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Posts posted by kchara

  1. A gift card to the NEX? That's what I could've used in A School. Desperately. ;) I wouldn't send anything that could be used during Basic. When I went (OK, a long time ago, we won't get into how long...) we weren't allowed to take anything, anyway. When I got out and was heading to A School and beyond, I needed luggage I didn't have, but I got it at the NEX. You could definitely send a nice stationary set when she gets to school.

  2. What particularly bothered you? I thought it was going fairly well.


    Comments like religion being the opiate of the masses, the Second Coming and organized religion being used to control the masses... they have nothing to do with Harold Camping, where he is, or whether or not he was right or wrong. And, frankly, they're insulting. I make a point not to insult the differences I have with other religions, especially on a board such as this one. It's unnecessary and doesn't add to the discussion.

  3. I do that with MOH and SOTW to supplement my TOG. (OK, have alphabet soup going on with that one...:D) Anyway, I ended up buying SOTW 1 and 3 (found them on sale...), and I'm saving for 2 and 4, and all of the MOH volumes, just because I have a SuperReader in our family, and she wants them. But, it's definitely do-able with just the audios.

  4. I'd love to have a cookout for him on Father's Day, but our grill is in Wyoming, with no hope of getting it anytime soon. :glare: Maybe I'll get him a cheapie charcoal grill from Walmart and give him his cookout.


    I'm planning on DD making a cake for him, and... don't know what else. I'd like to get him a nice gift, just not sure what.

  5. Well, I think the JWs were sincere when they did it, but they quit that when they kept being wrong.


    :iagree: The whole situation reminds me of the Millerites, too. William Miller was very, very sincere, even after the day passed. :( The whole thing is just sad. I don't know if Harold Camping truly believes his message, but I wouldn't assume he doesn't. He spent an awful lot of money to warn people.


    I feel so bad for everyone involved. It's easy to make jokes because of the very nature (and I definitely have, I'm not innocent), but I have to wonder how they're feeling right now. Alone, lost, confused, and abandoned by God, I would imagine. They really have my prayers.

  6. I love make-up and teaching girls and women how to take care of their skin and find the best products to accentuate their beauty, but I would never ever sell Mary-Kay. I considered it in college and did a hefty amount of research to see if it was worth the investment and, from what I learned, most of the time new consultants end up going into a tremendous amount of debt keeping up with the necessary inventory. As previous posters have said, it seemed to be different deal before Mary-Kay passed away.


    :iagree: If you're looking for skin care and makeup colors and such, I'd look at BeautiControl. They're owned by Tupperware, who designed the in home party format, and have been doing this a long time. They have the most outstanding training and incentives of any company I've seen or researched. And their products are outstanding. I don't sell for them anymore, but I used to, and someday when the kids are older, I'll probably get back into it. (Don't have time for Spas now.)

  7. Is there a preferred sequence of these books?The only preferred sequence is doing Zoology 1 before Zoology 2 and 3. That's because terms are introduced in Zoology 1 that they'll be studying in 2 and 3, and it will make it easier to understand. Other than that, there is no preferred sequence. Astronomy seems to be the easiest, so most people start with that, and Anatomy seems to be the most difficult (according what I've heard Ms. Fulbright say, I haven't used it yet), so it's recommended for 5-6th grades.



    What grades are these really for?You can start them as young as K, as long as you're looking for exposure. That's what we do here. I don't expect them to start retaining tons at that age, though. (Although I will say, I've been shocked at how much my children have retained.) The upper level is around 6th grade. The projects seem to me to be good for 2nd grade and up.



    Do you use the Notebooking Journal? Is it helpful or a waste of time/money?I use the free Notebooking Journals on Ms. Fulbright's blog. They're less pretty, and slightly less content, but they do work well for us. If those weren't available, I'd probably buy the ones off of the Apologia site. My kids really enjoy notebooking.



    Are the books written to do one per year or one per semester?They're written as one per year, but on the Elementary Apologia Science Yahoo group, they have a few different schedules. For Astronomy, we used a 12 week schedule. For Botany, we're using a 16 week one.



    Hope this helps you out some! We absolutely adore Apologia here!

  8. I totally understand. My biggest thing is I have to have the curr. in hand to really get a feel of what it is like. 2 or 3 pages on line as examples just doesn't cut it for me.


    :iagree: That's my problem, too. Then I buy said curriculum and don't love it as much as I thought I would.

    :grouphug: You're not alone. I'm a horrible curriculum junkie. Getting new books in the mail is like Christmas to me. ;) My oldest is a bit behind (especially in math and grammar, two things I always SWORE they'd never be behind in), too, but she's catching up. I wish I knew then what I knew now, but I didn't, so I try not to beat myself up over it. (I do a bad job at not beating myself up, but I do try.) Now, I just look to today, and maybe tomorrow, and realize that when it comes down to it, they're getting a better education than I did at their age.

  9. I just got my copy of CC (Fables) today. It says to start at 4th grade. I have one going into 5th that I'm definitely going to use it for, and one going into 3rd. My 3rd grader reads very well and is definitely not writing-phobic. Would it be OK to move him into Fables, or do you think that might be too complicated for him? He's 8 1/2, and he keeps up with my 5th grader in most things easily. (My 5th grader is behind in math and I haven't kept up her grammar like I should've. They've both going through R&S English 3 this year before we move onto The Latin Road.)

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