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Everything posted by AnneJ

  1. Here is a web page with lots and lots of variations. It took awhile for it to load tonight but hopefully when you look at it it will be faster. Amish Friendship Bread variations
  2. We have a Baby Jogger brand and really like it. I run pushing a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old.
  3. What are the best areas to go to? We want to go during the fall colors next year and so we need to start thinking about where we want to stay. Most likely we will stay in a vacation home but I'm not really sure what areas we should be concentrating in (ugh, bad sentence structure--sorry).
  4. We always have either cinnamon rolls or caramel rolls. I make several at once and freeze them (usually about 6 weeks worth) so that on Saturday night I just have to take a package out of the freezer. It makes Sunday mornings a little more special and it is stress-free.
  5. I really want to get back into sewing more and am looking for some ideas for things to make. Do you have a favorite sewing blog? I don't want to just go to the fabric store and wander around so I'd like a little inspiration. Thanks!!
  6. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday WTMindy, happy birthday to you!!! Hope you have a blessed birthday. :party::party::party:
  7. If he doesn't get cleaned out, they'll have to redo the test. As far as it being late in the day, we frequently start colonoscopy prep late in the evening for a morning scope. Granted, the patients don't really get any sleep and are up most of the night on the bedpan or commode, but ICU patients rarely get a good night's sleep anyway. :( We'd start them earlier but we usually do scopes for GI bleeds and illness doesn't just happen 9 to 5.
  8. I'm guessing it is Go-Lytely (funny name, eh?) that he is drinking. Sometimes it helps to pour it over ice. We also will sometimes put in sugar-free lemonade powder to help with the taste. (I'm an RN) Good luck!
  9. I couldn't for the life of me remember where I had gotten them from. I didn't even think to look at MP's website. Thanks!!
  10. I downloaded some worksheets that someone by the name of Jennifer J made as additional exercises. There is a worksheet for every 2 lessons. However, it appears I haven't saved it to my computer. I am missing 1 sheet. Any ideas where I got this? I think someone on the old boards posted the link to it once but I could be mistaken. TIA. Anne
  11. Everytime I see your avatar I think of an angel--the background makes you look like you have angel wings. :)
  12. Can you give us an idea which part of MN would not be too far for you? I'm not sure where you are from so not sure what would be closer. You'll have better luck in the central and northern parts of the state.
  13. Ours is up now too. Weekly Report
  14. I just came in from shoveling. And it is still snowing. They cancelled school here today but the roads really aren't that bad--just lots of really wet snow. Thankfully I have a very nice neighbor who came over with his snowblower and did my sidewalk and the end of the driveway (I had already shoveled the part closer to the house). I love nice neighbors!!!
  15. I work part time nights so I'd get to sleep during the day after a night shift. I'd also be more caught up on housekeeping. I'd go to Tuesday morning Bible study. I'd read a lot more books and go for runs during the day. Lest you think I'm complaining, I wouldn't trade having my kids home for anything (well, most days anyway :-))
  16. Can you bump out one of the windows and put in a window seat? My kids love them--it's a great place to curl up with a book or watch the activity outside.
  17. Edith Grossman's new translation. I haven't read any of the other translations but I am enjoying this one.
  18. (recipezaar, allrecipes, food network), I've found 101 cookbooks to have some good, healthy recipes.
  19. I've recently tried quinoa and hadn't thought about using that. The other ideas sound good too since I'll be making more than one meal. Thanks again!! Anne:thumbup:
  20. I am so glad that your financial situation is looking up and that your prayers have been answered. Have you seen Ricki Lake's movie "The Business of Being Born"? It is all about home births. It was quite amazing and I really enjoyed watching it.
  21. A friend of mine is having a lupus flare-up and she is on a very restricted diet. I was wondering if any of you have any meal ideas that I could make for her. These are her restrictions: No dairy -No refined sugars -No gluten/wheat -No tomatoes or tomato products -No paprika or pepper -No yellow corn - purple is fine -No red meat Any suggestions you can offer would be very helpful. Thanks Anne
  22. and then put them in smoothies. Zest them too while you're at it. You can also freeze the zest and use that for other recipes.
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