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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I have two full sets. I have one working through Gamma then Delta through this summer, then another who can stop at Delta if he chooses. (At that point, we'll consider them "caught up," we got a bit behind this year.) Anyway, I got them each a set of blocks, but with DD going all the way to Gamma, I'm not buying a third set for my one doing Primer next year. I think they're starting to transition out of them, we haven't used them in a couple of weeks.

  2. I would be thrilled, supportive, and nervous all at the same time. I would NOT insist on being there, however. If she invites you, that's a wonderful blessing! (I pray I'm invited to my DD's births.) If not, I would never intrude. I've had that done to me. I'm a very private person, and want no one at my births unless they absolutely HAVE to be there. (Which means for me, my husband and any necessary medical personnel, since my one homebirth attempt ended in a transfer.) Now, I don't even tell my family I'm in labor, because I don't want to be intruded upon. Talk to her, make sure she's well educated, but try to remember it's her birth. (I'm not there yet, mine are young, but I'm VERY sure it's much easier said than done. :grouphug:)

  3. We're working through the Ambleside Online lists this summer for read alouds. We have 2 "sessions," more or less, a day. One with everyone (including my littles, we're reading The Wind in the Willows at the moment), and one with just my older two (we're reading Anne of Green Gables). In the evenings, my husband's reading Sherlock Holmes with them, but that's because they're suddenly fascinated by mysteries for some reason. I'm also letting them pick from the same list any of their free reading, or they may read books that they request and I buy (right now, they're wanting Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, and I might add Encyclopedia Brown and Trixie Belden in there, too).

  4. The Brightly Beaming one linked earlier is Christian, but easily adaptable, if you wish. You'd just remove the character building/Bible story section. It's not throughout the whole thing, but thought you might want to be aware when you go and look at it. :)

  5. I use the free notebooks on Jeannie Fulbright's blog. I can't justify paying that much for a notebook, they seem rather expensive to me. The ones on Ms. Fulbright's blog aren't as "pretty" as the ones you buy, from what I've seen, and don't have some things like the crosswords, but they definitely have the basics, and are fine. I do have a subscription to notebookingpages.com, and we downloaded a wildflower notebook (we're doing Botany this year), and we add any extra pages we need with that, to keep with our theme.

  6. We are parent directed, with plenty of time and encouragement to follow their own interests in their free time. I do try to arrange things so that they catch their interest. For example, my DS is fascinated by languages. His favorite subjects are Latin and Greek. Now, the English language (in other words... his grammar studies) he could care less about. We're moving to The Latin Road to incorporate his love of foreign language into his grammar, because I think it will make it more interesting to him. But... he's not going to go without grammar. With science, we're studying Botany, which he has a somewhat interest in, but if it were up to him, we'd do dinosaurs. All day, every day. So, he does his science three times a week, and can use his free time to research and study dinosaurs, build projects, whatever.

  7. Have you checked this out? I've used it and liked it, and it was free:)


    :iagree: I liked that one, too. It's what we used for my oldest two, until we hit MFW K. But, they knew everything in MFW by the time we got there, so we ended up not using it very much. The Brightly Beaming LOTW is really great for PreK or K

  8. Thanks :) We're planning on using Classical Composition for writing, so I've got that covered, and I have the Lit covered with TOG, so I think I'll skip it for right now with PR, until my younger one needs it in a few years.

  9. I'm looking at taking my older kids (8 and nearly 10) through PR at an accelerated rate. My question is, is the Lit study for PR2 necessary for this? I really just want them to understand the phonics/spelling rules completely. We use TOG for Lit, so I'm not sure if I really need it. Is it just sort of an extra to PR2, or is it necessary for the curriculum?

  10. I haven't heard of it... but SCORE!! I downloaded Funnix when it was a free download in January, I think, and we love it!! Bummer the computer I had it on crashed. :( I'm excited to see a Funnix math, I hope it's just as good!!

  11. We used MUS for my struggling students, and they're getting caught up fairly quickly. We started them back in Alpha, and just went from the beginning.


    If I had my way, I'd be using Phonics Road to get them caught up in LA. But, I don't, so we'll be using R&S English. I'm starting them in 3, and we'll work from there. Hopefully, we'll still be able to transition into The Latin Road about on time.

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