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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I think the NFL has a program that you can pay to watch the games during the season. The MLB does, DH got it, it was like $40 a month, but football season is significantly shorter and much fewer games, so it might be cheaper. And, he'll get access to all the games, not just whatever is on the local stations. DH thinks it's called NFL Live or something like that, but he's not 100% sure. He's much more into baseball.


    ETA: You'd watch them on the computer, and hook the computer up to the TV. ;-)

  2. We use Apologia. We're on our second book, and I've not seen anything that would be considered anti-Catholic in it. Denominations aren't mentioned at all. We really love it! It has tons of projects for my hands on learner, and my reader really enjoys reading it. We notebook with it, too, and the kids just adore it. There would probably be a mutiny if I tried to change!

  3. It's been years since I've been to one, but here's my take:


    The atmosphere is definitely really cool for kids. The food is OK. It's good, but not anything you wouldn't find at any other high end restaurant. It's wickedly overpriced, IMHO. You're definitely paying for atmosphere and the experience. I probably wouldn't go without my kids.

  4. We watch all the lessons on the DVD because my kids would rather hear Mr. Demme explain it than me.


    :iagree: If I think they have it, I allow them to do all of the worksheets in one day, and move on the next day. If they don't, they only complete one worksheet a day until I am satisfied that they get it, and then we move on.

  5. I would say it depends on the practice. I agree with the PP who said there's a lot about healing and the human body we just don't know yet. The only thing I would give a hard no to is any type of practice that is trying to tap into the "divine energy" inside of us. God is the only divine, therefore that would be off limits to me. It's the reason I no longer practice yoga (the Namaste greeting kind of killed that for me). But, I do see a chiropractor, and if I'm blessed to get pregnant again, I'm planning on acupressure and reflexology for some of my pregnancy issues. I'm also hoping to learn about aromatherapy. My stepmom is certified (or something, not entirely sure, she took classes and works on people) with Reiki, and she's a pastor's wife, but I don't know enough about it to know if I would agree or disagree with the practice.

  6. My parents ran around in the nude in front of us (a boy and a girl) routinely. I really think it went over the top. It happened until I was around 12. When my dad married my stepmom (I was 12 at the time, and I lived with them) she finally made him stop and get clothes on. My mom still runs around half dressed or in a towel in front of us. It drives me insane. We promote modesty to our children.


    In our home, the general cut off age is potty training. 4 is the absolute latest they see us nude, BUT... if they walk in, we don't freak out, we just ask them to leave. Privacy and modesty are big deals to me, probably because I wasn't taught either growing up.

  7. did you really just say 4 under 4???!!!!


    no wonder you need to get away. i wonder if he just gets overwhelmed by the whole idea of being responsible for it all.






    Yep, my kids are almost 10, 8, 4, 22 month old twins, and an almost 6 month old. :D I love having a big family, and I love having littles, but... I really do look forward to the day we can hire a sitter again. ;)


    DH is super involved. I'm really, truly blessed to be married to such an amazing father for our kids. But, I do think the thought is rather daunting. Of course, he left me pregnant last summer with 5 kids for 8 weeks while he changed his MOS with the NG, so my patience is wearing thin in that department. ;) I spend all day here with them, I spend many nights and evenings with them when he works late (he works very hard), and I'm not expecting him to be perfect, just keep them fed, keep the house from burning down, and don't let them get so dirty someone calls CPS, you know?


    He does let me sleep in every once in a while and things like that. I just really need to go AWAY for a bit. I'm waiting for the kids to go to bed, then we're going to have a heart to heart. Is this realistically possible (me going to PA)? And if not, I need a back up plan.

  8. Thank you everyone! :grouphug: There's still a chance I might be able to go, but I'm not holding my breath at this point. I'm just seriously bummed. I do think we're going to open an account just for a getaway for me. I'm so tired of never being able to do anything because of lack of funds.


    There's no one to watch the kids at all. I have no IRL friends, and we live far away from any family. Plus, we've got 6 kids, 4 of them 4 and under, so we'd have to hire probably 2 sitters to go anywhere. Super $$.


    I'm still hoping to come, but if I can't, I think I will spend some money and get me a nice room in KC, download a bunch of MP3s, and chill for a long weekend. Near Whole Foods. And pray for Nutella donuts. ;)

  9. I'm thinking about going into Kansas City and doing just that. I live in a tiny town that doesn't have much of anything. :tongue_smilie:


    Oh, that was the other thing. I wanted to go to the KC convention to hear the Sommervilles speak, since we use TOG, but I cancelled that to go to Cincy!! ARGH!!

  10. :crying:


    My DH has been trying to encourage me to do more things on my own, without the kids. But every time, and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I try to, something comes up, and I can't.


    Case in point: He told me I could go to the Cincinnati convention. Didn't work out. He had his National Guard unit put him on duty that weekend.


    That's OK, I can go to Philly. Philly cancelled.


    That's OK, I can go to the RFWP one that's been set up instead. Right? Right????


    I bought the registration. I got the room. I paid for the meal ticket. And he tells me last night there's a good chance we won't be able to afford it (airfare or car) after all. :crying:


    I am so frustrated and upset. I really, REALLY need to get away. Last time I was by myself overnight, my 4th grader was in Kindergarten. And I was really, REALLY looking forward to this. He says there's still a chance, but the general MO here is that we come up to the weekend before and all of the sudden it's a no go.


    It's not really his fault, I'm just frustrated. HE gets to go do all sorts of things. It's mostly with work or the National Guard, but he still gets away! He goes to classes, he goes to schools. THIS is my job, too! I want some job training, too, you know??? ((sigh))

  11. I haven't watched the Duggars for a while (no TV), but if it's not the color coded MOTH chart, I would imagine that she's taken the Managers of Their Chores system (ChorePacks) and modified it into laminated lists. I did that. My kids kept losing their ChorePacks. :glare: Plus, they need a very, very detailed checklist. So, I put on their list everything to do during a certain time (say, from wake up until school starts) and laminated it and put it in their work binders. It works pretty well... till you move and chores change and things like that. :glare: I need to redo them now.

  12. I love love love it!!! My poor DH, he was shopping for a new carpet cleaner on my Amazon acct Thursday night. He didn't realize one click REALLY meant one click. BUT... he got the entire carpet cleaner shipped pretty much overnight (we got it Saturday morning) for $3.99. That was a HUGE savings!!


    I would pay for it, but since I have babies, I use Amazon Mom which is basically the same thing. I have to buy $25 worth of product a month from the Baby Store to keep the next month of Prime benefits. We put diapers on subscription and do it that way.

  13. I used to babysit a little girl who had a diaper rash for 2 years. :glare: (Yeah, her mom wasn't bright, but that's another story.) Anyway, she was forever on antibiotics, too, and I read somewhere at the time that antibiotics can encourage yeast infections in toddlers, which can seem at first like diaper rash. So, I got permission from her mom and bought her probiotics. Cleared it right up, I mean within a few days. Since then, whenever we have to go on antibiotics, I always give my kids a round of probiotics after we're done. We don't take it religiously, though, only after antibiotics.

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