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Everything posted by momto4kings

  1. My ds5 is purposely very behind on his immunizations. I have a question about Hib. He got the first dose 4/2/07, the second on 10/7/08. Technically, he needs two more doses to complete the series, but I'm wondering if the last two doses are nessessary, seeing that he is almost 6. What do you say?
  2. I've used it as a spelling program with three children so far. I just teach the rule, then dictate half a page or so of words at each session and provide immediate feedback. This way the children also practice penmanship. HTH
  3. If money wasn't a concern, which one would you choose and why--Rainbow Science or Real Science 4 Kids? This is for an 11 yo boy who, up until now, has been reading the Usborne science encyclopedia, copying a few sentences from each page spread and reading extra library books on each topic. He has covered Energy, Forces, and Motion, Light, Sound, and Electricity and a little from Plants and Fungi. Thanks for your help.
  4. You'll find tons of Asian restaurants on El Camino Real. We like Thai Dusita.
  5. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=393802
  6. Well, we would have gone to urgent care, but there wasn't one open at that time. We were also worried about a concussion (landing on your head without a helmet, while trying to jump over a huge dirt ramp will do that you, you know). At least now we know that the same type of glue can be found at a regular pharmacy.
  7. This is the only bill I have received so far, but I remember now the lady at the front desk saying something that the doctor will bill separately...I haven't received anything from the insurance either. Thanks for all your help. Somehow I feel slightly better knowing that the charges are typical. Before opening the letter, I asked dh how much he thought the bill would be. "A couple hundreds", said he. Hardly!
  8. Is $1704 for gluing an ear and 1/2 long head cut a reasonable ER charge? We have a $4000 deductible and the insurance won't kick in before it is met. The hospital will give us a 10% discount if we pay in full within 14 days of receiving the bill which says "Sterile supply $216. Emerg. Room 1488.00." This is the first time we've used the ER with this insurance.... Is there anything I can do to reduce the charge even more?
  9. Check out this website for lots of great cheap meals: http://theprudenthomemaker.com/
  10. No, but this website has great advice on how to do it right. http://homeschoolcpa.com/ HTH
  11. Here are a few things to get you started: National Federation of the Blind http://nfb.org/ American Council of the Blind http://acb.org/ <https://acb.org/> Hadley School for the Blind http://www.hadley.edu/ Buying a cane Ambutech http://www.ambutech.com/ NFB Free White Cane http://nfb.org/free-cane-program Braille, eBooks and Audio Books Seedlings Braille http://www.seedlings.org/ Bookshare https://www.bookshare.org/ <https://www.bookshare.org/?> Learning Ally http://www.learningally.org/ RoboBraille (converting documents) http://robobraille.org/frontpage Lutheran Braille Workers (free religious books) http://www.lbwinc.org/ American Printing House http://www.aph.org/ Other Sources of Children's Braille Books http://www.afb.org/section.aspx?FolderID=2&SectionID=6&DocumentID=1249 Audible http://www.audible.com/ Talking Books http://www.loc.gov/nls/tbt/index.html LibriVox http://librivox.org/ Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg.org/ Videos on Blindness Skills Washington State School for the Blind http://www.youtube.com/user/WAStSchBlnd Software and Technology Kurzweil Text-to-Speech http://www.kurzweiledu.com/default.html NVDA (free screen reader) http://www.nvda-project.org/ JAWS (most common screen reader) http://www.freedomscientific.com/products/fs/jaws-product-page.asp Using VoiceOver on Apple Products http://www.apple.com/accessibility/voiceover/ Braille Software http://duxburysystems.com/ Funding Sources Lion's Club http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/our-work/sight-programs/assistance-requests.php State Schools and Commissions for the Blind http://sdsbvi.northern.edu/wwwresources/list.htm
  12. I just read about an eagle scout who recorded the life stories of our city's oldest (long-time) residents and put together a book, which is now available to the public.
  13. Are you going to make enough money to pay for a private school AND pay off debt AND save? I also think you should be with your husband. I would be worried about my marriage if the current arrangement "works".
  14. Make cheese by heating the milk and adding a few tablespoons of vinegar until curds begin to form. Then drain into a coffee filter or paper towel lined colander, add salt taste and use in salads or in any recipe calling for feta cheese.
  15. Why would both my 10 and 5 yo have gray hairs? I've seen two on the first and one on the second. Should I be worried?
  16. Algebra in 7th grade is perfectly fine. If the child is getting it, what's wrong with working ahead?
  17. Why does 3 - (-4)= 3+4? We watched Khan's academy. He doesn't say why either, just that the two negatives cancel each other. My son really wants to know why! He is refusing to move on because he needs to know why. Can someone please show it to me on a number line? Thanks!
  18. I was going to suggest henna as well. I used to get mine from an Indian store, but just last month ordered from hennahut.com. You can even call them and ask them which color they would recommend for your dd's hair. Their prices are really good too, not as good as my Indian store, but I don't live near one anymore so this is the second best deal I have found. HTH
  19. Please, please have a look at this sculpture: http://www.kolumbus.fi/boykor/pictures2.htm I need to analyse it, interpret the artist's intent What is azure and flat fretwork? I have done a lot of research online but what I get is very minimal and doesn't tell me what those dragon-tail like things mean or what the "stars" are. It doesn't help that the images I am finding of the object are not very clear. I would REALLY appreciate your educated (or not) input. Thanks!
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