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Everything posted by jen3kids

  1. Honestly, I have the hardest time doing that! My dd thinks I'm nuts - she does it all the time and thinks I'm weird for wearing undies with either my spandex or running shorts. But you're right, too many layers leads to lots of 'tugs to rearrange wandering fabric'!
  2. Thanks. A good workout feels so amazing! The technique is something that just clicked with me after 3-4 tries, but I can only do it one way! I've tried using 'the other foot', but I can't figure it out - weird! Really, just go for it - give it a try. I delayed my workout today because I thought my class at the local nature centre would be cancelled due to the weather, but it was not, so I had to miss my workout; I should have gone to the 7am class! Lesson learned. I've never used TRX straps - I feel like I'd get tangled up! I love having muscle definition - it was one of my goals when I signed up at my gym. I hope you can figure out your digestive issues; my dd is dealing with them and they are a mystery! So many variables. Mornings are the only time I work out; otherwise, my butt becomes glued to the couch. So frustrating.
  3. A much better workout yesterday and today. I felt better and I performed better. I got to do my favourite activity today - rope climbs! It is one of the few (very few) exercises I can do well at the gym. Our rope is only 10ft tall, but I love it. I actually wish it was taller so I could see how high I could get up (and get back down) safely. I've been eating well this past week; getting in most of the protein and healthy fats I'm supposed to and just a couple of slip ups - bread and cookies are my weakness that are in the house right now!
  4. I can't get into mine from Safari. I've been trying for the last couple of hours. I just figured their site was down. Off to check with another browser....
  5. I was away at a tournament in FL over the weekend and it was stinking hot - 80F during our first game at 8:30 Saturday morning. I am not looking forward to that heat getting here in a few weeks :( I missed Monday's workout since my plane didn't land until 1am and I was beat. Tuesday's workout was good, and today's was good as well, until we got to the Bench Press PR. January's PR was 90lbs and I barely got 88 today - so disappointing, but that's the result of not eating very well and missing a bunch of workout days. Things to work on - more commitment, better focus, better eating, working harder. I have a volunteer session at the local Nature Centre tomorrow morning, but hopefully I'll get to the gym before or after that - the timing is always a bit tricky.
  6. Fo my shoulder warm ups I use the resistance band (blue or green) and do abduction and adduction x15 on both arms. I use a PVC pipe to go from stomach, overhead to back x15, and then 'around the worlds' in both directions x10. When I started, I couldn't do the front to back with the PVC pipe without bending my elbow, but I can now. I have a lot more mobility in the 'around the worlds' as well. Regarding soreness, I'm the most sore the second day after exercising, but I've found (totally by accident) that a completely different activity really helps to get rid of the soreness; when I first started CrossFit I was still playing ice hockey and I had practice one evening. I was incredibly sore - my hamstrings and glutes were so tight that I could barely get my skates on and laced. I was a bit stiff on the ice at the beginning, but at the end, I had no problem getting my skates off and the next day I was hardly sore at all!
  7. My shoulder press was minimal when I started CrossFit in Nov. 2016. I could barely do the 15 lb bar because it hurt so much. My CF Coach is also MAT- trained and he worked on shoulder a lot in the beginning, although I need to warm it up really well every day. The Overhead Squat is whole different movement though, so he's got me doing some specific stuff to work on that - it is never ending; I fix one weakness and another shows up :) And you're exactly right - slow and steady is the best way to go.
  8. Excellent CrossFit workouts yesterday and today, but it was a lot of shoulders and I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow and on the weekend. I am completely inept at most of the powerlifting moves, but the absolute worse is the overhead squat. I do not have enough mobility in my shoulders to keep my arms above my head when I squat - it is infuriating. Baby steps though, and I'll get it eventually. We're also doing Personal Bests this week and I've improved in the 3 areas I tested so far this week. The last time we tested was in early January, and we'll test again in July Deadlift - 185lbs I was a bit disappointed in this one because I've been working on my deadlift but my form was off today and my coach wouldn't let me go higher. I agree with him, so no worries. I'll work on the form with lighter weights over the next few weeks and continue to get stronger. Shoulder Press - 71.5lbs (a one pound increase - happy with that because I have shoulder issues) Push Press - 90lbs Two days in a row tracking my food on MyFitnessPal - yay me!
  9. I missed the first 3 days of April due to travel - there was a small gym in the hotel, but I don't have that much motivation to work out on my own; I really need the accountability of my coach. Despite being tired due to staying up late, I went to my CrossFit class today. I actually fell asleep on the couch after dropping by youngest at the bus, but woke up in time to get to class, although I really didn't want to go. And now, I'm exhausted again - lots of shoulder work today. I was tracking my food using MyFitnessPal for a long time, but I got out of the habit and so I decided the new month would be a good time to start. I definitely feel better if I get the right amount of protein and fat each day.
  10. This is great. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
  11. I showed her the page and her only comment was, "Well, she still can't eat everything." :( She has had a rough couple of days after introducing some new foods last week and I know it's hard for her to see the positive when she's feeling so poorly, so I just gave her a hug. When she's feeling better, I'm hoping she'll be more excited. Hugs to your dd and I hope she is feeling better!
  12. Oh my gosh! I have only read the "My Story", and haven't actually started Chapter 1 yet. It describes my daughter's journey (hell?) nearly perfectly, same parasite and same foods she feels best eating; I cannot wait to show it to her. I think I have found my reading material for our upcoming snow day! Thank you so much. I really hope this book helps her! Jen
  13. It definitely took me awhile to get into it and to keep everyone straight, but I'm glad I stuck with it.
  14. I loved it. I'd like to watch the movie too. I read Bear Town and it was hard to read due to the topic, but I still enjoyed it. The others are on my list...
  15. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your insights and suggestions. Dd and I talked last night and she is going to track her food and add one new food every 4-5 day to increase the variety in her diet. She ate pork last night for the first time in quite a while, so that will be her new food for now. She and are I both 99% sure that it's fine for her, but she wants to take it slowly and I don't blame her. I'm hoping she will add blueberries in next week. Her IM dr also sent us a 'smoothieolgy' chart to make is easier to change up her smoothies. She tolerates drinking the one now, but certainly doesn't love it.
  16. Interestingly, she thinks fatty meats, like chicken thighs, are disgusting - too 'slimy', although I trim them well. But that's just her fussiness coming through. She will eat them if cut up in something like my coconut chicken recipe. She loves coconut milk, but most commercial brands have thickening agents in them that bother her. The canned coconut milk from Trader Joe's is fine though, albeit very rich. She has researched herbs and seasonings and does change them up a bit when cooking her fish and chicken. Nightshades are currently a no for her, so no potatoes (but she loves them!) I forgot to mention in my OP that she cannot have nightshades, so both potatoes and tomatoes are currently not allowed :( I'm actually trying to keep her away from carbs, even the GF ones. In the past she would eat all carbs, all the time, if given the option - white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc. And, the GF options are not particularly healthy (for her at least). She has difficulty moderating her intake of those if they're available. I'll look into it. Thank you! She will eat quinoa, but hasn't tried the others She hates cooked carrots, even ones that are slightly steamed. So fussy! Yes, probably the healthiest she's eaten in ages. But I'm worried about her developing sensitivities to these foods from eating them so often. Thank you. That's the kind of rotation I'd like to see her do, but I'm stuck on breakfast and lunches? Dinners are pretty easy, but what for the rest of the day? I guess she could continue with what she's doing - smoothie and tea for breakfast, mid morning chicken and veggies, mid afternoon chicken and veggies again. Stick another smoothie or maca latte in there.... Low dose naltrexone looks interesting. I'll mention it to her dr.
  17. My dd with the GI issues and who had to come home from university earlier this year is doing much better, but she is eating the same foods pretty much everyday and I'm concerned she'll develop sensitivities to them. I've looked up some rotational diets online, but dd's 'safe foods' are so limited that we're having trouble figuring out a meal plan. I want her involved because she's 18.5 and needs to take control of this. She prepares her own foods everyday and is taking all her meds and supplements, so that is a big step forward. Currently she eats... green smoothie - the only way she can eat greens (she hates them cooked or as a salad) chicken salmon white fish - cod, haddock raw carrots and cukes steamed green beans eggs almond milk coconut oil maca lattes peppermint tea hot lemon water She must be dairy, gluten and sugar free. She's grain-free too, but I don't know that she has to be - she kind of OD'd on rice and GF oatmeal and breads while at university and she's reluctant to add those back in. She cannot add a whole bunch of new foods at one time, but all meats seem to be safe for her, so it is easier to change out her protein each day than the veggies. Ideally, she should add one new food every 4 days, but where to start? Any insights are appreciated. Thanks, Jen
  18. Have you seen Victoria and Abdul?
  19. I had a little boy in my class one time that used plain barrettes or a small pony tail on the top/side to keep it out of his eyes. There's also the 'pro-soccer' style of using a narrow piece of what looks like leather as a headband.
  20. La Sagrada Familia and Park Guell both look amazing. A trip to the beach is a definite yes as well. Thank you.
  21. I'll be going to Terrassa, Spain in late July/early August and we are looking for some day trip ideas. I know that Barcelona is close and we are flying into and out of there. There may be one day off from our tournament, so a single overnight trip might be possible, but mostly I'm looking for day trips. Basically, - can't be missed in Barcelona and what else is there to do in that area - beaches, hikes, ruins, castles...... We'll be there for 2 weeks. Thank you. Jen
  22. Thank you for the additional resources. They are on my to-do list for tomorrow, as well as more research into fasting. Does your son drink kombucha? Dd tried it and liked it. The research seems positive, but it appears that some people do well with it and others, not so much. Thank you. Exactly, one semester is no big deal and we now have time to do some more research and try various treatments. She has already looked into next year's accommodations! They have a residence that is normally for 3rd year + students, but students with medical needs can get in as well. They have suite-style residences with 1 and 2 bedroom units. She is going to request a single because then she'd have her own bathroom. She actually really liked her roommate, but for all the reasons you listed, it became too much for her.
  23. She was so sad at my mom and dad's and couldn't wait to get home. She was singing in the kitchen last night while making dinner and now she's playing the piano. I know it was the right decision for her. As she explained to her older brother, "It was just too much for me to deal with on my own. I need to be here right now, but I'm going back in the fall." :wub:
  24. So, after meeting with dd's academic advisor, it was decided that dd would withdraw from university this semester. She is home now and we have a plan going forward. Hopefully she will be healthy enough to go back in the fall. Interestingly, her advisor has been going through something similar for the past 4 years. She had an H. pylori infection that resulted in many of the same problems dd is going through. Thank you all for your support and advice. We are continuing to explore various treatment options - so many to look into.... Jen
  25. I'm heading up to see dd tomorrow. She is at my parent's house, about 90 minutes from university. She called me Saturday morning crying that she couldn't do it anymore and she needed to go to their house to wait for me. She was sick once again that morning, although not as bad as the previous times, but she couldn't track it to anything so she felt overwhelmed and defeated. She emailed her professors to let her know she wouldn't be in class all week and made an appt for us to see her advisor on Thursday to discuss her options. All of her professors have been really supportive and she is keeping up with the online assignments and readings. My hope is that I can set up some supports for her so she can get through the semester. I plan to go up every other week or so to spend 4-5 days with her. We can stay at my parents' house and I can drive her up to class each day if she wants. She may be able to drop another class too. I will also set her up with a counselor and personal trainer. But, we're also prepared to bring her home if she feels she cannot handle it even with the supports in place. That will probably require a medical note, but we can get that pretty easily from her dr here. Wish us luck!
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