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Posts posted by SnowWhite

  1. I thought from my understanding that it was their Teacher Manuals ( or whatever they call them ) they don't want resold . They can't prevent you from selling any consumables or reading material that isn't what they created themselves .


    You're absolutely right, and they don't try. That is a common misconception. There are even WinterPromise developed items (like the Children of Many Lands text) which *are* allowed and encouraged for resale.


    Julie, I think your post about what would be fair and ethical is great.

  2. I'm into week 3 of AS1 and I've come across a few mistakes already. I'm not sold on WP. The mistakes are easy.. one was spelling "navajo" as "navaho" and that bugged me big time. How can I expect my kids to spell it correctly if their curriculum doesnt. ...


    Actually, Navaho is an accepted alternate spelling to Navajo. (I checked the dictionary).


    Your craft kit will be well worth the wait.


    I agree that consumable materials that haven't been consumed should be resellable (except it bugs me that folks use their handy dandy copy machine and then sell their originals... there are lots of pirates in them thar seas).


    I disagree that the IG resale request is unreasonable. Many, many of these are given away, and those that are not are cheaper than MFW manuals and WAY cheaper than TOG manuals. The issue of dead internet links and OOP books comes up ALL THE TIME on the forums and yahoo group, and I'm sure WP is hearing from those who bought the 2006 IGs (which were released for resale, with the understanding that the customer support did not go along with the outdated manual) even more than those of us on the internet are.


    I bought the AS1 manual LAST fall, thinking my Animals and Their Worlds study could probably use some supplementation by the time I got in to the swing of things and procured my literature second-hand, via paperbackswap, bookmooch and half.com. I was wrong. AW was a-plenty for my advanced first grader for the year. When the new AS1 was released this year I opted to update and buy the new Instructor Guide (which I was able to do for half price). I am so glad that I did. I wouldn't want *anyone* to do me the "favor" of selling me a second hand WP manual and I won't do anyone that kind of favor, either. Once they're out of date, it's time to buy a new one.


    I am 100% on board with the idea that WP needs to put their IG on a computer disk and sell it as a "program" with a user license. It could even be "customizable" then, with blank grids for users to add in their own math program or such like.

  3. If you don't put pressure on yourself to finish in 36 weeks, and if you can afford it, I think doing Animals and Their Worlds for your "science" would be an Okay thing to do. I know Heather/Siloam has done AW as her science while she was doing TOG and before that American Story 1, so it can be done. Just go easy on yourself, as it *will* be incredibly full. As far as the SL goes, you can always resell it for nearly the same price you paid at any point you decide you need to.

  4. And my kids are CERTAIN that Santa brings them presents.


    Beans? China? I don't understand why the fact that your children believe a lie you tell them has anything to do with true faith in the true and living God.


    All Muslims are certain of it too... but it's a different god and a different "better place" that you can't go to because you aren't Muslim.

    Why should I care whether Muslims believe I can go to their idea of paradise?


    In fact, that fictional but all too real child I described? If she's Muslim then she's not in a better place but she's burning in a horrible place right now. Isn't that right?

    Wrong. I don't believe children ever go to any burning horrible place. As a matter of fact, I don't believe anyone goes "straight" to any burning horrible place (it's an after the white throne judgement punishment), but that's nitpicking Christian theology so I won't meander that far OT. The executed criminal? Oh, he'll wind up there eventually if he doesn't accept salvation through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. One more reason I'm AGAINST capital punishment.


    I'm not going to engage in your "Christians are so mean because they believe people who are of other religions wind up in hades" debate. It looks like a smoke screen to me and it's completely off topic. I will say I don't believe very many Jews are outside of God's covenant, though they presently don't understand what Christ has done for them. There is also a passage in the Bible that talks about those who are in ignorance: Romans 2: 11-16 if you're at all curious.


    I don't understand why you're so dead set on trying to make the point hammered by the Hollywood bunch all day on all the channels here on a homeschooling forum. If we wanted to hear about how ignorant and ill-advised Christianity was we'd turn off the forums and go watch the tube.


    Why don't you start your own thread called "Phred uses his magnificent genius to poke holes in Christian logic"? Then the rest of us could discuss the various issues that arise without the inevitable "dumb Christian" pokes.

  5. You can use any phonics program you want to with WP, but I have heard rave reviews on their phonics. I am really on the fence about whether to leave something I know works really well to do WP's, but I think I may do it... realizing I can always backtrack and do the other program cheaply if I decide to. WP relies strongly on Explode the Code, which is a very reputable phonics workbook series.


    My vote is in favor of Animals and Their Worlds, or even I'm Ready to Learn. We had a great year with WP for first grade and we're loving the first week of second grade so far. (Plus my K4 student is VERY happy with IRTL).

  6. My laundry room is clean!!! <jumping up and down>. I have only ONE load of laundry to do in the morning and MOUNT WASHMORE is conquered! My ironing is even done and all my laundry put away. I even washed the afghan and sleeping bag.


    My dh has been inspired by me, so he Flung our old beat up love seat in the family room and rearranged our family room and music room to be so much more inviting. Our downstairs is like a new continent, LOL.


    Thanks for the blog posts. They are so helpful. I had forgotten where the 5-minute room rescue came in. I need to re-tool my old control journal methinks.

  7. You really really DON'T want to do Both AW and HIH. Since you want to do HIH first, do WAM first. Then you can stretch AW out with AS1 and AS2. AW is really really too full to do another full theme alongside it. I did *only* AW with my first grader, no history at all. The reason for saving WAM to go with AS1 was that AW is too full to go with AS1.


    Here's a possible sequence:



    HIH and WAM



    AS1 and half of AW



    AS2 and half of AW



    Children Around the World

    Rock Around the Earth or Shoot & Sprout/Buzz & Bite



    Sea and Sky


    I would do the Quest 4-6 series before repeating American History.


    I will say that I purposely waited till ds was in second grade before beginning AS1. I really didn't want to "waste" a year working with wonderful material he would enjoy and understand more a year later. Your family might have different levels of understanding, though.


    I really wish that I had used I'm Ready to Learn with my older the year before we did AW. He is still enjoying the themes of Farm, Zoo, Pond and Garden along with his almost 4yo brother. As it is now, I have to fit IRTL in between our other themes and can't do it justice.

  8. This looks very similar to my sequence, except you're starting a lot earlier and using HIH (which wasn't available to me for first grade).


    I would save WAM to go with AS1 (that's what I'm doing this year for grade 2). HIH includes a science workbook, or you could fit in some Apologia or God's Design if you want here.


    We will also be doing Sea and Sky for fourth grade (I think), bringing along younger ds with the Younger Learner Guide. I would never, never add Apologia to that. I believe S&S to be a full science and full history program in one theme.


    You can always use Apologia/God's Design along with Quest for the Ancient World and American Crossings when you get that far. Don't use the Time Travellers CD with AS1 or AS2. It is integrated into AC1/AC2 (it's the spine, even). It's designed for later elementary.

  9. Before you decide, look at Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts for His Glory and WinterPromise American Story 1. They are both completely scheduled out for you and are more fun than the options you listed, IMO. (SOTW is probably as much fun, but not as self-explanatory). For WP you would have to order a math and science program though. You didn't mention whether fun is one of your requirements, but it makes our homeschool joyful so I like to suggest it.

  10. Thanks Peek. I had totally missed the disparagement of pregnant career mothers.


    My single mother best girlfriend worked until the day before her induction and went back to work the day her son turned 6 weeks old.


    I personally worked until the week prior to my due date.


    Isn't the governor of Alaska pregnant? Methinks Phred lives in the dark ages with regard to women's ability to keep a career on track while pregnant.


    If the business world villifies pregnant career women to the point they need to go to confidential housing for 9 months, fix the business world instead of offing the baby.

  11. We did WinterPromise Animals and Their Worlds (combined PreK-1 and 2nd and up package) for our first grade content area. One caveat... the program is a "full theme", so it covers art, crafts, Bible, poetry and literature as well as science. We LOVED it. There were more crafts than experiments though.

  12. There is no god. No bigger picture. There's just a dead kid. Every time this happens, and it happens far too often, you should be furious with the god you believe in. Instead you praise it. You pretend the kid is in a better place. If you think that prayers work, then you believe that your deity can interfere in the here and now. So why not save a child or two or three or all of them? And finally... why in the world does it bother you more when a woman has an abortion than when a child is killed?


    You're a very confused and angry man, Phred, if you believe this twisted statement.


    Those of us who believe in God the way you describe do not PRETEND the child is in a better place. We are CERTAIN of it in a way that only faith can comprehend. We are CERTAIN that the reality we live in every day is less than a shadow of the reality of Eternity and the life of God and heaven. For God to interfere in the here and now it must serve an eternal purpose. Humanity's free will serves an eternal purpose. And yes, we do praise our all-knowing and soul-comforting God.


    Where in the world did you get the idea that we would be *more* bothered by a woman aborting her child than a man killing a child for thrills? What bothers us *more* is that society is SANCTIONING the abortion.

  13. hmmm, I'm pro gun ownership because I believe a citizenship without the ability to fight for themselves risks dictatorship and because I beleive every citizen has the right to defend themselves and because I don't believe keeping guns out of law abiding hands keeps it out of criminal hands. But I do not own a gun.


    I'm against the death penalty because I do not believe we have a system in place to guarantee a fair and just disbursement of such a sentence on what I feel would be the VERY RARE occassion where it should qualify. But I live in a state that uses the death penalty.


    To compare applying the death penalty for a person who of their own choosing and enjoyment chose to be a vicious serial murderer (for example) with the murder of a baby for convience is comparing apples and broccolli. And yes, I believe an embryo is a baby and abortion is wrong.


    I'm fine if the death penalty is abolished, but prison is not for rehabiliation - it's for punishment.


    ITA, Martha, and I wonder what our poll would look like if we had four choices.... pro capital punishment/anti abortion, pro capital punishment/pro choice, anti capital punishment/anti abortion, pro capital punishment/pro choice.


    I find it EVEN MORE ironic that people who think it's fine to end the existence of an unborn child apparently think it's AWFUL to execute a legally convicted criminal who is guilty of unspeakable acts. (While I oppose both abortion and capital punishment, I won't pretend my stomach turns more sour at the thought of a human monster's demise than at the removing of a child from the womb).

  14. Aubrey, how much EPO are you taking?


    I took it with ds1 and my birth was SUPER FAST. I was induced, though, so it sure didn't kick start labor. Wish it would have.


    With ds2, I read alarmist stuff about it causing PROM (premature rupture of membranes) so I quit taking it. (Would have rather had my water break *before* I went to the hospital. I let them "augment" my labor, so it might as well have been an induction).


    I'm thinkin' if I get knocked up again I will take the stuff in the last trimester, but I'm not sure on dose and don't think I have access to a MW with herbal knowledge. (Planning to use a MW this time, but not sure about the local one's herbal skills).

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