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Everything posted by Barb_

  1. Cathy, I'm so sad for your baby. Prayers that if the inevitable happens, all goes well and he his home soon. I didn't know Fifth Disease could be caught more than once either, and I've been dealing with kid germs for 18 years. I hope you aren't beating yourself up over that. Barb
  2. Considering the source, probably not strange but certainly appropriate for the thread. An Algebra II book, bought at Follett filled with detailed, gynecological drawings of the female anatomy. The boy was obviously failing Math. Barb
  3. My grandparents owned a cottage built by a preacher in the 1930's (?) or so. It was their summer home in N. Carolina when they lived in Florida back in the 80's. Oftentimes, we'd go visit them for a week or two at a time and they were always talking about a ghost they'd named "Frankie". They believed she was female, even though they never saw her because things would disappear from the kitchen and turn up in odd places all over the house. When something would go missing, my grandma would call, "Frankie, quit messing around and give (what ever the object was) back." And it someone would turn it up. I remember once finding my grandma's favorite paring knife (she called it her Valuable Little Knife) on top of the refrigerator. Don't ask me what possessed me to look for it up there, but it was so odd that I still remember it. One night, my mom and dad were awake and talking with the lights off in their room and my grandparents were doing the same across the hall. Dad saw a weird glow and they heard a shuffle of feet as if in slippers, pass their bedroom door. Before too long, they heard the doorknob of my grandparents door turn back and forth. My grandma yelled, "Very funny, Tom!" but he answered, "it's not me!" from his own room. The same happened again the next night, so the third night, my grandparents left their door opened. Whatever it was passed by Mom and Dad's room, shuffled down the hall, and through my grandparents' room and through the wall. After a few more nights, it stopped. After we got some photos developed, a picture of the house from the outside had a fuzzy face in the basement window. On a later trip, my aunt and uncle brought their 9mo old daughter. Her toys turned on during the night, and they could hear a rocker creak back and forth at different intervals. My cousin April would giggle over my aunts shoulder, pointing and saying "baby". As they were leaving, April strained to turn around in her carseat and said, "bye-bye Baby." Eventually the weird things ceased happening altogether. Barb
  4. Oh, I have no doubt Karin will go first. I'm always big, hot and cranky 1-2 weeks postdates. It's nice to have a baby buddy. All my IRL friends are long done. Barb
  5. Sandra, Jenna got contacts when she was 9 for gymnastics meets, but didn't learn to wear them regularly and take care of them until she was about 11, like you. She has always hated glasses, but particularly so this past year when she tipped into the over-3 range. She said they make her dizzy. I had no idea that her eyesight was that bad. Poor her and poor you! I suppose you could get used to them, but it sounds like a safety issue...you'd have to relearn operate heavy machinery under the influence of glasses. Is it just the cost? Do you feel like it's frivolous? Honestly, it sounds like a necessity to me under the circumstances. Barb
  6. First of all, welcome! Enjoy your new venture with your little ones. Please don't feel as if you have to do lesson plans at this point in the game. At your girls' ages, lessons should feel mostly like play. Don't think if it as school, think of it as an extension of your day to day parenting. At age 5, the main focus should be on skills. Daily handwriting practice, a little Math each day to stay sharp, and reading lessons unless she advanced, and then she can just read to you. Don't do lesson plans, just pick up the book and do the next thing each day. Content is the fun stuff: Science, History, Art, Music, Literature. Don't try to hit each area every day. At this age, it's fun to do a unit study of each continent. Pull out storybooks, make regional food, look up art projects and music and/or composers from different countries. Keep an eye out for the gleam in their eyes. If the gleam is there, keep going, but if the spark goes out, put it away for the day. Have fun! Barb
  7. why wouldn't you want to wear glasses at greater than -4? Is it because they are too thick? I have 20/20 (for now...nearing 40 and looking forward to being farsighted), but one of my girls is -3.something, so I'm curious. Barb
  8. Welcome home after all your travels. Feels good, doesn't it? Barb
  9. LOL, nope! Although the thought did occur to me the week after Christmas when I suspected we were in the window of opportunity. When are you due again? Barb
  10. Congratulations to you too, Karen. Have you told your daughter? I've not told anyone but my husband. I can't decide whether to wait a while or just rip off the bandage right now. Some will be thrilled, others not so much. Barb
  11. It's good to know you still have a relationship with her. I admit that has worried me a little. I have kids a generation apart...how weird is that? The others are 13, 11, 8, 6, and 3. So we've really spread them all out. Barb
  12. I'm a little surprised...I must have conceived on day 7 of my cycle. I guess I shouldn't be though because two other of my children were conceived on days 6-8. I can't believe we're going to have 7 children. Well 6 at home...Meghan leaves for college next fall. Oh Lord, what are we doing???? Barb:eek:
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