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Everything posted by meggie

  1. I'm glad they let Jake A run the boat for a little bit. I thought it was cute when he closed the window on Edgar's whining about it. But I wish they had been kinder to him, not such jerks. When Jake H got to run it, yeah he made mistakes, but they seemed to just laugh about it, not be so cruel
  2. oh, I don't doubt that's what they really do. What I doubt is that discovery doesn't meddle. For example, on the season premier on the Northwestern when Jake is making food, and the rope on one of the cranes gets stuck and "shuts down operation for a little while". Well, Edgar and Nick climb up to fix it and the camera guy follows. The camera is focused on it, the camera moves to shoot somewhere else, Edgar yells, "it's fixed!" and the camera moves back. All one shot, no cuts. Now it's possible that it was a new cameraman or the boat pitched or something to make the camera look away. But that kind of thing happens A LOT. The realistic side of me is telling me that Discovery does set up a lot stuff to create drama bc reality TV is anything but reality, but the fan side of me wants to ignore it and pretend like it never happens. He might be kinda stinky when he gets home from his Dirty Jobs jobs;) It will be interesting to see, but so far they seem to have gotten along fine. I don't know what was up with the blow up between the captain and Steve though! That was crazy, worse than the fight between Jonathan and Keith last year. I wonder if they've worked together in the past or something and didn't like each other then. Because it just seemed so random and all of a sudden (and very not scripted). I know on the IMDB boards most people hate him, but I am usually more apathetic towards him. Bill on the Kodiak bugs me more. Last year I was constantly screaming at him, "Get a better crew!!! One who actually listens to you! Stop accepting disobedience!" But Keith did bug me this year when he had his first fit of the season and was screaming at his brother and Lenny. They did actually have a point about safety and it seemed like he just wanted blind obedience without caring about the safety of Paul. Oh my gosh, I don't know if it's completely resolved yet or not, I'm assuming yes, since they did actually go out and film. But last year when it was going on, I was so mad at Jonathan and Andy and Sig. I was like, "How stupid do you have to be to bite the hand that feeds you?" They all make so much money off of this show, they'd be stupid to throw it away. I'm thinking this year on After the Catch it will all be brushed under the rug. Though to be honest, I haven't like Jonathan and Andy since they fired Russell, imo that was just handled very poorly.
  3. Soooooo...I'm sitting here watching the episode from last week before the new one comes on. Anyone else love this show? Thoughts on the new season. Thoughts: Edgar is and always has been my favorite. We named our crab in the salt water tank "Edgar" after him. At the beginning of the season, I was very worried when they were pretending he wasn't going to be on again. Ha! Tricked us. Then I was sad that he was back, because I really want him to enjoy time with his family; so few of these fishermen stay married. I want him to have a good relationship with his family. I like the new boats they have on, the Ramblin Rose and the Seabrooke. I did not like the new boat last season, the Kodiak, so I am happy. We don't need to go into all the scenes that are probably fake. We'll just pretend that this show really is reality. Ignorance is bliss. :lurk5:
  4. yes, my fie year old loves them. i'm worried about him picking up on some of calvin's rudeness (especially at the dinner table and making up stories) but it hasn't been too bad. now, my 1 year old? i won't ever let him read it, he's already a miniature calvin in training, i don't think he needs to get any new ideas:lol:
  5. We have the wired version of this and we love it. I feel no guilt buying curricula in the PDF format and printing it right off.
  6. I think a laser printer is the best way to go. But that's just me, I've been having fun printing off lots of curricula without even worrying about the expense. We've gone through almost 800 pages without any decrease in quality.
  7. How long is schoolwork with DS taking? And how much are you trying to get done in a day? Has DS always been homeschooled or are you guys relatively new to this? ETA: Could you maybe have DS kneel in front of the couch to write? Then have DD on the other side of you? My son likes to do his work there, it's not for very long, but then he'd be closer for you to keep an eye on.
  8. We just bought a 2005 Pontiac Montana. It seats 8, but in order to do so, the middle row had three captain seats squished in together. There was absolutely no access to the back row without folding down or climbing over seats. This isn't a problem for us, since we only have 3 kids, so we just took out the middle seat in the middle row and usually leave one seat in the middle folded down for more access to the back. I'm not sure if constantly folding down a seat is something you'd be willing to put up with. But it is very roomy and there's a good amount of cargo space in the back. We haven't been able to figure out gas mileage yet, because my mom took it a few times to fill up and forgot to write down the numbers. We are pretty sure it's doing better than our old Xterra, which got about 15mpg.
  9. I've always thought it was more because he chose to be evil. She knew what the death eaters were, what they did, what Snape wanted to be. She tried ignoring it as much as she could, but when he called her that it just cemented it in her mind that he had chosen a very different path, one she couldn't support. They don't explain much about how she ended up with James, but I doubt it was an overnight thing.
  10. Thank you, I think that was a beautiful post.
  11. I don't see any reason why not. Some suggestions though (my mom just left this past week after being here about 2 1/2 months. Normally she drives me crazy after about a week, I love her very much, but it had always been an awkward situation. This time, even though it was so long, we had a really good time). 1)Make sure her DH is ok with you being there that long. Things will get stressful between THEM if he doesn't and that's a stress a new mommy won't need. If he is, move on to number two. 2)Ask her what kind of help she wants. If she wants you to do the cooking and cleaning, do that. If she wants you to help her in the middle of the night, do that. Whatever it is SHE wants, do that and only that. If you think of something you think needs to be done, ask her first. If she wants you to sit there and hold the baby while she cooks and cleans, then by golly, just sit and hold that precious baby. 3)Realize that she might do things differently than you and that's ok. If you have a suggestion of how things could be done differently, then suggest it. If she completely disregards it, it's not personal, it could just be she likes it a different way. For example, my mom always likes to do all the dishes at night. I like to do them in the morning. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different and it's ok. 4) Do not ever, under any circumstances criticize her husband. Again, unwanted stress for her. 5) Help her understand her wildly adjusting hormones and that they're normal. It's ok if she cries over the thought of Twinkies being discontinued at the grocery store. They're just hormones and they pass. And along this line, don't let her watch the news. 6) Probably the best thing about this past visit was that it gave me a lot of time to adjust and add back in responsibilities. After baby was born, my mom essentially took care of the house and my two olders. After about a month, I gradually started adding in washing dishes and making dinner and homeschooling and laundry, etc. That way I didn't go from her doing everything to me doing everything overnight. This was very important to me, because I'm generally a pretty bad housekeeper, but it got me on a pretty good routine. 7) Force that girl to sleep! After my second was born, I had PPD because of sleep deprivation (he didn't sleep through the night til he was a year) and we were worried it would happen again this time. It is vitally important that she be eating healthy and that she gets a lot of rest to deal with the sleep cycles of an infant. This is the only downside to newborns, sleep deprivation can really do a number on a person. 8) If she wants to nurse, get her a tube of Lansinoh and make sure she uses it. The first time is the hardest. And keep encouraging her, it is painful and she might want to quit, but remind her that it will get better. 9) Give them time to bond as a family. As you have no other family in the area, maybe go to the beach for a few hours or shopping or something. Do that a couple times a week when he is home and that way they can have some privacy. As long as they want you there for that long, it could be a very sweet visit. I was 21 when I had my first and I had no experience with newborns. I was so scared and unsure of myself. My mom's presence really helped a lot. At any of my births, I know I couldn't have done it without her.
  12. These comments make me feel comforted in that I've always felt like some kind a failure; a miserable freak among humankind. I'm glad I know that lots of people have been in the same place as me and that lots of them have worked it out. That gives me hope. They also make me sad because I know how they feel and like I said, it's not a happy place. Lots of people have PMed me with other recommendations and advice. If anyone wants more than is on this thread, they are free to PM me as well. Everyone's anonymity will be protected.
  13. Thank you for sharing your experience. I don't know why but it made me a little :crying:. I will take your advice to heart.
  14. :iagree: My mom knows this. She was very worried about it because my dad (when they were still married) used to say awful things about my SIL that eventually made their way to my SIL and my mom was so worried that SIL would cut them off from the grandkids. Did your mom generally treat you like dirt when you were growing up? Did she talk with you that much before you had kids? My dad didn't pay all that much attention to us growing up, at least not in a loving way. But it got worse as we left the house. We didn't really talk much in the few years before their divorce and since then, some things have come to light to make me not want to talk to him at all. So I don't. In my opinion, evil people need to be kept away from you and your children. And yes, I still cry every time he sends me a birthday card. The conflicting feelings are still there and it hurts so badly. :grouphug: to you. What does your DH think you should do? And why would you want parenting advice from her anyway? I would think it would be kinda lousy given her history with you.
  15. So hubby called on his way home from work to tell me he was going straight to his meeting. I said, "better hurry or there won't be time for fun." Hubby: Ummm...ok...?:confused: Me: I have a confession to make *silence* *silence* *crickets chirping* *silence* Hubby: Well that's a pretty silent confession Me: Don't get mad ok? *silence* *silence* Hubby: Ok.... Me: Tell him about posting about tea on this board (and he read the WHOLE tea thread the last time it was posted and had to explain to me what some of the things were because I had no idea) *silence* *silence* Hubby: We don't know anyone in real life do we? :lol: He said the meeting would be short.
  16. I don't think this is the case, but I appreciate your concern. My family is pretty dysfunctional, but no trauma or anything. A lot of drama though :glare:My children's birth, while being about as pleasant as you can expect childbirths to be, weren't traumatic. I think this is part of it too. The first four months of marriage were fun and then I got pregnant with my oldest and had all day sickness and couldn't even think about anything else. This makes me feel hopeful. I guess we'll just keep trying and researching until then. I guess I should be glad knowing there's hope. I'm usually such a pessimist that once it starts going bad, I'm convinced it's going to be bad forever. Maybe I should try to have fun. I mean, it's supposed to be fun!
  17. :confused: Why would you think he doesn't care about them? He cares very much that it is so upsetting for me. We'll be looking at a lot of the resources suggested tonight when he gets home from work. He is usually the one leading the "let's research and try to figure it out" and I am the one who is too afraid to try. I think he'll be happy that I want to get it figured out.
  18. I've been trying to figure out why I'm like this. We talked about it in YW, but in a general, "It's sacred and only for married couples" kind of way. Never in "It's bad!" way. The only things I can come up with is that growing up, I thought it was gross. And that married people only did it when they wanted to have a baby. In second grade, my friend and I were talking about it and the LDS family on the block were crazy! They had 8 kids, that meant they had tea 8 times! And she said she heard that you had to have tea twice to have a baby. 16 times? Scandalous.:lol: I think I was in 7th or 8th grade when I realized people did it for other purposes than just reproduction.
  19. I don't ask, but when my mom hears about my oldest doing something really naughty, she's given him a gentle scolding. For example, "Pigby, did you push Digby? You should not push Digby, you should be very nice." I don't really mind. It's only when she starts telling him things contrary to what I tell him that I get upset.
  20. I suppose it's possible, my second son is almost 2. Ever since I got pregnant with him I've been nursing and pregnant. Although I didn't enjoy it all that much before that either. And now I think the Mirena is making things worse, extremely unpleasant. Thanks for the advice everyone, I've been looking some stuff up and bookmarking pages that he gets to read when he gets home from work. "DH, tonight your assignment is to learn how to make good tea." I'm sure he won't mind, but he might be a little embarrassed that I posted about it on the internet:lol: oh well, at least I don't really know anyone that I see on a regular basis in real life.
  21. Thank you, we will keep this in mind as we communicate. You can't believe YOU typed that...:lol: I'm surprised I haven't been hit with lightning yet :blink: Thank you and thank you, Melissel. I will go look at this now.
  22. Thank you, we have had lots and lots of these discussions. I just don't know what I would like or what he could do better. I don't think I ever have. And you're right, I don't think he knows either. I don't think he means to, I think he doesn't know how. And I don't know what I want. And he's always asking me how he could make it better, but I honestly just don't know. Thank you. We have done a little looking, but I'm always afraid we're going to stumble upon p*rn so I get a little nervous. I didn't know LDS sites existed for that. Thank you. I sort of wonder if that's part of the problem, neither of us had had TeA before we got married and so we're kind of the blind leading the blind. I just thought that by six years we would have figured it out. And I'm such a prude, growing up,I would never even let my sisters in the bathroom when I was taking a shower. When we first got married, we got a book written by some LDS men, but it was just the general information and kind of useless. A few days ago, I found a Christian ebook that is supposed to be helpful for a man, but DH thought it might just be more useless information ie Light candles, give her roses, etc. I would just like to add that he's willing to make it better for me, but I am the one afraid of experimenting.
  23. Yes, that kind of TeA. I just hate it so much. I have absolutely no idea why people keep talking about how wonderful it is. Any time I actually start enjoying the cup, it all ends abruptly and is so frustrating I burst into tears. Tears of anger and sadness and hopelessness and resentment. Lots of resentment, because DH always enjoys and finishes his TeA. I finally came to the conclusion that TeA-lessness would just have to be our way of life, but then figured I couldn't do that to him. Then the postpartum hormones kicked in and I thought maybe it would be better if I left and he could marry someone better than me. Bless his heart, he said he'd rather be TeA-less than that (not that he wants to be TeA-less, he's the typical guy who thinks about it every 30 seconds). Ok, rant over. I know there are bigger problems in the world and I shouldn't be so selfish. And I'm hoping I'm not the only one who's like this. It really breaks my heart.
  24. My parents: Grammy and Grampy (though I don't talk to my dad anymore, so he rarely comes up) My maternal grandparents: Obachan and Ojichan (Japanese for grandma and grandpa). My grandma is Japanese, my grandpa is not, it just seemed like an easy way to help DS keep everyone straight. My paternal grandparents: Grandfather and Grandmother (Long story, she's not really my grandmother, she's my great aunt who married my grandfather after her sister died. But my family always referred to him as Grandfather and my real Grandmother as grandmother, so I just kept it the same) My husband's parents: Grandma and Grandpa My husband's grandparents: Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (insert last name).
  25. I feel your pain too. My second is almost two and literally bounces off the walls. We had to get a Walmart play yard because our house layout won't work with gates either and there are times when I HAVE to make sure he stays safe, like making dinner and my hands have meat germs on them or when I'm nursing baby and can't jump up to grab him if he gets into anything. He's tried climbing it a few times, but every time is reminded how horrible it hurts his toes. If this kid makes it to 18 without any ER visits, I'll consider it a miracle. When I was 8 months pregnant with DD, I was seriously worried he'd die in an accident with all the stuff he was doing.
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