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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. I believe you're fortunate. And, they do it because they feel strongly about abortion and I would assume they believe that it goes against Christian beliefs.
  2. And the craziest thing is that I really don't want any of our children attending UNC. It's waaaaaay too liberal for me. :huh:
  3. Diplomatic, but so misguided!!! We pull against Duke regardless of who they are playing. Ok, maybe not against Georgetown.
  4. You may want to read this from Thomas Sowell on choosing a college. It's a guide for parents and students. HTH! http://www.leaderu.com/alumni/sowell-choosing/toc.html
  5. Both my husband and I attended UNC. Big fans! Our oldest is at NC State right now, so we have a house divided! Of course, we all despise Duke :D.
  6. We like to call our high school Semper Fi High. Yep, we're Marines! ;)
  7. Yes, my dd complains that she is hot. Actually, she complains that whatever room she is in is hot (which it's not). She likes to put my hands on her face because they are usually cold. She does not complain about being hot anywhere except her face. I haven't noticed whether her ears get red, so I'll ask her about it. Keep me posted!
  8. especially in the late afternoon/evening hours. I think it started about 2 months ago. It doesn't happen every day, but it happens often. She is "budding" as well and likes the bras at Kohls and Target.
  9. It didn't matter what kind of snake it was, she'd cut its head off. My brother and I came home from school one day to find his rubber play snake headless. Her weapon of choice for live snakes was her garden hoe. There's no telling how many snakes she killed in her lifetime.
  10. Yes, I found it odd and very frustrating that he was not allowed to use any being verbs. I even pulled out his requirement sheet a few minutes ago to read it again. I actually decided last night to withdraw him from the class. There was so much focus on the requirements that little or no attention was given to what he was saying, and it was a source of distraction and frustration on his and my part. Thank you, again!
  11. Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, etc. In the class my son was taking, he was not allowed to use any being verbs at all. This was problematic at times. So, how many do you allow in each paragraph of a paper? I'm not talking about using passive voice, because I know that should be avoided. I'd like to get an idea of what requirements are out there (especially with those who use Potters School or other online programs). Thanks!
  12. You have received wonderful and wise words from everyone. I just want to let you know that you are in my prayers. Praying for your peace and comfort.
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