17. It seems to me that this is a big deal amongst TOG users. Why???? Do you put one page in each protector? Doesn't this get expensive? I'm just trying to figure this all out. I'm bouncing around all over the place with deciding on Ancient history for 3rd and 5th!!
  18. I'm in a quandry over what to do for history. I like the looks of TOG, but I don't want history to be the center of my universe. I've been reading over SWB's book on logic stage-in particular, history. I'm looking specifically at 5th grade level. 1) Do you follow SWB's suggestions in WTM exactly? 2)Does this get boring for your child? It seems that the work would become tedious after awhile. 3)Do you enjoy doing history this way? Is your child learning a lot? 4) Could you describe what a week in your home looks like with this type of learning? I'm curious how you work your week-how much reading and writing is involved? I know this is a lot to ask of you, but your insight would really help me out here. thanks!
  19. Any other thoughts from you TOG users? The writing has me stumped. I'd like to incorporate writing with history, but if I don't "get it", then I might as well use something else.
  20. So, does the writing aids enhance the writing lessons in the TOG guide with specific assignments? I looked at week 2 for example, and under level 4 it says to write the definition of a pronoun and use graphic organizers. Now, if I didn't know the definition of a pronoun (which I do, by the way), is there a place in the teachers notes that would help me with this? What about Graphic organizers? I don't have a clue how to use these. Are there instructions for these? Are they in the Loom? This is so confusing to me!!!
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