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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. Will it work to have me as coach and two or more children as students all signed in with the same gmail account? Or do I have to open a couple of new accounts for me that will really be used by them? Do they actually need the email aspect or just the login info to use the Khan Academy? :confused:


    If you're worried about it, make yourself another couple gmail accounts and use them as your kids' accounts.

  2. Thank you for the replies. I am not really sure what some of the other information some of you posted was pertaining to, but it didn't seem like it was about Parelli.


    I have found Pat Parelli's website very informative! And, yesterday, I was able to see how Parelli works - there is a girl at our barn that is a 3 Star Parelli Professional who agreed to work with us - and it was amazing! The things that she is able to get her horse to do and the relationship between her and her horse was simply awe-inspiring. So, I am now convinced that this is the path for us.


    Through my research, I have seen that there are tons of folks who are opposed to Parelli and the way he approaches horse training, but I sincerely think they are not understanding his method at all. He does ride his horses with bits - he is not against them at all, but feels that there are gentler ways of directing and guiding the horse than yanking on a bit. I agree. Now that I have seen firsthand how it can be, I will not train our horses in any other way. I am excited to get started!


    No, the other stuff wasn't about Parelli.


    I'm glad you've found someone experienced to help you and best of luck on your training journey.:001_smile:

  3. Cynically hopeful.


    I can't shake my belief in God and Jesus. I read history from various viewpoints. It seems as though history is filled with various groups who fight with the belief that Gods or gods are on their side. Sometimes Jesus wins, sometimes "pagan" gods wins. Personally, I cannot look at history an see my Jesus God in there.


    Still, I just love me some Jesus. I love the idea of a just, merciful God. I love the idea of a God who acknowledges the fact than mankind fails, but still wants to accept them into His awesome presence. I love the fact that it has all been done for me, because nothing that I can do will ever make me worthy of being in His presence.


    I fail daily, hourly, all the time. I am a craptastic, at best, Christian. I totally suck at the Jesus thing. But He still loves and accepts me. That rocks.


    The biggest stumbling block for me is, honestly, other Christians. I hate judgement, mostly because I acknowledge how craptastic I am. I accept all people because He accepts all people. The "Gays" don't bother me one bit. Other people's business is NOT my business. I'm too wrapped up in trying to fix my multitude of flaws. I think Jesus-love, and to me that love means to serve. Serve those less fortunate. Serve those looked down upon by others. I think everyone would be a Christian if all Christians would remember that Jesus hung out with hookers and thieves.


    My Jesus is a long-haired, liberal hippie. He epitomized love and service. Sure, He had rules, but he said the greatest commandment was love.


    Yes, this.

  4. Now*she already reads and writes a little* in*Latin(2009).

    :confused:Posted about one of the horses (Lipisina).


    [45] What does Alexander do, if not riding? What about Haute Ecole?


    NHE is developing, new knowledge is coming, old knowledge is being rethought, values are being revalued. Now Alexander teaches the horses Latin. Details will be available very soon, when the new film is ready.

    From the FAQ.


    [44] Why there have not been new photos in the gallery of Alexander aback for so long?

    Are the horses healthy?


    All the horses are healthy, but there are and will be no riding photos. Alexander stopped riding about two years ago, and is not going to continue this practice.

    He doesn't ride on ethical grounds, first of all. And besides, even the most permissive riding doesn't profit anything horse's health.

    Apparently he does not agree with riding at all.


    Forced collection is really a oxymoron, as true collection can not be forced. The so-called forced collection is achieved through the use of bits, bridles, nosebands, running-martingales, spurs and whips. This is accomplished with the rider’s hands pulling and yanking extremely hard on the bit and strong hard kicking with the spurs. The result is a normally beautiful graceful animal moving in severe pain and discomfort which is reflected in almost robotic movement.

    Again, he is taking extreme cases and generalizing them to the entire horse world.

  5. I'm not sure what to think about it. My 9 yo had a couple of lessons and really wants to ride, so I'm trying to learn more about horses. Are bits truly as cruel as he says? DD did ask her teacher about the bits, and she said that they didn't hurt the horse.


    Some of that stuff is a bit, um, scary. Notice how they jump to extremes.


    All horses are kept penned in a stall all day. Not true.


    The use of a whip is immediately equated to beating. Yes, a whip can be used cruelly, however it can also be used as a reinforcement of the leg and just a tap.


    All bit are painful and cruel. Sure, if you jerk the bit it is going to be painful. Some bits should not ever be but in a horse's mouth. Some should only be put in a horse's mouth if the rider has very good hands. But, the bit can also be a method of communication that is easy for the horse to understand and can be used subtly.


    also, they seem to be advocating that you should be your horse's equal. That is not the way a horse looks at the world. There is always a dominate horse, even if the horses are best friends. Your horse can adore you and still accept that you are the leader.

  6. So we are trying to make Nan tonight from SOTW4 activity book. It doesn't have any yeast in it yet we are supposed to knead it and let it sit for 2-3 hours. Is it going to rise? Can someone give me an idea of what this turns out to be? Is it like a flat pancake?


    The version that I have made is leavened. You make the dough, let it rise, make the dough into balls, roll the balls as flat as possible, and then cook them in a pan with some olive oil.

  7. Can someone please compare Conceptual Chemistry to Spectrum in terms of difficulty and time required. I understand that Spectrum is lab based and Conceptual Chemistry is not.


    I am trying to get a feel for whether ds could handle Spectrum specifically. He will be in 7th, but have enough math (AoPS algebra) and the ability to work with a science text (Tarbuck Earth Science (college level)). He will have about 4 hours per week to spend on Science (I could possibly bump it to 6 if I have to). Is Spectrum at all reasonable?


    hopefully I am not hijacking the thread....




    Ruth in NZ


    Sounds like it would work. Usually, reading the book and doing the exercises takes 1-2hrs a week and the experiment takes about 2 hrs, including the write up. We have been watching the Khan Academy chemistry videos, but you certainly would not have to watch them.

  8. This article, titled "Why I Cannot In Good Conscience Be A Protestant," was posted by one of my FB friends today. It's very relevant to this conversation both to the original poster's question and to the many tough questions asked by Bill and some others, IMO. Whether or not the answers will satisfy the OP I do not know. However, I found the article very helpful to understand the direction I'm going in personally.


    Thank you for the article. A lot of food for thought.:001_smile:

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