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Everything posted by KristenR

  1. Or how about being really gross and instead of hoarding product you can run some zombie blood and entrails through your hair-- you know- to keep the zombies away.
  2. This is probably a dumb question--- since everything is prefabricated - but maybe they can make "smaller pieces"? I don't know. I would imagine it would have to be possible though. I get so caught up in going over blueprints and daydreaming now. We're still leaning towards the house I linked previously but this one is a close second.
  3. :hurray: Sounds like an awesome morning. My oldest has been obsessed with birds for a few months now. I wrote about this book that was/IS a huge hit. My girls are often found sitting in front of this book imitating the bird calls. I swear sometimes I can't tell the difference between the book and the girls' calls!
  4. I had the exact same hiccup with my daughter as we went through the prelevel. She eventually just memorized the cards for the Get Out of the Wagon game. I thought she was getting it but the light bulb didn't click outside of that game and those cards. She wasn't quite 4 at the time so we just took a break and focused on some other things. I have been building up her confidence by using our SightWord Flashcard game. We also kept going with our Nora Gaydos readers and plan on picking back up with our prelevel AAR soon.
  5. Living in Florida, I oftentimes see large sections of a house being transported down the interstate. I've never actually seen one being put together though and not sure how such a "wide-load" navigates down narrower streets.... I would imagine it would be possible.. just not sure.
  6. I found a bunch of great pictures from sometime last year. They had me cracking up so much that I wanted to share. I did write some explanation for it so not quite wordless here..
  7. LOF has been another one that's been on my wishlist for some time. But now I'm wondering if I would rather spend my money on Beast Academy next year instead. Decisions, decisions.
  8. The ones we have been looking into said it normally takes a week or two to make it live-in ready. This is the one I'm currently eye-balling. Only I like the picture of it in white with black shutters. I would love a wraparound porch!
  9. Anticipation!! Oh I love the thrill of expecting curriculum packages!
  10. The link you included didn't work properly for me. Do you mind trying again? From what you are describing it sounds like a cape house where the upstairs is unfinished. We've been looking at a few of those as well. I'd love to see yours!
  11. FWIW I have a Kindle and finding good b&w illustrations is really just hit or miss. I don't know how Nook operates but Kindle has a pretty wide variety of free books that change regularly. Those are the ones I usually get for my kids. Some of them are real winners and others I end up deleting right away if they look junky or don't convert over correctly.
  12. Here are the science kits that I whipped up for my young girls last year. They still use them to this day.
  13. Good to know!! Thank you!! (especially about the poop! LOL) That's my fear about boxers too. Right now that is the only downside to them that I have found.
  14. By any chance do you know who the manufacturer was? I have been in a few model homes and purposely tested out the sound absorption because I had a fear it would be bad. But the models I toured, with my three loud little girls, was about the same as the site-built home we are in now. I wonder if they just amp up the model or if it depends on the builder....
  15. I'm busy plumping up my Amazon wishlist in the hopes that hubby (or grandparents) will fill my stocking up with some fun educational resources that I can use this upcoming year. I was wondering what resources, curricula, or materials you all might be hoping for.... If any of you have a blog and would like to link up, I started a Dear Santa Homeschool Wishlist here.
  16. That does sound a bit expensive. That being said, you have intrigued me. Can you share a link so I can check them out. :)
  17. Pam from EverydaySnapshots and I have decided to pick one another's brains on homeschooling resources we're asking Santa for Christmas this year. We would love to have you guys join us. It will be a great way to see what you might have otherwise missed or forgotten about. You can read about it and link-up your posts here! Also, feel free to grab the Dear Santa banner!
  18. I just posted a blog post about a fun Silly Sentences flashcard game I begin with my early readers. I noticed it helped ease the way to beginner books.
  19. I know what you mean. I think we are all right there with you. I hope we're not supposed to be doing anything when we get a "like" notice. If so, I'm afraid I might be looking rather rude to some people. I assumed it was like getting a"like" on a comment on Facebook or something.
  20. Making a mental note to remember this... Thanks for sharing!
  21. Another recommendation for Nora Gaydos books. She has quite a few books in each level. Each set consists of 10 small readers. I've used them with my older two girls and they LOVE them. You can see pics of my daughter using her first set here.
  22. We were supposed to do that today but I didn't have everything ready in time. So it's slated for tomorrow. I can't wait. We watched a view BrainPop videos on moon phases but I was hoping to add something else. I wonder if they have Sid the Sciene kid on the moon? My husband remembered an episode of Jim Henson's The Hoobs that had a fun moon explanation. It would have been perfect for my young ones too. Sadly, I can't seem to find it available online anywhere.
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