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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. I have an idea to turn off the debate response:


    Yes, I achieved obedience. I did it by ______________________________________________.




    ETA: I see a lot more posts since I've posted this...going back and reading now...



    Mostly, the board doesn't work like that. There's a lot of discussion and often bunny trails, but people should chime in with what you need too.:001_smile:

  2. I'm a troll.


    I came here for the express purpose of coming up with super controversial crock pot threads.


    I just haven't been able to come up with any good ones yet. :sad:


    Someday.... someday....


    Just start a thread with "Does the make you mad?" in the title.


    Anything starting with "Does this make you mad?"....will. Half the board will be mad. The other half will be of three minds. (Not mad, might be mad depending on circumstances, and mad that others are mad.)
  3. I wasnt referring specifically to today'd instance. Just in general. :)


    Sorry if I wasn't clear.


    The instance Quill was talking about wasn't today. It was on another thread and the poster took offense to polite questions. And then she took offense when I told her there was no need to call names (she called Quill a snob:confused:) and told me I was implying things about her parenting methods by telling her that.:001_huh:


    Anyway, with the hot threads, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt at first, but if it devolves into kilts and crockpots, I think it's fine to have fun with that.

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