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Posts posted by kchara

  1. DH gets his news from a variety of sources. Fox News (although they're becoming more tabloid-ish, and it's driving us crazy), CNN, and he reads a lot of Drudge. We don't have cable, though, so he gets it mostly online.


    I get my news from DH. ;) I don't have time to go through all of the sites, so he tells me the highlights and I look it up when I get the chance.

  2. I do not believe that people's spirits are left behind because I know what happens as stated in the Bible when people die. I do believe in angels and demons (evil spirits) and I can see both. Ghosts are demons and you should not mess around with them at all.


    :iagree: The Bible tells us the dead know nothing, and that we are strictly prohibited from trying to speak to the dead. So... it doesn't make sense then that God would allow ghosts or spirits of the dead back to earth, to do something he's prohibited to us. I believe the "ghosts" people see are demons Satan uses to try to confuse us, play on our emotions, and turn us from Scripture and therefore God.

  3. In any basic first aid class (at least the one's I've taken), they teach you not only to call 911, but if you're the one doing the reviving, to assign the task to someone specific. You look at one particular person and say, "YOU, call 911." If you just shout it out, emotions get involved and it's possible no one ends up doing it. It sounds like that's probably what happened here. :( It's sad, all the way around.

  4. :grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry you've had to be dealing with this. I would probably feel the same way you do, but I do agree with everyone else. He needs professional help. Serious, hard core, professional help. Even if you had no other children and were able to devote 100% of his time with you to him, you still wouldn't be able to fix him. He'd still need some serious, intensive help. :grouphug: Lots of prayer, for him and you.

  5. TOG-- love it!


    SOTW and MOH MP3s-- We used them to supplement our TOG. We did eventually get the SOTW Volume 1, and the kids love reading that about as much as they love listening to the CDs.


    MUS-- A MIRACLE for us!!! Loving it!!


    Apologia's Botany-- Kids are having a ton of fun with it.


    Song School Latin, Song School Greek, and The Greek Alphabet Code Cracker-- DS especially adored these.


    Funnix-- DS(4) loved it, until my computer crashed. :P


    Bob books-- DS(4) is loving these. :)

  6. I put all of my TM's (that aren't hard back, I have a few that are hardback) into page protectors and in 3 ring binders. It saves the pages from all of the little fingers around here that just LOVE scribbling. ;) It also keeps the holes from ripping out, and me losing pages. There are a few (my R&S grammar TMs come to mind) that I need to take out and have spiral bound, but those are fairly thick, and I don't think they'll slip down. That would drive me insane.

  7. My husband got into an accident when he was 17, and was driving without insurance. Apparently, they paid for the other person's car, but never paid his fine. He finally got it paid this year. :glare: It was $500. He needed to do it, though, b/c he can't get a license in any state except VA without clearing it in NY, and for his job, he needs a local license.

  8. we send flowers to dh's mom..... via whichever florist is currently offering farmville dollars in return for an order. that way, she gets flowers and we get to play on farmville. :001_smile:


    :lol::lol: That would so be us, if I had any money this week.


    My mom's love language is gifts and holidays and such. I can't stand the woman. We have a severely dysfunctional relationship, and she basically disowned me a couple of weeks ago. To honor her, I sent her a very generic card (I refuse to go on about what a wonderful mother/grandmother/human being she was/is, because she just isn't), telling her to enjoy her day, and had DH stick in in the mail. I should probably ask him if he actually did... I got his mother the same card (I'm too lazy to go looking for two different cards for two women who we can't stand). I would've sent her Sherry's Berries, if I had had the money. Which I didn't, so I'm not losing sleep over.

  9. :iagree: If he were not dead, it would be known by now. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have reported seeing the pictures and believe it to be true. And if you didn't think it was true, a photo-shopped version could easily be put out (there is actually one circulating). So the nay sayers would still be nay saying anyway. If it's considered a national security risk, so be it. Our military is in enough risk as it is.


    :iagree: I think the American people need to get over this attitude of we have the absolute need to know every. single. thing that happens with our military and intelligence communities. We don't. After having been involved with military intelligence, I don't even WANT to know anymore. (And I was low ranked... I never exactly knew a lot to begin with!) Some things just don't need to be advertised, for many, many reasons. This is one of them.

  10. We're switching from CQLA to R&S. I wanted to love CQLA, but I just don't. The spelling is weak, the grammar is weak, I think, and, although it's very, very writing intensive (and I do really, really like that), I bought the Pre-A level because my kids needed to work from the ground up in grammar. They're rather behind. In the writing portion, they would have them add parts of speech (adverbs, adjectives, ect.) without explaining first somewhere in grammar what they were, which made it incredibly frustrating. Grammar is not something I teach naturally, I need some serious help explaining it, and CQLA just wasn't fitting the bill. Ironically, everyone I knew who recommended it to me (on another board, not this one at all, this was before I found the Hive) is now switching to another program as well. :glare: Sort of wish they had told me they'd only been using it 2 weeks at the time.


    I will be keeping copies of the Checklist Challenge, though. I think I'm going to laminate a set for each child, and put them in with their writing assignments. I do think that's a wonderful tool to have.

  11. I'm planning on getting the big book. It's easier to store one book instead of four, and I'll be the one reading it as a read aloud, not the kids, so it's fine for me to handle. (The olders might read it themselves, but I still think they'd do fine with the big book. The littles would not be allowed to touch either set for quite a while, anyway.)

  12. and then you get an 8-9 yo who can't spell his way out of a paper bag because words suddenly don't make sense like the simple words he's been reading up until this point. Fantastic reader...miserable speller / writer. If I had it to do over I would have gone much deeper into phonics than I have, and now that he is 9 we are having to remediate (with great success, thanks to AAS and PR ) but still...


    I'm in the same situation. I blew off intensive phonics with my older two, because they were reading quite well, and now I really regret it. They're still excellent readers, but their spelling definitely leaves something to be desired. I really, really wish we'd stuck with the R&S program that we were using, or that PR had been available then. I'm in Round 2 now (middle child is coming upon school age ;) ), and I won't be making the same mistake twice.

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