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Posts posted by kchara

  1. We live in Kansas at the moment, but we haven't lived here long, and I don't know about basements in other houses. I know in *ours,* we don't have a basement... BUT our entire ground floor is made of cinder block. Not the best, but it's safer than a regular house, I figure. We've only had 1 warning since I've been here, but we have closet under the stairs, and a laundry/bathroom in the kitchen, and we'll go in there if I do here the sirens going off. (Do they have sirens in Kansas?? Not even really sure..)


    I grew up in Indiana... TONS of tornadoes there, too. Tons of basements, too. I told DH that when we build (someday...), I want a basement with an emergency "area" with things like water, extra clothes/diapers/MREs, a weather radio, flashlights, things like that.

  2. Several people have suggested an unassisted home birth; I'm assuming they did not see this part of your previous post. As a two-time VBAC-with-midwives mom, I'm all for VBACs, but only when the various risks and medical history are considered and sensible just-in-case plans are in place accordingly. I would NOT suggest an unassisted home birth in your situation, especially for financial reasons. A midwife-at-home VBAC isn't likely either (as said, it would be hard to find a midwife), but if you have a birth center in your area it may be worth inquiring there.


    Actually, we recommended an unassisted pregnancy, which is different from an unassisted birth. UP is basically what many are recommending, get supplies and do it yourself, if the OP absolutely can't find a provider. Most people wouldn't ever recommend a UC (unassisted childbirth) for a VBAC. :001_smile:

  3. Fitting 8 people in a minivan isn't going to be roomy, I don't think, no matter what van you have. If you want room, unfortunately, you're going to have to go with a regular van.


    We have a 2001 Town and Country. We took out the captain's chairs and installed a bench in the middle row, that DH found at a junkyard. We all fit (1 rear facing seat, 2 forward facings, 1 high back booster, and 2 not in boosters anymore, plus DH and I up front), but it's tight, and we're looking/hoping/praying fervently for a 12 (or better yet... a 15!) passenger van, so the kids aren't so scrunched for the next 8 years or so.

  4. You should be able to get on medicaid simply because you're pregnant. There shouldn't be a problem.


    If, for some reason you absolutely can't, you could always google unassisted pregnancy. A lot of those forums/articles/boards actually have pretty good ideas on them. I used them most of the time when I was preg with my last, b/c I wasn't able to get care until my 32nd week.

  5. I don't fit in anywhere. DH and I have both left the churches we grew up in, but we're still searching for one that will work for us. I'm actually starting to get a headache tonight b/c I've been looking up dogma and doctrine and catechisms all afternoon. And we're still searching. But... I'm undeniably Christian, rather conservative, although I do hold to the belief that there are salvation issues (namely, the divinity AND humanity of Christ, the belief of Christ as the final sacrifice, and the complete payment for our sins, and the resurrection of Christ), and that everything else is not a salvation issue. That doesn't mean, though, that I can comfortably just go to any church. I don't know, I'm really confused and befuddled at the moment. :001_unsure:

  6. I feel one coming in our family. I have a sneaking suspicion that DH is wanting to return to the church he was raised in. (More or less... they're more of a wedding/funeral type family, but still.) That's just not going to work for me. We're going to have a talk about how we want to approach the kids' religious training b/c of this. If he really, REALLY wanted us to attend as a family, I would but I won't convert, and I wouldn't allow the kids to go through the process until they're at an age where they will understand more the differences between the churches.

  7. I didn't answer the poll, either, because right now we're preventing, but we don't use BC either. Every time we decided to not try, but not prevent, we got pregnant within 3 months. I don't nurse, so after a baby, we do try to space them a bit. If I wanted to, I'm sure I could be pregnant already with #7.

  8. I wouldn't dismiss MUS yet. It's worked miracles with my DD who is ADD, and my DS who is ADHD. They're only in Beta now, but before Alpha, they had none of their math facts down. We do add a LOT of drill in, and a lot of things like drill songs, the skip counting songs, things like that. Music works for them, but you might just have to figure out what is going to work for your DD.


    MUS really isn't one subject all year long, although they do spend a lot longer on a particular subject than most others do. But, you go completely at your child's pace, so what might take one family a year, might only take another a couple of months, and might take a third a semester or even two years. It depends on the child, and how long it takes them to master a concept.


    Alpha covered addition and subtraction, along with skip counting and had a bit of clock work as a supplement (not a whole lot, you'd still need to work on time). Beta so far has double digit addition and regrouping, introducing the decimal system, money up to dollars, and adding money. Today, my kids started on adding columns of numbers (up to hundreds). So, it's not like you're working on just one concept all year. ;)

  9. My mom and her husband are Grammy and Grandpie.


    My dad and his wife are Mammaw and Pappaw.


    My MIL is Grandma Jan (his dad is dead).


    I called my maternal grandmother and great grandmother Grandma, and my paternal grandparents Mammaw and Pappaw. They're all dead except for my maternal grandmother, and she's called Boo-Boo by my kids. It started with a cousin who, ironically, doesn't call her Boo-Boo anymore.


    I'm calling Mammaw and Pappaw when I have grandkids. :D

  10. :grouphug: I wouldn't take it personally. It may be that she's uncomfortable having strangers hold her babies. It might be that the baby has serious stranger anxiety. It could be because she's been burned before by offers of "help," and has found it easier to just deal with her kids herself, rather than ask or accept help. :grouphug: I'm sorry you weren't able to get your baby fix. :(

  11. I said IF she did that.

    I used IF for a reason.


    Bottom line is it doesn't seem she was shunned or treated badly?

    It actually seems she received lots of community support!

    Bottom line is it takes more than great grades to go to college for anyone. Add in a baby to an unwed mother? Yeah, her chances go drastically down.

    That isn't judgement. It's reality.


    As for "someone they wouldn't expect".

    Sex = babies. Last I was aware, sex is not demographic specific.

    Anyone who thinks good grades prevents pregnancy is an idiot.



  12. The thing is, there is a big difference between those two bolded statements. It is one thing to do something that is irresponsible, and another thing entirely to be an irresponsible person.


    Isn't the basis of being an irresponsible person doing irresponsible things? So, if a 17 year old getting pregnant without finishing high school is irresponsible, then she (and her boyfriend, he wouldn't be left out of this) is by nature irresponsible. Can she grow in her responsibility, especially through a pregnancy and rearing or adopting out a child? Of course, and it happens routinely. But it's irresponsible to put yourself in that situation in the first place.

  13. I've posted questions here, on the TOG boards, and on the TOG yahoo groups. All three of them have been invaluable, in their own way. If I have implementation or supplement questions, I'll usually ask here. If I have theory questions or specific week plan questions, I'll usually ask on the TOG boards and the yahoo groups. Many times, Marcia Sommerville will answer. (I know she's answered mine!) Also, any technical questions I have about DE or the website, I ask over there.

  14. LOL Her thread is right above mine! Thanks for the link, though. ;) We use the Simply Charlotte Mason system for all of our memory work, and Scripture is in there (I sort of follow their guidelines), but I also want something that's going to teach them how to study the Scripture, b/c I so don't know. (So, I guess, really, teach us all.) I'm really leaning towards Balancing the Sword, just hoping someone else might have used it and can tell me more. :)

  15. :iagree: They also may have spent a ton of money on clothes, a crib, etc. These things can be donated, I suppose, so not a total loss, but I would be upset about spending hundreds of dollars on an imaginary baby.




    If she's pregnant at 17, but getting good grades, not using drugs, etc. then is she across the board irresponsible? Does one mistake make her an irresponsible person? I know plenty of teenage moms who went to and graduated from college.


    I'm sorry, but getting pregnant at 17 is not responsible. I'm not saying you can't turn it around, and make the best of it, and I'm not saying that she *couldn't*, but the reality is what it is. Most teenage moms don't have time to go to college. It is an irresponsible thing to do, regardless of her grades and any drug use. Can she support said child at 17? Where will the child be when she's in school? Who's going to be looking after it? So, yes, I can completely understand why someone would deem a 17 who gets pregnant as irresponsible. They might gain a better understanding of responsibility through the pregnancy and child rearing, but the act itself was irresponsible. Just my .02 What I was saying though, is that those aren't rumors, those are people's opinions on the situation of a teenage pregnancy. Rumors are a different matter. Nothing she said in the video made me think of gossip, it made me think that people were discussing her, which... wasn't that the point?? So, she's going to have a huge assembly and "bring to light" the very point of her "experiment," which was to get people talking?


    I still think she did it for shock value and attention.

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