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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Same thing I do with theirs: Write their name and date, take a picture, chuck it after a few days (when they're not around).
  2. Awww ok, gotcha. I'm hoping that this diagnosis will be the kick in the pants that they both need. I am worried about them, but I'm more worried that they won't change. Thanks, DH thought a meter was unnecessary right now too. We agreed to work on our diet and see if we can get it under better control. I don't have a doctor and haven't done any testing. I had homebirths with my last two pregnancies and the midwives didn't do a glucose test. I passed the glucose test with my oldest. Do you know how much carbs a person should be having a day? And how do you find out how much is in what you're eating? What does a diabetic menu look like? Thank you for your help, I'll try to start using cinnamon.
  3. Thank you. I'll check out that website. 1) that's kind of what I thought at first, since during pregnancy it happened much more frequently, so I had to make sure I ate every few hours. Now that I'm not pregnant, I can't tell if it's because of the length of time or what I'm eating. When I eat a healthy, balanced meal, I can go that long. My midwife told me that if I truly had hypoglycemia, I'd only be able to go 3-4 hours, not 5 before getting the shakes. 2) And so far as their diagnosis go, I'm not about to comment on whether they should believe it or not, as I don't know what they're numbers were. In either case, I think both of them do need a major overhaul to how they eat, but it's not for me to tell them that. I'm hoping to take care of myself first and then if they ask for advice, have a better idea of what I'm talking about. I am just so worried about eventually getting it myself, that's not how I want to live. I want to prevent it if I can. Thank you, that is good to know. I found some meters on Walmart.com, but the strips were expensive, so I'll check Amazon out. I'm thinking I don't need to be as gung ho as a real diabetic, but I just want to get a better picture of what is going on. I will, thank you.
  4. I'm in Utah and not sure how the whole state operates, but we just signed Pigby up to go one day a week at a charter school. This particular charter school lets you either do everything at home or 1 day a week at the school or 3 days a week at the school. One day a week seemed perfect for us. It is normally supposed to be on art and music day but they didn't have space and volunteered to let us go on another day. I know there's another charter school in the area that lets kids do this too.
  5. Thank you for all that good advice, especially the bolded. I think I will have to plan better as I often forget to eat (DH always asks how that is possible and I really don't know, but it's true) and then by the time I go to look, I'm about to crash. Then by the time I've made something, I have crashed. I will try to look more into the reactive hypoglycemia, I hadn't known there different types. I'm sure I'm already predisposed as I'm overweight and it is so common in my father's side. After hearing about my brother and sister (they're only 29 and 31 for pity's sake!) I am just worried sick. Thank you for your help.
  6. Oh thank you. I'll try and do a search for it too. Yes, we had gotten rid of all the junk food, but then my DH kept having to go without breakfast so he bought them so he could eat it on the road. The kids and I never ate any, except that one day. My goal is to start making healthy things he can take, but I'm not quite there yet. Thank you for all that good advice. We don't drink coffee here, so hooray! Don't have to worry about that. :lol: The pancakes thing was several months ago and I haven't done it since. I heard someone on the boards saying protein and a little healthy fat will help keep you satisfied longer, so I've been trying to incorporate that too by having hard boiled eggs on hand. Even steel cut oats with milk and sugar won't give me that reaction, so I'm not sure if it was just the syrup or what. The pancakes were 100% whole wheat and I've been making 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 white flour bread. I had tried 100% whole wheat, but it wouldn't rise properly in my machine. We'll try the granola trick. We love granola. Thank you for your help.
  7. Is it true that hypoglycemia can be one of the signs that you are developing type 2 diabetes? Back story: A few months ago, I found out my older brother was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Then last week I found out my sister also is pre-diabetic. If they are pre-diabetic then my younger brother probably is as well, if not full blown diabetic. Type 2 runs rampant in my father's side of the family. This worries me a great deal; I am so afraid of getting it as well. All three of those siblings drink a ton of soda and junk food. I don't. I think I've maybe had it twice this year and we'll have homemade cream sodas at Christmas and Thanksgiving. We are trying to eat healthier, we do pretty well with healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I would say about 80% of the time, they are healthy. We do green smoothies about 3-4 times a week. Our biggest problem is our sugar cravings. After the kids have gone to bed, it's not unusual for us to have ice cream or chocolate. The reason I'm so concerned is because I've noticed that sometimes I get the shakes a few hours after eating. But it really depends on what it is I ate. For example, after eating pancakes and HFCS for breakfast, about four hours later I had the shakes. And one day I was having a super hard day, so we ate Pop Tarts for lunch. 5 hours later I had the shakes. Obviously the trend is lots of carbs and sugar causes a crash. I don't know if this makes me hypoglycemic. I don't know if this puts me on the path to developing diabetes. Going to the doctor is not an option. Would changing my diet and exercising be enough to switch this around? Can I buy a glucometer OTC? If I can, should I try to monitor my blood sugar levels? How would I know what was normal or not? Thank you.
  8. Congratulations! What wonderful news! :party:
  9. Mine is in my siggy, but don't go there yet. I have a post with an exciting update to our homeschooling adventures, but it's still a draft because dang life gets in the way every time I try and post!
  10. Yeah, I went to the conference center for it last year. Couldn't really tell you what they said. Sister Beck gives some really good talks though.
  11. :grouphug: I am so sorry she is behaving so immaturely. I'm so sorry your children are suffering because of it. :grouphug:
  12. You did the right thing. Did she not do her work for the three weeks, is that why it's affecting the business? If that's the case, she needs to be fired immediately. She sounds like an excellent guilt-tripper and manipulator. Any further conversations along those lines need to be met with, "I'm sorry you feel that way," from you WITHOUT you giving into her. I am sorry. I haven't spoken to my father in two years because he's a narcissistic jerk and thinks the world revolves around him and I refuse to be pulled into his manipulation. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Be strong.
  13. We did! Every time we drove by it, DH asked what they were going to do with it. Now we know! I don't know why they'd renovate the existing one, it seems fine to me but who knows. But the thought of two here is really cool. DH said, "We all need to repent. The end of the world is coming if Paris gets a temple." He served there and he is so excited that they're getting one. Of course, we'd love to be able to go someday, but that's a whole other story.:lol:
  14. Videos are up already. I'm excited. I think I'm going to download a few at a time and listen while I wash dishes. Washing dishes has become very therapeutic for me; just a peaceful time to think about things without kid interruptions (since I only wash when they're asleep or watching a movie). I did notice a theme of "God knows and love you". Which is nice, I always have weird feelings about it. My testimony of it is somewhat lacking, I guess. I have a feeling I'll be listening to a lot over and over again, just to pound the message into my head. :lol:
  15. Anyone have any favorite conference talks? I missed most of it because of screaming children, out of town guests and just plain tiredness. So thankful for the internet. I'm going to be showing a talk everyday for Gospel Study. I watched President Uchtdorf's talk from last week. Am I the only one who cried like a baby about the "be patient with yourself; God knows you're not perfect and God knows that everyone you think is perfect really isn't" part? I think I'm going to have to play for myself everyday for a month (at least) until I really believe and accept it. :bigear::lurk5:
  16. :iagree: with the bolded. Plus he put the wood chips on her eyebrows. :confused: What the heazy?! It REALLY irritated me (in addition to the not wanting women to have breasts bit) where he talked about how he didn't want to design for someone who talked back with him; he just wanted a model who would come and keep her mouth shut. :001_huh: Dislike! The fact that Gretchen with her nasty outfits, her constant whining and admission of not wanting to be there, throwing people under the bus left and right actually won still makes me want to scream at Nina and Michael.
  17. Yeah, my SIL used to get texts from Digby (she was the first in my phonebook). Then when I got my new phone, he figured out how to get to Angry Birds and start playing. :svengo: Then, he managed to get onto Facebook and friend two people who had friend requested me, but I didn't know who they were and was ignoring them. And once I was talking to DH when he was on his way home from work and he was saying he was going to go ahead and apply for the job. "What job?" I queried. "Remember, the one we had a big, long conversation about!" "What are you talking about?" The conversation went something like this: DH: There's a supervisor position opening up. Me: Ok DH: I think I should go ahead and apply for it. Me: Ok DH: I probably won't get it, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Me: Ok Only it wasn't me!!!! Pigby had been playing on my phone while I was napping and he was talking to Daddy. :lol: I told DH it was hilarious that he was taking career advice from a five year old.
  18. I strongly disliked A Reason for Handwriting. Not enough instruction. It was just a complete disaster from day 1 (and I think we only used it one day.) I highly recommend HWOT for when you do start. I would even recommend getting it and just using the blocks to form the letters and letting him trace those. The teacher workbooks have the patterns for the blocks if you don't want to buy the wooden ones they sell. I made ours out of foam. I guess a lot of it will just depend on your son. My son was trying to write, he just didn't know how and so developed a lot of bad habits (like the clockwise O). Now we're on the second workbook and I just have him practice a page of letters a day and then every few days we go back and start over. I think it's only about 8/day.
  19. I remember from the car seat thread so long ago that someone said it was so wonderful that so many people had their kids in high back booster seats. Are they safer than the boosters without backs? Is there a reputable site that has this info? I've tried Google, but can't find anything. Thank you.
  20. I would go with smart. :D For me, not only do I feel like I need a refresher course to remember some things, but there was a lot that I never even knew. I never knew there was such a thing as diagramming a sentence. I never knew there were alternative mathematics systems. Grammar and writing weren't explained all that well. And forget about classics. We read maybe two books a year. Freshman year we started reading, "Of Mice and Men" but that was taking too long so she had us read the play. Well that was taking too long so she just showed us the movie. I feel gypped of a good education, so now I'm just taking it into my hands.
  21. If you are telling a story about something that happened in the PAST, don't use the PRESENT tense. For example, "So yesterday I go to the grocery store. I am walking down the aisle and see my very best friend. I say, 'Hey.' She says, 'Hey.' I say, 'Wow, those shoes are awesome.' I get some for myself as an early Christmas present." Ok, did you see that? My grammar advice is: Don't do that!!!!
  22. ACK! An entire board dedicated to self-education?! :auto: (Oh and when DH came home today, I greeted him with a "there's a hexadecimal system that they use in computer programming (neiner, neiner, neiner)" but he already knew. Somehow that wasn't brought up in our original 2 o'clock in the morning conversation. Or maybe it was and I just didn't remember...because it was 2 o'clock in the morning :lol:)
  23. Are they using a base 6 numeral system in computer programming now? I will have to tell my husband: "Ha ha! See, someone DID invent a way to use another system" DH told me one that goes, "There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that can ready binary and those that can't." :lol: If you know of others, please let me know.
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