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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I did think about mealtimes, but that's just not feasible at the moment. :tongue_smilie: Having their hands and mouths occupied would make it SO much easier! LOL I'm thinking coloring might work. I'm considering buying some of that really cool looking putty stuff that I saw in Timberdoodle, I think. It changed colors as you played with it... anyway, it's supposed to help ADHD kids concentrate, so I thought that might help, too. But, for now, I think I might print off a bunch of Celtic knots and geometric coloring pages for my biggers, and have them do those, and for my little, some pages for whatever character we're reading about.

  2. Oh, there's at LEAST one activity per week with ToG!! Usually a whole bunch to choose from. I can't even recall a week where we didn't have some sort of activity. In our house, our problem is usually picking and choosing. I have a very hands on learner, too.


    Also, ToG has a lapbook for each unit and year available. You might look into that for her. I'm getting one for my LG this year. My UGs don't like the lapbooks so much anymore, they prefer notebooking. But it's perfect for an LG.

  3. What do your children do for read aloud time? As in, physically? I thought they (the olders) might do some independent work, but I'm thinking they would be concentrating more on the assignment rather than the story. I have one ADHD and one ADD, so I really need them to do something, there's just no way they'll sit still and listen to me read. (They are 8 and 9.)


    I also have a 4 year old that will be joining us. I'm thinking coloring for him? Maybe coloring for them all, my olders could definitely use some fine tuning in that department.


    Also, I was thinking about a morning read aloud with things like Winnie the Pooh, Beatrix Potter, ect. (mostly using the AO lists) for time with my 4 yo (and our 2 year olds that would in theory be listening along), and then later in the afternoon, during nap time, having my older two have another read aloud time with something more appropriate for them. Do you think this would be too much?

  4. If I'm alone and smoking in the car (yes... I'm one of those..., never with the kids, but by myself I do) then I do. I don't understand how people smoke in their cars with the windows up. Gets it FAR too smoky.


    If it's a nice day out, I try to have the windows open, but if we're getting on a highway, it's just way too noisy. Unfortunately, our AC is having issues at the moment. Hopefully it'll be fixed before it gets too hot, but last summer, it was windows down or we burn up in the car. :tongue_smilie: Hate that.

  5. Do you mean Notebookingpages.com? They have a Treasury membership. Thats' what I use. We use it for ToG (mine are UG, I have them write their vocabulary words in it, and then write summaries of what they've read) and for science (Apologia, they write their What Do You Remember questions in it). I really love it, and I think it's a great deal!


    HTT I just googled, and it looks really awesome, too. I might have to get some of their CDs.

  6. Based on what several people (who studied Biblical then Classical) told me, we chose to begin with classical because they stated it was a steep climb transitioning from Biblical to Classical. DD began Athenaze at age 11, and it has worked out well. It includes Biblical translation w/in the workbook. My daughter has enjoyed it tremendously, though I don't think she would characterize it as "fun" so much as gratifying.


    How difficult is Athenaze? My DS is picking up on SSG and went through the Code Cracker in a matter of about 2 weeks. :tongue_smilie: I can't keep up with him. I'd rather he learn Classical first, but I can't find anything appropriate. He's 8. Will this be too much? He seems to have a gift for languages. I so don't...so I'll have to be learning right along with him.

  7. I'm no philsopher, but I'll try. :) (I am a Christian, but my beliefs are by no mean mainstream Christianity, so take them FWIW. ;) )


    1. What do you perceive the soul to be? The soul is the essence of who we are. It's what makes us "in God's image." It is intrinsically tied to our physical bodies. Without a body, there can be no life, and without a soul, there can be no life. They are co-dependent. At death, the soul goes into a state of sleep, from which we get the Scriptures that "the dead know nothing." We await Christ's return in the grave, at which time the soul and body will be resurrected.


    2. How did the soul come into being? God gives us our soul at conception.



    3. How do you believe the soul functions? This one is a bit difficult, so I'm going to give it a shot, but not sure I'll make much sense. The soul functions as, well, us. Who we are at both a primal, base level and at a holy level. I don't believe there is a separation of the soul, it is what it simply is.

  8. It does? So... it says in the secondary resources to use SOTW 2 and 3... How does it work Unit 4?


    DH says that he thinks we might be able to swing TOG, but I'm not so sure. If I could count on our library, I might feel better, but I can't. :glare: Irritates me to no end. I like to buy from Bookshelf Central, to support them, but I might have to go with Amazon this year.


    Can anyone tell me if the Prime membership is worth it?

  9. I SO want Phonics Road... but we can't afford it at the moment. We were using Funnix, and that is awesome (same concept and developers as 100 EZ Lessons, but on the computer). If my computer hadn't crashed, we'd still be using it. We're moving on to Rod and Staff though, because, well, I can afford it. ;) We also use Bob Books.

  10. I don't want to. I'm just about in tears to leave TOG right now, I really do love it that much. But... I just don't think we can afford it. :( We still have units to finish from this year, and we priced next year and... yeah. Not thinking we can swing it. I have to buy the primary resources because they just aren't available at our library.


    I'm thinking of just starting over with SOTW, since it doesn't follow exactly precisely along with TOG, b/c I have SOTW 1 already, and I should be able to pick up the activity guide from our other house in a month or so. (Probably just keep on a history break until then.) I'm thinking that maybe in a year or so, we'll be able to pull out TOG again. DD will be D by then, and DS will be about to transition into D, and DS2 will be strong into LG.


    How hard would it be to switch back and forth like that?

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