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Posts posted by SnowWhite

  1. I wouldn't. I considered putting my advanced K'er into first grade at the semester point during his K year. I even went ahead and started him on first grade math (he had finished his K level book). While he is now a very advanced reader and excels at all his lessons, I am thankful I kept him in K. I would prefer he be a nice mature 17.5 before graduating, TYVM.

  2. I have had some of these feelings, specifically with regard to my dh and his stance on more children (I think we *may* eke one more out, but it's a hard issue for him).


    What has helped is to look at all the things dh has given me:


    Two wonderful sons, a roof over our heads in a safe neighborhead, safe transportation, the privilege of staying at home to educate our children (which is not a necessity in his mind).


    Then I think, how is it fair for *me* to get most/all of my wishes and desires, while he foots the bill? And while many of his wishes and desires are foregone? So that has helped me a lot.

  3. I am sure there are many SL books in the TQ list. The TQ list is nearly exhaustive! I love it. It has helped me so much with my WinterPromise program (just a touch of tweaking, and adding the commentary so far). I found that many, if not most of my WP books were listed.

  4. I am trying to decide what I want each family to purchase. The cd or the kit.


    So for 60.00 I can get all 4 cd's worth of materials?


    Be aware, this is ONLY the consumable stuff. You don't get the printed out text with that at all. The printed out text and the CD are part of the WP theme. (IOW, to have it ALL and ALL printed, you'd have to buy the $149 Time Travelers set (includes printed out text) and the $59 student pack.

  5. Thanks a bunch, Kate! I did figure out that HitW includes the Bible and Church history in their package, so that you'd need to compare $39.98 to $75... but then I also found where HitW prohibits resale, so I guess I need to see if I can get them on sale or through WinterPromise's gift certificate bonus program if they do that next Christmas. Thanks for the review... it sounds like HitW is what I will be wanting (down the road... I guess I can wait. ;-D)

  6. Now, I have to stand up and defend the THREE wonderful male nurses from my church. Two of them are homeschool graduates and I think it is an EXCELLENT field for a compassionate Christian young man. If I had a 14yo ds like the OP I would prefer one of these young men to care for him over about 2/3 of the female nurses I have met. However, it is wrong for the agency to go against your wishes and I am sure if your male nurse seemed creepy you should always follow your instinct.

  7. I'm with all of the above posters who said before, during and after. Here's our rundown:


    Morning: make beds, unload dishwasher, put clothes in washer, swish and swipe the bathrooms.


    During AM: do breakfast dishes, sweep kitchen if needed


    At LONG lunch break for this purpose: Pick up and straighten up, finish laundry, do vacuuming, mopping, dusting, Windex as needed.


    After school: Yard work, Re-clean the kitchen (it will be a mess from lunch and snacks), work on supper, then load dishwasher again. Pick up and straighten up again till we all fall in a heap.


    AND it mostly still needs more attention than it gets.

  8. We delayed history. For first grade we did Animals and Their Worlds science and literature theme from WinterPromise. For second we are doing American Story 1 history and literature theme (WinterPromise again). I haven't decided whether to do a one year World History overview for third grade or to continue with American Story 2 next.


    Like the previous poster, I like to stick with what ds can understand. Here's a verbatim quote from him, "It's always the most fun to learn about YOUR home." (I had never talked about this subject, it was all him.)

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