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Everything posted by pgr

  1. My DH has a Skagen and loves it- we got it on Amazon, but not that recently, so I can't tell you what the prices are these days... I will say that we were looking at watches for his dad not too long ago, and found some nice ones on Amazon that were cheaper on other websites through Google shopping. Not sure about the quick shipping, going that route, though... Good luck! (I've been in your shoes more than once :) )
  2. We're getting ready to move, and at this point we plan to try to settle down in the new place. I'd really like to find a pediatrician (and a dentist, but that's not as pressing) that will work for our family, someone to build a long term relationship with. Problem is, we're in NY, and we're moving to PA. Problem number two, we'll be moving with a newborn, and he'll need a doc visit about a week after we get there. I've heard of people recommending you interview your prospective pediatrician before signing on. How the heck do I do that while living in another state? We even bought our new home without seeing it (my Dad drove up and took a look as he lives a few hrs away, but still....)! I've tried posting on several boards, and have gotten a few names, but I'd really like to see if we click, KWIM? Any bright ideas? I kind of feel silly calling the office to talk with the doc - do people do things like that?
  3. Happy Birthday, Miss Meg! (Congratulations, Mama!!!)
  4. Praying for you and your family! :grouphug: It is so frustrating (for everyone) when, even with all the advances of modern medicine, even those that are specialists in the field with years of training and experience are not able to find an answer or a solution. Hang in there....may it, whatever it is, crawl away and leave you alone!!!
  5. What a great post! And I have to add - me too! Me too! I seriously can't wait to be done working full time outside our home and start working with my kiddos where I feel I belong! We're getting ready to move, and someone at the dentist's office asked my daughter (who is currently loving half day K) if she was excited to move. She answered "yes, because my Mom is going to stay home and homeschool us!" :001_wub: Now if I could just bottle that enthusiasm on both ends and save it for the inevitable hard days...
  6. Oh, no no no - you most certainly are not alone! I rarely even make it fully into the bathroom without a little person showing up in the doorway. :) The ironic (um, irritating) part? My TWO (OK, he'll be three this month, but this has been a "rule" for some months now) year old demands privacy when he's in the bathroom going potty. :001_rolleyes: How's that for unfair?! (and I agree with a PP - it's so not fair that they NEED us to the point of not giving us enough room to let our rib cages expand as we try to breathe, and then they're suddenly all independent and we're the ones needing them to need us *sniff*...)
  7. :iagree: Thank you for resurrecting this thread! As someone just starting with SOTW 1 with my eldest and eventually two littles that will be following her, I appreciate the ideas on how to make it all work. I'd also love to hear about the supplement, should it ever come to fruition.
  8. Sounds like it! :D (Though instead of Mandarin in the list of languages, we've got Lithuanian for the second fluent language...)
  9. Hello! :seeya: This will be our first year HS'ing, and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row... I initially planned to use El Espanol Facil Jr. , but it seems to be better in theory than practice (according to reviews/comments I've seen). A bit of background - languages are big in our family, mostly just because that's the way our lives fell into place. We speak our native language at home. Our DD5 speaks English as well - she picked it up just with me reading English books to her in two languages; we don't really watch TV, and our babysitter doesn't speak English. DD was speaking (albeit not perfect) English before she started going to a half day Montessori K this past fall. I grew up in the US, but spent two years living and going to school in Mexico - at the time, my Spanish was as fluent as English. It's gotten rusty as I've not really used it much, but I can still certainly speak it. I took both French and Latin in school, and I can carry on a fairly simple conversation in French. Ideally, I'd like to give our kids a background in Spanish, French and Latin. I don't want to slam them with languages, I just want to introduce them gently and give them the foundations while they're at that "sponge" age. I'm wondering if I should just get a bunch of books (and CD's with songs) in Spanish and do what I did with "teaching" her English? Or do I need a formal program? Or should I just add in some grammar with the books - like Getting Started With Spanish? For French I'm thinking of L'art de dire as I'm much weaker in that language. Ack! Help! Any thoughts???? (thank you...)
  10. ahh, yes, so I've heard... :) Thank you for sharing the info about this book - it sounds like a great resource. Is it geared toward the older grades? Thanks! :)
  11. I did see one person comment that they liked it and were hoping fora french edition to come out; I am not certain, however, that I saw that here and not elsewhere...
  12. :bigear: I've been wondering this as well - thank you for asking!
  13. That's actually very helpful in my particular case, given that my eldest is soon-to-be six. It looks like I'll have to file it under "look at in the future" ;) (Where's the sparkling water with a slice of lemon smilie?????)
  14. Anyone care for a snack while we wait? ;) :lurk5:
  15. Thank you for the input! I had looked at the Easy French, but it seems that program is better in theory than in reality (for both French and Spanish). :( I'll look at both L'art de Dire and L'art de Lire. My DD will be 6 soon, but she's a very strong reader and reads well above age/"grade" level, so it seems either would be OK...
  16. Now that I think about it, I do this to some degree with my librarything account; I have everything categorized and tagged with subject tags.
  17. We've started with MM and have enjoyed it, though we're still afterschooling for this year. I ended up getting the light blue series because the price can't be beat. If we end up using SM primarily (we're going to try that in the fall when we start HS'ing full time), I think we'd use MM to review/supplement. No BTDT experience to share, unfortunately, but that's my plan for the future for what it's worth! :)
  18. Did you start with L'art de Dire, or can one initiate french instruction with L'art de Lire? As far as Galore Park, I had the same impression - then I found "Skoldo" on their website as geared toward kiddos as young as 4... I believe there are several levels of Skoldo? :confused: I haven't seen any mention of Galore Park for the younger set here on the boards, so I'm confused! Thanks for the input!
  19. no answer for you here, unfortunately, but :bigear:
  20. I've been planning on doing this as well. I also have BFSU and the TBYB RSO - and the final pricetag is also making me a little queasy... I still feel strongly enough that this is a good plan that I'm going to stick to it :) Would you be willing to share this?
  21. Has anyone used Galore Park for beginning french? I'm looking at options for an introduction to french for my first grader - she loves languages, and is a "language-y" kiddo, as well as a very good reader already. I'm thinking of this vs L'art de Lire? I took french in school, and can carry on a very basic conversation, but am not fluent. Thank you! :)
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