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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. Math- AoPS Algebra 3 & Precalculus

    Science- Spectrum Chemistry

    History- ToG Ancients

    Literature- ToG Ancients

    Health (1/2 credit)- ?

    Cryptology- AoPS Number Theory, Elementary Cryptanalysis, and Mathematical Chiphers, plus MEP's code units. Also, a history of cryptography and espionage using The Code Book as a spine.

    German- ?

    Possibly another elective. Either Equine Science, a Computer Programming class, or AoPS Intro to Counting and Probability.

  2. Honestly, if my kids didn't know this stuff at 13, I would be concerned about my ability to teach.

    I'd only worry about it IF I'd covered that info. Not everyone knows the highest mountain in the US. And not everyone covers geography early. By high school years I'd expect knowledge of Everest and the Amazon and other major features of the planet.



  3. That's a lot of AoPS's classes. It might be doable but it will be time consuming. You might want to be flexible if your 9th grader seems to have a hard time juggling that pace.


    And, you might want to preview Spectrum before you make the decision to add PH. Several posters whom I respect have had great success w/o supplementing.


    AoPS Algebra 3 class starts in June and ends in November and then we'll start Precalc finishing over the summer if need be.:001_smile:


    Ok, I will. Thank you.

  4. The K-8 and Logic Boards have had a bunch of these, but I haven't seen any over here. Post your plans for high school next year, whatever grade.:001_smile:


    Here's my (tentative) plan for 9th

    Math- AoPS Algebra 3 & Precalculus

    Science- Spectrum Chemistry, maybe some PH after Eight's thoughts on the other thread

    History- ToG Ancients

    Literature- ToG Ancients

    Health (1/2 credit)- ?

    Cryptology- AoPS Number Theory, Elementary Cryptanalysis, and Mathematical Chiphers, plus MEP's code units. Also, a history of cryptography and espionage using The Code Book as a spine.

    German- ?

    Possibly another elective. Either Equine Science, a Computer Programming class, or AoPS Intro to Counting and Probability.

  5. I would agree that it seems off. First, that the instructor did not check. This is odd because the student is new, has not tacked up independently much, AND there is a show the next day. Did she atleast check girth tightness? That is a safety hazard, if not. The not checking would make me very wary. It is very easy to make a small mistake tacking up.


    Second, that a little bit of dirt would cause a sore so bad that after 30 minutes of riding the horse would be unable to be shown. And why bleeding in particular? If pain is the issue, a sore can be very painful with no bleeding...

  6. Aww.. thanks! I've been wanting one for a while but I can't seem to justify the cost right now. I already have a MacBook, iTouch and iPhone. My husband also has a PC laptop. But I keep thinking of all these cool things to do with the iPad. I think it would be great for homeschooling on the go and doing light research in the middle of say... history or science class. You tube videos would be cool too. My phone is a little small for all of us to watch and the computer... well, I'm just being a spoiled brat right now. :lol:


    What kinds of app do you use for school? Do you have the wifi or 3G? I think the 3G would be cool but I'm already paying a bit for my phone. So let me hear you gush about your iPad. :D


    I use various apps: Elements, Notes, Evernote (for reading PDF's), Kindle (I don't like iBook's graphics), Calendar, Stack the States and Stack the Countries, Adobe Ideas is great as a whiteboard, Audiobooks is a nice free app though I haven't used it much, and of course Safari. Oh and it is great for YouTube...really nice graphics.


    I don't have 3G, but I still love the portability of it. I can read books, take notes, read PDF's, etc.

  7. This is what I would like to know as well!


    What if you do not have an ereader or ipdad? My son would love to have this option. He hates writing in books so he doesn't do it.




    Can't we download the software and do it on our regular computers?


    You can download a free kindle or nook app so long as your computer has fairly new software (Windows Vista or 7 or Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6, I believe).


    Here is the link to the free Kindle apps:




    The Nook app should come up if you search for 'free Nook apps'.

  8. Maybe there's an app for audio books for the iPad?


    Audiobooks is a free app with lots of free audio books. I'm fairly certain there are other audio book apps, but that's the one I have.


    Well see that's what I was trying to figure out, whether you can play your audio file (iTunes presumably?) at the same time as you're doing all this. How many things can you have open on the ipad at once? At what point does it start to slow down?


    You can run an audio file on the Audiobook app or on iTunes and read a book on an e-reader app (I use the Kindle app) at the same time. There is almost no noticeable slow down. I think two apps at a time is all the iPad will run, though you can have up to four different web pages open while running an audiobook. Hope that helps.:001_smile:

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