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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Seeing something like this is very disheartening: "If you were better, you'd be able to get it done." I already beat myself up enough as it is. Sorry :001_unsure: Our finances are under control. My house is not. It seems that I can either do a good job with homeschooling OR cleaning OR cooking healthy for my family. As soon as I try to add another into our routine it all goes to pot. Maybe it will get better once the littles are older. But right now it just seems like I can't juggle everything.
  2. People are gonna think I'm a stalker. I'm trying to find that sneaky thief, but there's so many people :lol:
  3. So a few months ago, DH and his writing partner entered their film script into a screenwriting competition. We got a strange email that made it seem like they weren't in the running anymore. :001_unsure: BUT...apparently it was just a weirdly worded article. We just got an email that the script has made it through the first round of cuts and is still in the running (the top 25%). :party: We'll find out on Friday if they made it through the next round of cuts (the top 10%) and into the quarterfinals. I may be somewhat biased :tongue_smilie: but in my opinion it is a very good script. *fingers crossed, arms crossed, legs crossed, rubbed Buddha's belly, knocked on wood, squeezed a rabbit's foot, wished on a star* Hoping they make it. Update on #10
  4. I'm sorry, I tried to make this part clear, but looking again, I don't think I did. We do maybe 20-30 minutes of seatwork. He does a math page or two of MUS primer and he does a page or two of HWOT (however many he wants to do, I always ask him at the end of each page). The rest is pretty much me reading to him, which is what he loves. If he were in public school, he'd be starting kindergarten this fall. Next year (his 1st grade year) I need to report him to the state and have to get 810 hours in. That's what I mean about this year being a practice year. I want to practice doing it on a consistent schedule so that I know I can do it his 1st grade year. I do like your suggestion of getting her involved, thank you.
  5. Excellent, thank you all. I told my mom we'd have to do school when she was here and she said that wasn't a problem (she's here several times a year). But I rarely see my sister, so I think taking our break then is a good idea.
  6. trust me, I understand. I've hinted that she can stay with my aunt or my grandparents or my brother some while she's here too. Though it's gotten a lot better since I learned to say, "That's not a problem you need to worry about." That way she learned not to worry about my problems so much:lol:
  7. So my mom let me know the other day :001_rolleyes:that in one month she'll come out to visit. For a month. (she's disabled and can't drive that far by herself, so traveling companions dictate how long she stays) I had finally put the finishing touches on my school schedule for next year, ie when we take the breaks as I plan on schooling year round. This school year isn't so much about forcing him to sit in the desk and do the work, but I'm considering it our practice to train me to do it consistently before I have to report him to the school district. I plan on doing school when she's here. She'll be here so long that I know she'll get lots of time with the kids. Then I found out my sister would be flying out for a week to visit and then she'll drive back with my mom. I'm not sure if her visit will coincide with our break and if it doesn't, I'm fine with switching it around or taking an extra week off (like I said, this year is just practice). But just for future reference: Do you guys let your family know when you are available for visits or do you plan around whenever they want to come? :lurk5:
  8. If you want to can veggies or meats at all, get a pressure canner, not a water bath canner. A pressure canner will be able to do both. This book is best for beginners. I got it from walmart for $5. If you want to practice using the pressure canner, I'd start with chicken as it's the easiest: put raw chicken in jars, wipe rim, screw lid on, process based on your location. Easy peasy
  9. I'm pretty sure that's mostly your internet, but if your RAM is overloaded, it can slow it down. (And since I am not really very knowledgeable at all about computers except what my brother's told me, I reserve the right to be completely and utterly wrong about this. I might be remembering something else completely:lol:)
  10. hmmm...in that case you might want to ask your work if 4 gigs will suffice or if 8 gigs would be better. If it were a strictly for work computer, I'd go with a higher RAM and smaller hard drive.
  11. That's a 4GB RAM and 500 GB hard drive. Sounds like a pretty good computer to me. My brother likes to build computers and he says that a decent sized memory is not as important as the size of the hard drive. (so I wouldn't pay through the roof to get a 8 GB of RAM, 4 will work well enough.)
  12. Yes, you do want to look at that number. Mine says 4GB DDR3 Memory. RAM is memory. Hard drive is different. Most hard drives are huge now, probably at least 250 GB. A 2-8 GB hard drive would be teeny. Heck, most thumb drives can give you a couple GB. My hard drive says 500 GB HDD.
  13. I just looked up the definition of suitable. Neither site I looked at had "common" as a definition. That man is an idiot. In fact, on the Merriam Webster site, there were about 50 comments from people looking it up for the same reason.
  14. me me me:seeya: I will try to start with our bedroom. But it might take a day or twelve longer. It's the room where everything gets thrown.
  15. I wouldn't. I don't see how it would have anything to do with the house you are renting.
  16. it sounds like the director's commentary. do you have an audio button on your remote? you should be able to push that until you get to the right track. If thats not it, i have no idea.:001_smile:
  17. I would get one with solid walls (if they even make those). I'm sick of little legs getting stuck in between rails. As to a particular brand, wouldn't matter to me. As to a particular look, depends on what your daughter likes
  18. Thank you for wanting to quantify that. I was going to say, "All the tomatoes I've had have had flavor." Do you agree that it's possible for them to have a wider variety of flavor? I've been looking at a website and it describes one type of tomatoes as having a very sweet flavor and another as spicy. That kind of thing is possible, right? Thanks everyone, I am learning so much. Trying not to get overwhelmed.
  19. No, thank you. That's a very good point to make. Now I'm definitely interested. Although feeling very overwhelmed now. Still don't know much about gardening. I think I'm going to need to learn so I can take some steps to being more self reliant.
  20. Faith, thank you so much for the explanation and article link. Very helpful. Now I'm off to read about it. Any other links or book suggestions are always welcome.;)
  21. (not being argumentative or snarky, but genuinely curious) Does genetically modified automatically equal bad? (Again, sorry if I seem so dense. I'm trying to learn about gardening and all; I know virtually nothing about it)
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