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Posts posted by SnowWhite

  1. This is *exactly* why it should not be a federal issue. It should be a state and local government issue. Except, like I said, I don't oppose banning certain types of weapons and/or ammunition (neither do most of the gun owners that I know).


    I have to agree with Steph about the UK. Since citizens are not allowed to own guns there are a lot more home-invasion style robberies (when people are home) than there are in the US.


    Oh, goody, somebody else posted this first. What's up citing the UK and the Netherlands? I googled that right quick and found stats that show per capita violent crime is HIGHER in the Netherlands than in the US. (but not murders, maybe their criminals are reduced to beating their victims bloody instead of shooting them).


    Oh, and about stopping the aggressor in the OP's crime.... Try pointing a tire iron at someone like this and saying, "step away from the baby with your hands up...." I wonder what success you'd have.

  2. You know, it all boils down to *will you* add the WP activities to Biblioplan?


    I thought of doing that sort of thing using Truthquest for the Christian commentary and viewpoint. I just know myself. It would not happen. We would just read and the kids would be "out" the activities. I tried doing something similar with Galloping The Globe, and we're pretty well stalled out after two topics (out of 20 or so).


    Best of luck in deciding. Your experience with TOG has laid a little "wondering" of mine to rest, at least for several years. I have a feeling I'd have a similar experience to yours. I'm just a person who needs that laid out schedule to give me a handle on the materials.

  3. No, they started out that way, but the new Sunrise editions are completely rewritten. That's why I was shocked to see the Saxon-ish incremental lessons, because I remembered my younger brother's made-over Lifepacs from years ago.

  4. I totally get where you're coming from. I feel this way so often, like there must be something *wrong* with me or my kids that so few people invite us over. However, I am going to turn that around and take Sweetpeach's point of view... I'm a gatherer! I will embrace it and do it well. I am SO laid back about my house, I truly don't care whether people see it in a mess. And I don't mind cleaning up after other people's messes either. I think that's where I'm SO different than the people who "aren't having us over".

  5. When I was in sixth grade, this would have described me to a tee. I recommend that you buy a Truthquest guide for whatever era of history you are wanting to address (maybe not the Age of Revolution guides, though, as they're supposed to be more high school level), buy him a "spine" recommended in the list, and let him check out his own library books on the topics from the booklist and complete the "ThinkWrite" writing projects in that curriculum. I'm drooling just thinking about how much fun this study would have been for me at that age had I been given the opportunity to do it. Maybe I'll buy an Age of Revolution guide for *myself* and do just what I'm describing....:lol: (in all my extra time, of course).

  6. Like others on this thread, I find it contradictory for politicians to be "pro-life" for unborn babies, but in favor of the death penalty.


    However, I can see the difference between favoring a slow exit strategy in Iraq which leaves in its wake a strong, viable infrastructure and government (and thus preserves many more Iraqi lives, as well as American lives which might be at risk if terrorists flourish in Iraq) and being "pro-war".


    I think there's another thread forming in my mind, but I won't start it because I sometimes tend to be a thread-killer. Anyone else want to start a thread about what Iraq would look like if we just *all of a sudden* or *quickly* pulled out to preserve our precious American lives and pocketbooks?

  7. Have any of you switched from Singapore to CLE? I love Singapore math and I think it will a great fit for my ds. My dd just really doesn't like math.




    I have done the opposite... switched from CLE to Singapore. Unless your daughter *needs* daily review of past topics, I wouldn't make her switch to CLE. My ds was very relieved to switch from CLE to Singapore. To him, the CLE lessons were not as interesting and longer. I think it comes down to whether you need a mastery or a spiral/incremental curriculum. My ds does better with a chapter on each topic than a daily lesson which reviews many topics.

  8. It causes a break in the part of your brain that keeps the song going... it's that or get to the end of the song... or sing...


    ~it's a small world after all~


    But in that case the cure is worse than the disease.





    Maybe... it all depends on how much the victim hates math.;)

  9. Rose, *you* may not be unschooling, but according to your May 20 post (oh, and the one this week about Verdi and Japan), Verdi seems to be doing some unschooling all on his own and without your permission. ;) Yup, I'm a lurker on your blog. Sorry if that's bad manners. I just feel weird posting comments most of the time on people's blogs. I'm strange that way.:001_huh:

  10. I don't think it would hurt to do Weaver along with BJU Bible. However if you *don't like* the Weaver, feel free to switch to something else. Is the Weaver requiring a lot of writing? I wouldn't think it does, because one of my friends used Weaver for her oldest when he was a first grader. He's a very intelligent little boy, but like yours (and mine and so many others) he hates writing things down. She was pretty happy with Weaver, so I'm thinking it wouldn't have been so awfully writing heavy.

  11. For the rest: Do you think there is a double-standard as far as what is acceptable behavior for men vs. women? For example, women are more likely to engage in "locker room talk" or openly admire an exquisite example of the human species without suspicion. However if a man were to do the same, we'd be calling for tar and feathers. I admit, I also am more likely to accept this behavior from women, and even enjoy it! Yet from a man it would seem threatening and "wierd". Why is that?


    I think it is because of the power disparity between men and women. Physically, men are stronger. The ancient history of male/female relationships includes a lot of kidnapping and forcing of women. Men are much less vulnerable physically.


    At our house, we're pretty even in our "jealousy" responses. I will cover dh's eyes when the *hubba, hubba* bikini comes on the screen, and he will do the same when Brad Pitt's in the shower or something.

  12. I'm not very "up" on this, but it has to do with Daniel's prophecies. Our church believes the nation of Israel had 3.5 years of tribulation already (in ancient times) and will have 3.5 more right before Armageddon. (something about Messiah being cut off "in the midst of the seventieth week"). But we believe the rapture takes place before the tribulation. Although we don't believe in a huge Left Behind type rapture, but a "sudden secret going away" of a small chosen number. I'm not going to come back to this thread to post more about this, but since you didn't have any answers I thought I'd give you a little something to study about.

  13. Summer, you keep mentioning driver's permits and licenses, but those are 1.5 years away, correct? You son is going to mature *drastically* in 1.5 years. The way you keep talking about them, I get the feeling you left a sentence out of your OP, like "I also told him he will *not* get his license until he is 17 yo" or something like that. *That*, IMO would be too drastic.


    Your little no video games, extra dishes and laundry punishment is not too drastic.


    What concerns me in your son's behavior is not so much the lack of responsibility, which seems to concern you, but in my view, *his direct disobedience*. In fifteen minutes, he failed to do what you asked him to do (play with his brother) and instead got into a video game and tried to go to the next level. I would be tempted to remove the video games until he shows me he knows how to obey your instructions for a certain period (like a month).

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