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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. NASA's INSPIRE http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/programs/descriptions/INSPIRE_Project.htmlSPIRE


    When we read the info about it, it didn't seem like it took much to be qualified, however when he started filling out the application, some of the course options that they were looking for were quite extensive. I really don't think he'll have any problems being accepted, but we haven't heard anything at all since he applied (I am assuming we did the application process correctly).


    Thank you.:001_smile:

  2. Meanwhile, Lauren I don't know if you're legit or not. If you are I'm sure everyone would happily apologize. You can see where we might have a hard time believing someone could be 17 weeks along without knowing it. If you were kind enough to share a family picture, I'm sure that would make everyone feel better, especially in light of the other troll problems.



  3. Now hold up! No man of mine is going in the OP's family photo. OTOH, I will certainly post some of our October wedding photos in January after our VERY LONG honeymoon.


    As for Horrible Bosses, I actually took both Patrick and Alexander. Patrick and Alexander almost laughed their penii off. Thank goodness they didn't. I also found it really funny but not quite as funny as this thread. :lol:



  4. Even if she posts one, how is there any way to tell it is really of her and her family and not just jacked from someone's blog?


    See, here is a troll lesson. Next time you make up an imaginary family, go with fewer kids to make it more believeable. Wait for at least a hundred posts before the really outlandish stuff, and then maybe you can snow us for a bit longer. :D

    You can search images and see if they appear anywhere else on the 'net. Oh, and decent (not perfect!) grammar and less popular kid names might help.

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