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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I despise well kid visits. I only do them b/c we had one family member threaten to turn us into CPS for homeschooling (she was woefully uninformed, but enjoys staying ignorant), so we keep up with stuff like that just to have a record of yes, we are taking care of our kids. But I hate hate HATE them. We were blessed at our last pedi. He had common sense. And he homeschooled, although all of his are grown now. :D But we moved, and now I'm looking for a new one with no luck.

    :grouphug: Here's hoping you find a good one soon. :grouphug:

  2. I'm in the same situation as bluemongoose, so, yes, we buy all of the books. I buy them a unit at a time, though, so I (or DH...usually DH) don't freak out over the price tag. Next year, for 2 levels, our book purchases will be somewhere around $1350. More or less.


    I check Half Price Books a lot whenever we're in a town that has one. (We don't here, but we travel a lot on the weekends.) I've found quite a few books there. Also, for DD, she's getting a Kindle for her birthday. She'll be going into D in a couple of years (planned on doing a UG/D transition year this year, we'll see...), and I'm hoping to start being able to get more of her books on Kindle to save some money.

  3. :grouphug: I can imagine that would be so hard. Have you thought about looking at retirement communities? In some of them, they have the couple maintain as much as their independence as physically possible, while having medical staff on hand should something happen. In some of the better ones, they have their own apartments, condos, bungalows, whatever. My mom and I can NOT live under the same roof, but DH and I have decided we'll put forth every cent we can in getting her into a nice community.

  4. 1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


    No, although I keep meaning to get one in place.


    2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?


    My husband, then my children, provided they are adults.


    3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


    I'm 32, married with 6 kids between 9 and 5 months, and no chronic illnesses.

  5. The treaty that has been around since 1989 and that every nation except the US and Somalia has ratified? The one that has clearly stripped every parent in every nation except the US and Somalia of their rights to give their child a religious upbringing? (Because certainly, say, Middle Eastern parents, living in countries that ratified the treaty, are forced to raise their kids entirely secularly.)


    Sorry, my hackles get raised by the opposition to this by right-wing American groups. It's such blatant fear-mongering. It's one of the reasons I would NEVER have anything to do with the HSLDA.


    Yep, that would be the one. Apparently, it's not so much fear mongering if it's being implemented in Canada... not allowing parents to practice their religion with their children, as in the case of circumcision. I'm not sure if it's actually being followed through on, but it's on the books, and that's scary. There's a reason people are opposed to it.


    ETA: And I know many left leaning people who are just as opposed, btw. It's a parent's rights issue, not a left/right issue.

  6. I read the judgement online. A 'funny' tidbit that I learned is that in Canada, you have freedom of religion but it does not extend to your kids. So this means if circumcision is outlawed one day, the fact that the parents are Jewish would not be enough to get a religious exemption to circumcise the son. You can do what you want with your religion but cannot pass it on to your kids until they're old enough to choose it on their own. Wow. I didn't know that.




    Isn't that part of the UN treaty that has everyone up in arms? (I think it's Article 14 that pertains to religion, but it's been a while since I actually read it, so I might be wrong.)

  7. :iagree:


    Amen, sister.


    IMO the terrorists have already won because of the irrational fear that now grips the nation. The airplane thing has already been done. They won't do it again with or without the current procedures. Next time will be a train or a shopping mall or a ball stadium.


    Sadly it is politics as usual instead of the well-being of the citizens of the US.


    :iagree: Wholeheartedly. Especially with the bolded part (I bolded, btw).

  8. Oh, good grief, how in the world do you keep having these "experiences?":001_huh: You know, maybe you should just consider driving north for, oh, about 8 hours, and letting my great guy cut and style your hair.:D He owns the best salon in town, he'll think you're FABULOUS for homeschooling, (he grew up in a family of 8;),) and together we could answer all of your questions about Catholicism. While you're here, you could just choose an OB-GYN, whose laid-back style wouldn't raise your blood pressure.:lol:


    :iagree: And, just to add to the pot... I'll take you to PA with me if you do!! ;)


    Seriously, I'm sorry you keep meeting these nutjobs. :grouphug: You will have a heck of a memoir to write someday, though!

  9. We will be starting SSL in about 1st grade, or when writing is legible and easier. After SSL, we'll go into Getting Started with Latin, and eventually go into The Latin Road. After TLR, I'm not so sure. Still researching and deciding, but we've got a ways to go for that, yet. ;)

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