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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I despise my ipod. I hate the sucker. It's a pain to use. I want a regular mp3 player so very badly. About the only Apple product I really, truly want is a Mac, and that's b/c I hear they last much longer than a regular computer, which I tend to go through pretty quickly. (I have the worst luck, I swear...) But my ipod is a real pain. I keep hoping DH will surprise me with a new player. ;)

  2. It sounds like the nurse was on a power trip. She should've known that unless you're consistently taking folic acid before you get pregnant, by the time you find out you're expecting, the window is usually nearly closed for it to do any good. AFA prenatals, I'm horrible at taking them, too. They made me sick as a dog with my twins' pregnancy. My OB suggested taking 2 Flinstones multivitamins instead, the kid's chewable kind, so that's what I used. :grouphug: I'm sorry you got such horrible treatment.

  3. That's what I was going to say. As it is, there are no Whole Foods in Ft Worth, there's one in Arlington and a ton in Dallas.


    Will I like Trader Joe's better than Whole Foods? I love WF but it's expensive. Is TJ's any less expensive?


    I think TJ's is slightly less expensive, but it's also much smaller. When I lived in a city with both, I would go to TJ's first, to get better deals, and then to WF to get everything else I needed.

  4. I was hoping to do PR simply because I figured it was an easier transition into Latin Road, when my kids got to that age. If you're planning on using LR, then that makes sense. If you're not planning on using LR, or if it truly is too cost prohibitive to you (it is to us), then Rod and Staff has a wonderful phonics and grammar program that would work just fine. It's rigorous and complete. I still hope to transition into PR and LR at some point, because I just think it looks so cool, but for now, we're going with R&S, until I can afford it.

  5. We're using Spencerian. It's not simple to teach, or to learn, and takes a lot of practice, but it is beautiful once mastered. It's not free, either, but the 5 copybooks plus the theory book is only about $21 on Amazon, and that's complete. Once my kids graduate from the 5th copybook, they're writing all of their schoolwork in cursive, and they're copying passages from books. (Right now, it's the Psalms, but soon we're going to move to George Washington's Rules of Civility.)

  6. By "this kind of thing has never happened in our world before" do you mean that when intelligence informed President Bush that Osama Bin Laden was in Tora Bora and bush decided that he didn't want to order the attack, but diverted the troops to Iraq instead -- that led Bin Laden escaping Tora Bora --- did you mean that is not at all similar to Pres. Obama ordering the attack that killed OBL?


    What good has Obama done for our country? PASSED health care bill! :party:


    The Health Care Bill isn't exactly seen as "good" by many, many Americans.


    Should we point out that Clinton had BL handed to him on a silver platter long before 9/11 even happened, and decided he didn't want him? (Even though he had already carried out attacks against America.)


    I still don't understand why politics needs to be played in this situation. Obama did his job. (I am shocked, but that's another topic...) Bush did his job when he was in office. Why can't we just give them both credit for their parts in this and stop the bad mouthing?

  7. I don't think most people even consider WBC a "church," in the traditional meaning. They're one family. Phelps was a lawyer and a con artist who found a way to inflame people in order to ultimately sue them. His kids are lawyers, and he raised them in the same way. He's a crackpot, but a church or a pastor, well... anybody can get an ordination off the internet. ;) And anybody can get a building and plaster "Baptist Church" on the front. It's really that loosely structured.

  8. I can't Look! These snake threads are killing me....whatever it is, I recommend immediate capitol punishment!




    :iagree: I saw a snake dead on the side of the road the other day. Don't know what kind it was, but it was BIG. It totally shot my personal fantasy that Kansas had no snakes, because I hadn't seen them. (I know... complete fantasy, but still.) I dream of moving to Ireland or Hawaii someday....

  9. I think Obama did the right thing. But I also agree he was in the right place, at the right time, and any other President would've done the same thing. I don't see the point in giving him accolades he doesn't really deserve. The intelligence community, the SEALS, and the people on the ground deserve them, without a doubt. All Obama did was give the order, more than likely on the advice of his advisors, as any President would've done. I don't think this victory belongs to any President, it belongs to the intelligence community and the SEALS. They earned this.


    I don't like the picture, either, but I'm equally as unimpressed with the anti-Obama pictures running around my FB wall at the moment. Give credit where credit's due, and I don't see any need for any particular partisan talk on this one.

  10. My dh and I are not comfortable ever not being with our kids for any kind of procedure. As a rule, in our entire family, no one goes alone is a motto.

    I have sent a cordial email ..


    Dear Dr._________

    Thank you for making Jenna's visit stress free.

    On the way out, I was informed that I would not be allowed into the room with Jenna for her procedure.

    My husband and I are not at all comfortable with this.

    We have always been allowed and encouraged to be with our children in both doctor, hospital and dentist visits.

    While I am sure you have excellent reasons for having the policy, the fact of the matter is that we will not leave our daughter alone for medical or dental procedures.

    Please understand it has nothing to do with you or any of the lovely people we met there today. It is purely a parenting decision and I hope you understand.

    We respectfully request that I stay with our daughter during her visit.



    So, if he says no, we will opt to go elsewhere.


    :iagree: I'd give him a chance, but if it's a hard no from the practice, then I'd find another dentist. My kids both had teeth extracted last year, and fillings, and cleanings, and x-rays, and I was allowed back there (with my littles, in fact) for all of them. It would never have occurred to me to leave them alone. DD did have one cleaning at a pediatric practice that was more of an assembly line sort of set up. The kids (maybe 6-10 of them?) were all in one room, all getting their teeth cleaned together, and there was a big window for the parents to watch from. I wasn't thrilled with that situation, but it was out of my hands for the moment, and I could at least monitor. Still, that wouldn't have ever been my first choice.


    Jeannie Fulbright has versions of the notebooks free on her blog (she has them for writers and non writers, so you can take your pick). They're not as pretty as the paid ones at Apologia, but they definitely do the job, and have all of the major pages in them. (I think they're missing crossword games and stuff like that, but they have all of the activity pages.) We use those, along with a wildflower set I got from notebookingpages.com, and any extras I can find on the Elementary Apologia yahoo group. Works for us. :D

  12. When drilling her phonograms, I had to say that if she didn't START to give me the answer in 5 seconds, it was going into the 'missed' pile. Her eyes would be somewhere else in the room, and she'll be talking about various random things.


    What really gets me is - when I'm giving her spelling words - she forgets them! I'm frankly S&T (sick & tired) of having to repeat the word 2, 3 or 4 times before she starts to write it down.


    In the back of my mind, I tell myself, "If she was in public school, she wouldn't be allowed to engage the teacher in any conversation she wanted during the middle of a lesson or to talk while the children are supposed to be working..."



    :grouphug: Try to remember that if she were in PS, she wouldn't have spelling lists and phonogram drills, either. That's a lot for a five year old.

  13. We use Timez Attack and Math Rider for games.


    We use a LOT of songs. We used Subtraction by Twin Sisters (they have others, though. You can download them for about $9 on Amazon), which is by far my kids' favorite, and the Kathy Troxel CDs.


    And then we do timed drills, a lot, especially when they're working on getting their facts down cold. We use the worksheets from Math-drills.com for this.

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