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serendipitous journey

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Status Replies posted by serendipitous journey

  1. Prayer Request:  I am trying to find a school for my oldest to take his FIRST AP test.   If you happen to read this, could you pray that God is able to open up some doors for us as I call around?  

  2. Year-round schooling is really great....until you have to actually school year-round!

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      I think it's best when everybody else is going BACK to school and there's no hit for year-rounders to take.  Because we've already taken it!  and end-of-trad-school is totally the worst time!  Are you full-steam year-round?  We're ending up taking it light for a bit for my mental health, which absolutely demands a cleaner house, better organized & planned homeschool, and some exercise & play. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug. Today is definitely KERSPLAT around here! Whee!

  4. As of Monday, I'll be homeschooling again! It's only two classes, but I'll take it!

  5. Kiddo has his very first math student today! Teaching Calc 2. I am so enjoying listening to him share his love of math.

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      this is a Happy Thing! I sometimes get over excited about math too ... :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. DD9: "Why is Oliver Twist considered an adult book now? Will Harry Potter one day be considered an adult book?" Sigh.

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      was it originally a children's book? for some reason I'd thought it was a social commentary/activist book for grownups ...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. What is worse than a leaking roof? A leaking roof that you just paid $8000 to repair. So it wouldn't leak.

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      so sorry about your leak! 8K is a lot to spend on a roof that still leaks!!!! am very very glad it seems to be getting fixed.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. First day of week-long camp. My children are even stranger than the other homeschooled children!!! am only a little discouraged.

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      Rose, thanks! MASHomeschooler, that's a great article. quote from it to share with all y'all: "And what do I mean by “annoying� I mean what people mean when they say that homeschooled kids are annoying. I mean kids who ask too many questions and know too much information and like certain stuff and refuse to like other things and don’t care what other people think about their silly hobbies ...."

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. The Hobbit opens tonight, with my beautiful girl featured as the Elf Queen. Yes, I know there was no Elf Queen in the book. Or the movies. But in the play, there is an Elf Queen, and she's it! Break a leg, honey.

  10. Ds was hit by a red light runner this am--car totaled, ds shaken up. TG he's okay, though!

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      I'm so sorry this happened, and very thankful he is okay. Hugs to you.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. I just want one blessed night where I wake up to pee and fall right back asleep.

    1. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      okay, not that you asked, but 500 mg l-tryptophan (can get @ amazon) has solved this for me. maybe worth a try?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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