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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. I can't watch it tonight but will hopefully remember to tomorrow. I started to play it and when I saw which flight it was, I stopped.


    I just want to say that THAT was the flight my family almost ended up on. We were to choose from one of three weeks to go to HI with my parents. They were there for all three weeks, and we almost chose the last week to visit. That exact flight would have had all my family members on it, dh, the kids and I, had we stuck to the original plan of the last flight. We would all be dead today. Then my grieving friend, who is like a brother to me for 29 years now, would be grieving the loss of me and my family....... along with his sister and nephew. :crying:


    I can't imagine what it would have been like to know my dh and all three of my kids (we hadn't adopted yet) were all going to die with me in a matter of seconds. To see my kids faces......


    My friend watched the attacks happen from his office window. He frantically tried to reach his sister. He saw the planes hit, he saw the towers collapse. A piece of him died that day, and he'll never be as happy as he once was.


    I hate 9/11. :crying:




    What a touching video.

  2. OK, Here is what I came up with so far after reading everyone's postings


    4 Main subjects during the week

    Art ( 2-3x weekly)

    health (2-3x weekly)

    Rosetta stone ( ???)

    Tech/software (2-3x weekly)(which includes using MS office or tutorial,typing etc when doing assignments)


    Does this sound a little better so far or still to much?


    For technology, why not integrate it into your other subjects? For example, if a paragraph is due for language arts, have her type it. If a presentation is needed for science or history, have her use PowerPoint. If you have math involving graphs, have her make the graphs in Excel.

  3. AOPS is less challenging than Life of Fred??? Could it be that the AOPS book on Intro to Algebra is more a pre-algebra course rather than an algebra 1 course? Everything I've read here suggests that AoPS is far more challenging than the Life of Fred series. We haven't used either' date=' so I may be totally wrong. I'm just confused.


    ETA: Looked at AoPS's site and it looks like that book is algebra 1. I'm definitely confused.[/quote']


    Introduction to Algebra is Algebra 1+half of Algebra 2. OP, did you do the challenge problems? Having used both LoF and AoPS, I know that I would consider AoPS more challenging.

  4. On a bright information highway, library paste in my hair

    Warm smell of curricula, rising up through the air

    Up ahead in the distance, I saw by the monitor's light

    My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

    I had to stop for the night

    There it stood on the Google page;

    I heard the kids yell,

    And I was thinking to myself,

    ’this could be heaven or this could be hell’

    Then I clicked on the link, and it showed me the way

    There were posts down the threads,

    I thought I heard them say...


    Welcome to the WTM Hive,

    Such a lovely place

    Such a lovely face

    Plenty of room at the WTM Hive,

    Any time of year, you can find it here


    You can sign out any time you like, but you can never leave...


    *apologies as needed to The Eagles*





  5. What do I care if even 99% of you all think I'm a troll? You won't answer my questions on house paint honestly but lead me on about faux woodgrains?


    I like this forum too but I don't view it as a cozy corner of girl talk. Am I supposed to? I don't even have coffee talk girlfriends IRL. For me, its strength is quick response on a myriad of subjects. For fiery subjects, the response is often quick and deep. Kind of like a Type 1 allergic reaction. Instead of a massive histamine dump, you get troll hunter mast cells banging away at their keyboards furiously. Because having once been sensitized (burned by) trolls, the antibody IgT formed long ago and is always quietly circulating in the system. Don't let it latch onto you. The good news is there exists a troll allergy vaccine called a blog, even if the only traffic it gets is from troll detectors, that's ok. For minor reactions, the antihistamine of choice is a few "would you please clarify" type posts. Before the reaction cascades out of control, the Hive body provided us with the ability to activate very helpful T-supressor cells called the IGNORE button. All out systemic reactions cannot be ameliorated by IGNORE and result in total system shutdwn as the mod deletes the thread. There. The body of the Hive has a severe troll allergy. It's nothing personal.


    This post is awesome.

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