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Everything posted by 5kidsforME

  1. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  2. Hahaha, my little guy Ben does this after he comes back from a visit to Mamawas.
  3. Look at is this way, You just paid off a big chunck of debt! Wahhhhhooooo :party: OTOH IF (IFFF) something happens (money grubbin gremlins) WORST CASE SCENARIO, you use your CC to help. I know, I know that is something you do not want to do (and Dave ramsey would hit me over the head for saying it!!)
  4. Hmm that is an interesting question to which I have no answer. I would think as an american citizen you would BUT OTOH it is money that is supposed to stimulate the US economy and living abroad would not accomplish that. I hope for your sake you do get some. :001_smile:
  5. BTW Even though we are laughinng at/with me, hehe :lol:, I loooooove those lauging guys! I think that is my favorite emoticon.
  6. Well its not the way I plan, its what I (mistakenly, I now know) calculated on the IRS calculator thingy.
  7. I have no idea! But that is probably why you ran out, you good rep Fairy! :D
  8. I understand. I ignore certain subjects too. I was just being silly. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Hmmm, no but that is a good idea!! I will go try it again. thanks! :001_smile:
  10. I am going to bump thias baby until it gets a reply! lol
  11. Exactyl! And I guess it is good that my other thread doesn't have any views. At least no one is reading and not replying.
  12. Well at least I am not the only one. AND Why do I care??????
  13. see it slowly move down the page with no responses and no views??? it is kind of like being back in school and hoping someone notices you! OR rather doesn't notice you, but in this case notices you! :001_huh:
  14. Heheh, same here, especially when it comes to a big check. :001_smile:
  15. Well I am blue eyed and Ds (almost 9) has hazel eyes. Both of us have a very hard time getting to sleep. I let ds stay up and first have him do a chore then he can play quietly or read a book. Then I send him to bed and he has always gone right to sleep.
  16. Wow Aubrey, I thought it was going to be incredibly GOOD and it was incredibly BAD! So scary. Glad you and your kiddos are safe.
  17. For another stimulis check thread that is. I entered all my info to see how much we were getting back. It is $400 more than I would have thought! Why do you think that it? I thought we would be getting $1200 for dh and I an $300 for each of the kids. Totalling $2100, but it said we were getting $2500. Why would that be? Hey I am not complaining just wondering..........:001_huh:
  18. There was another thread about this and that was the response that most people were getting. No worries. :001_smile: ( I hope! :001_huh: )
  19. Gosh this has happened to me most of my life with hairdressers! I wonder if this is how most people feel. I have always either let her just style it and grin and bear it or just left with wet hair.
  20. This happened to us a couple of months back, except we were told in the letter that we won because our Mastercard was used during Christmas time and we won the drawing. $68,000 dollars. All we had to do was send $2000+ to them to cover legal fees blah blah. It came with a REALLY legitimate looking check from Wells Fargo bank. Dh took the check to wells Fargo and said we pretty much know this is fraud but can you check to see if the check is legit. Come to find out the check was issued under an old Wells Fargo name. Not legit. Anyway, that is our story.
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