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Everything posted by Alphabetika

  1. :iagree::iagree:Yes, yes, yes! For me this is one of the deepest beauties of homeschooling, though I don't have any boys running flying around the house in X-wings at the moment. ;)
  2. :iagree: I love researching curriculum but in the end I usually go back to Point A. Sort of like on a multiple choice test, the way "they" tell you to stick with your irst answer.
  3. Forgiveness doesn't have to mean staying in fellowship. Based on her behavior, I'd say steer clear. What happened once can happen again, and with someone this mean-sprited, most likely will.
  4. If my voice wouldn't wear out, my dream would be to have a read-aloud life. Seriously, if I could do an entire elementary education by reading aloud, I'd do it. ;)
  5. Yes, I was going to say, like Ester Maria, basic cooking or at least enough safe food prep to be able to be your "kitchen apprentice." On the older end of that age range, phone etiquette, if you intend to allow your dc to answer the phone. (Some people do at that age, some don't.) Cement your personal information, too: full names of both parents, address, phone #'s. How to write a friendly letter and a thank you note, including addressing and stamping the envelope. (I'm big on snail mail correspondence!) How to politely ask for help/information in supervised situations, like at the library, store, etc.
  6. :iagree:My middle dd took the "Bizarre Ancient Languages and Alphabets" and loved it - it was her favorite, too! My older dd (who later took Latin with Lukeion) enjoyed the Roman Murder Mystery workshop.
  7. :iagree::iagree:Manipulators continue to manipulate. This is absolutely true - shell try to suck you in again. DON'T DO IT!!! :grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry. After I read your original thread, I thought, This woman sounds manipulative and ungrateful. Now I know she's more than that; she's downright cruel. For her to subject you to such a judgmental diatribe was completely inappropriate and just wrong on so many levels. It had nothing to do with the business transaction at hand and was even more deeply manipulative than the original interaction. Please get yourself away from her. She is NOT your friend. Not in any way. I may just be echoing what others have said (I haven't read any responses yet because I'm so gobsmacked by your post that I wanted to reply right away) but even so, add my voice to any others who say that your life will be more peaceful, your heart more comforted, your mind more settled, without this woman who is not a friend.
  9. Memoria Press has one called Roots and English that covers Greek and Latin roots. We haven't used it, but we're using Mem Press's Book of Roots (Latin only) this year.
  10. We don't have any experience with VP, but my oldest dd took two years of Latin with Lukeion and it was the best academic experience she's ever had. I know that sounds dorky, but I'm serious. Both of my older dd's have taken workshops with Lukeion, also, and my middle dd will be taking Greek with them the year after next. Can't say enough good!
  11. I'm a lefty and do it that way, too. Try it yourself - it just makes....better physical sense that way, is the only way I can put it. And I suspect it won't hurt her chances in life. ;);)
  12. :iagree::iagree:Yes, yes, yes to the home care. Does he have Medicare? We cared for my mom in our home until her death last September. During that time she grew increasingly disabled because of (long story) medical issues, though not as severely as your father. We were able to have a home health nurse come at least once a week, a bath/shower aide, and we could have had a physical therapist if we'd wanted one. You also may be able to have someone come and do respite care for him so you can get a break. You already know you have a hard road ahead, but I will echo what another poster said and say that you won't regret it. It is very, very physically and emotionally taxing, but you will not regret giving your father this care and attention, even though he may not show his appreciation. Still, he has medical issues that you will need help dealing with, so please find out what help you can get. Also, don't be shy about letting others know what you're experiencing, and take any help that's offered - meals, babysitting, breaks, anything. I can't send enough, but here are some :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I'd say my 2.5yo listens to stories about 2 hours a day. All four of us read to her. I adore reading aloud. :001_wub:
  14. I know what you mean! I am fortunate that my dh liked my first choice for dd#2, but the other two were not my first choices, though I like them now. He thinks that most of the names I like are too odd....but they're not....:D
  15. Okay, this is a fantastic list! Our Charlotte is Charlotte Rae. :) And we have a friend who's daughter is named Blair Magnolia - hadn't heard those names before. I sort of love name threads.....:D
  16. Just started buying raw milk at our local Sprouts store; they sell nonfat quarts, whole quarts and half-gallons, and pints of cream. I'm excited! It's more expensive, but so worth it!
  17. I know what you mean - I think I research baby names more than I research curriculum! :lol:
  18. Sadie and Silas? I'm fond of Charlotte, for obvious reasons (see siggy), and I've always thought Owen sounded cuddly. But my real favorites at the moment: Frances for a girl, Sullivan or Thatcher for a boy. Congratulations!
  19. I second the suggestion for Elementary Greek. My dd loves it. She is going to use all three levels and then move to taking Greek online with Lukeion Project, where they use Athenaze. Off topic: I love your kids' names!
  20. We have white lights on our house and front fence, a single strand, not the "icicle" kind, that we have up all year and they're on every night. We call it "fairyland." ;)
  21. These are gorgeous! Amazing! Do you mind telling me where you took them? It reminds me a bit of Peter's Canyon near our house.
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