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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. This is a good idea, I will look into it. My sons have used the Discover 4 yourself guides and we liked them, now it is dd's turn. Doing something we all can study together will be nice.
  2. I am thinking of using this for our family Bible time (they have one for dd's age as well) and am wondering if anyone has used it before? Any thoughts?
  3. I am going to try and make my own this weekend...thanks all.
  4. I am curious myself about the writing curriculum and if she plans on finishing her history books for older/adults.
  5. Thanks all. I tried some this week and it was more tart then regular yogurt but more thick and creamy. I liked it. I was just curious about it because there seems to be more advertising for "greek" yogurt these days.
  6. I have used History Pockets in the past and I own a few Literary Pockets but just never used them. Last week I pulled out the Folktales and Fairy Tales one and we had a blast. I checked out several different Jack and the Beanstalk books and each day we read one, noting the similarities and differences. We did the craft/exercises given and on Friday we made notes on all the things kept the same in the books. I then went through them and had dd write her own version of Jack and the Beanstalk keeping the same things that the others had in them. We made one exception, Jack had to be a girl. The story dd created had us all giggling, I was amazed at the ideas she came up with. She is begging to do another one right away but I plan on doing a pocket every few weeks (Princess and the Frog is next). I just wanted to share how great these are or at least the Folktales and Fairy tales one is. We were able to discuss literary devices, morals (Jack stealing from the giant and killing him, some books the giant was just an innocent man who lives in the clouds), an authors creativity, following direction, view point, and more.
  7. When we did SL, I choose 4-6 books from each core for them to keep a running narration on. After the days reading they were to write about the reading (depending on age it could be a sentence or 2 to a paragraph or more). At the end of the book the narration was typed up and provided a synopsis of the book. We only did this with a few books from the cores, ones I felt needed special attention. The rest of the books I would briefly discuss to make sure they were getting the gist or to point out what points needed to be noticed. The fluff books included in the core to add a break were just read and enjoyed.
  8. Unless infected, nope. I would trim the nail back once the skin is healed so it will not catch and make it worse. This summer Dd opened a door on her toe (don't ask), the nail was broken and just sort of floated for a few days because it was still attached under the skin. Once the skin under the toe was healed we trimmed the toe nail back so it would not catch. Keep it clean and covered (you will be amazed at how much dirt will get under a loose nail) and watch it for infection.
  9. BJU is very teacher intensive for the elementary years if used correctly, but it is a very complete program. Solid with no gaps.
  10. Galloping the Globe is a list of History/Geography/Biographys for each country as well as Bible verses and what science topics to cover for that country. There is a small list of activities but other then that it is really just a list and you find the resources. There is a cd you can print the flag and a map for the country but I was disappointed that there was a bunch of fluff pages too. I tried to use it at the beginning of the school year and dropped it. Instead I am using Children Just Like Me and this site http://homeschoolcreations.com/Geography.html if you scroll down it has each continent listed. I cover each country my own way though. If you are more interested PM me for our schedule.
  11. Thanks all for the info. Right now I am trying to decide between Movies as Literature and The One Year Adventure Novel for ds's 11th grade English.
  12. :iagree: There was one funny conversation with Ben Franklin where he is working on a schematic where it gives 6 or 7 reasons why courting/relationship with an older woman is better then a younger. There is blood but not over the top where it sprays all over. Cursing is in there but not a forced type where every other word is colorful.
  13. Bought for ds(16) for fun, it is turning into a study of the who's who of the American Revolution. Places, events, people as he encounters them or even passes them along his route will get a detailed blurb in the special encyclopedia" being compiled. DS just recently encountered Paul Revere and is helping him warn of the British coming. I am helping Sam Adams right now(yep, I'm playing too) and recently had an interesting talk with Ben Franklin. My son is starting to look things up or ask about different key elements of the American Revolution, and is actually reading the encyclopedia entries as they are added to the game. I love it when a video game that was bought for fun turns into a learning experience. This happened recently with the game Dark Siders II...ds got interested in the 4 horsemen so he read Revelations and has done a study on who/what the 4 horsemen are/were.
  14. There was a thread going on last year about Math Notebooking. It had lots of creative ways to "do" math. I will try to find it and link it.
  15. I am not talking about any specific politician, just politicians in general so hopefully I am not going against board rules. Do politicians that are running for an office and go on talk shows get paid? Do they get to talk about their running stance or are they limited to non political talk? And if they are allowed to "campaign", is this ethical? Also, with all the campaign adds running (here it is not just presidential), so much is comprised of quoting the other candidate, but many of the quotes are taken out of context or in at least one case I saw chopped up and spliced together to say what would look bad for the candidate...isn't this a form of slander? And at what point is it considered harassing...I receive at least 5 calls a day for politicians, for the most part it is for the same person running. If I hang up a few minutes later they call back. Side question In the areas hit by Sandy, if they allow these people to vote later then the election day, will the candidates be allowed to still campaign after the 6th? If it is a close election, as predicted, what measures would be in place to keep things from getting out of hand there. The votes of these people would be like gold or worse, knowing how some people can get beyond extreme about their candidates, how will these votes be kept safe?
  16. I found the literature study in grade 7(maybe it was 6) to be excellent. It discussed the books in such a way that made my 'hate to read' son see books in a different light. He learned literature vocabulary and poetry also.
  17. I have used the old BJU Pre-Algebra and the new edition...new edition is an excellent math book (hope they get the rest of the upper levels redone soon). We did not use the DVDs, the text was written so the student can work alone. I found the review problems were enough to keep my ds from forgetting concepts so a spiral approach was not needed. My ds is not a math lover and the subject does not come easy for him. He was able to do BJU math solo (with just a little help from me here and there through the year) for 7th-9th (Algebra). The only reason he is not using BJU this year is because the upper level math books have not been rewritten.
  18. I am considering this for my ds for 11th grade. Has anyone used it? Thoughts good or bad?
  19. For all 4 of my children, yes. It was a mental click or switch that occurred. For 2 of them it took a month off from school work when I saw no real progress happening, sort of a stall. We took off and rested. When we went back, it took a day or two of refreshing and then "click" the light came on. You could see it in their eyes. They started reading like it was a natural thing. The other two had the click but it happened without a break. One day they were sounding each letter then 'click" they began to read. If you are finding he is at a wall, try taking a break. He might need to process all he s learning.
  20. I understand. Ds was my kid who created a lab in his bathroom, experimented with everything, and begged to do more and more science, this was until about 7th grade. Then it was nothing but confusion and even depression when science was involved. I wish I could go back and change how we did science so he can still have that spark for all things science.
  21. That is great. Scribing is a legitimate teaching tool. One thing you can do is write down a sentence he says and have him use it for copywork if you want him to practice writing what he says.
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