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Everything posted by Renai

  1. No, he would not. He is all for stay-at-home moms, homeschooling moms, and not having to place children in daycare or ps- every family is different and respects each families choice to make that decision. He does teach that families should live within their means; so if mom was in the workforce and came home, the family should not still be living like they still have that $30K (or whatever amount) mom was bringing home. If mom has always been home, he gives tips on how the family should create a budget so mom can stay at home. As stated above, he very much supports SAHM. He also talks about having a home mortgage, and knows realistically most people will have one. Nothing in what he teaches comes close to what you've posted. I don't know where the information came from that you posted above, but it might be helpful to listen to him at least once to get a fair assessment of what he believes and considers. None of what was posted above comes even close. Hope this helps. This is a bunny trail, I know, but just wanted to clarify.
  2. Which is why I've stopped buying things for people who have everything already :tongue_smilie:. Saves me a buck, and them some clutter.
  3. No, you don't "need" to do anything with it if you're not sure what to do. If you don't know, park it in the bank and get advice. If an advisor says the stock market, run far away- it's just not smart to gamble. How about finding an advisor off the Dave Ramsey website: http://www.daveramsey.com. Do you have any debt? How about paying it off or down? Retirement account? Pay off the house? Do you already have an easily-accessible emergency fund (1-3 months in a money market or savings account)? I guess it also depends on where the money is coming from and why you would lose so much to taxes. If it comes from a retirement account, it should be rolled over into another one. But I'd suggest a professional advisor, cuz I'm not one :tongue_smilie:, just a Dave Ramsey listener.
  4. :iagree:. In fact, I had to speak up last night at AWANAS- not my church, and I didn't know the rude, disrespectful child who was sitting behind the teacher mimicking her and making faces. Most times though, it's public places, and there's the potential of getting hurt. So, I would have said something in that instance.
  5. One word: Freecycle. There is always someone out there who wants/needs toys for their children. We've even had start up childcares asking for donations. In fact, someone just picked up a few things from my house a couple of hours ago. That way, you are not being wasteful. And it feels good knowing someone else can use it.
  6. I must say I was shocked when I first read it to. Then remembered that labial has to do with the lips, and not necessarily the ones down under (if that's what you're thinking, cuz my mind went there- first). I'm pretty sure I'm not the only ones, including (or especially) those in the youth group. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9507 http://aolsvc.merriam-webster.aol.com/dictionary/labial I think the first clue could have been worded differently, without the s*xual overtones. You know, something about steel, and ovens, and such :lol:. I like your note. And also, how did they deal with it when it came up during group time? I would want to know that.
  7. Well, now that I own a bank, I qualify for the commercial lending rate that has just lowered :D.
  8. Sounding more and more like socialism (or communism) every day. I wish the thought of me owning a bank made me feel richer, but alas...
  9. Thanks so much for clarifying. For the situation I was in, none of the boys had been in foster care, although two in particular had a dysfunctional family (allowed to watch pornos, a lot of molestation within the extended family). Remember, I'm talking 10-14, with a majority being 10-12. Hmmm, actually that 14yr wasn't even a s*x offender, he was on that dorm because of his small size. I do have a small sample- about 16-20 boys at any one time. But most of my information comes from the in-general or learning the stats on-the-job type, like what you related to me above. I understand what you mean though- as far as first time offenders. I only know of one on that dorm that would fit that description, although he was 10 when it happened. He got mad at another boy for calling him a name and sodomized him. Because of his background and the fact that he never displayed any of this type behavior before, it was thought he'd have a better chance of rehabilitation. But, he was in prison. The boy the OP talks about has a possible history of abuse (as a victim), which requires therapy in and of itself. If that is the only type he receives, that may be enough to keep him from victimizing others ( creating empathy, etc.). But, imo, the possibility of prior abuse is a warning flag, since he has already acted out. Other than that, I pretty much agree with you. Placing young criminals around older ones begats more sophisticated criminals. Negative socialization and all that.
  10. This is the problem- people put sick children in public childcare places. They've had fevers (that parents ignore or discount), or lie about they had one just last night (24 hours needs to pass from the time fever has gone down, not when it started). Thankfully, her child isn't sick. However, if someone else puts their sick child in, he will get worse.
  11. It's been over 24 hours since his mild fever, most daycare rules would admit the child. Some rules state the color of mucous, but it has since been realized that mucous color is not a determiner- presence of fever is a determiner. I've worked in Head Start, private preschools, and public schools, and the rules have all been very similar. Tail-end of a cold with no fever is not contagious. There are some general guidelines here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/childrens-conditions/CC00059
  12. I skimmed over many of the responses, and my viewpoint is coming from having worked in a juvenile prison for boys ages 10-19. The youngers were separated from the olders because of predators and/or "favors." 98% of the younger ones - ages 10-14 - were s*x offenders. The gender and age of the victims didn't matter, both genders, all ages, family members, friends, and enemies. I don't where someone got the statistic that 90% of this type of offender do not grow to be adult offenders, but in the prison system, we heard differently. It was more like up to 90% do become adult offenders. And rehabilitation of s*x offenders is the hardest type of rehabilitation- which is probably one reason most of these children (yes, they are children) continue to offend (yes, 10yr rapist still have the mentality of a 10yr old). And please remember, these offenses have nothing to do with s*x, urges, or hormones- it is about power. Yes, even children use this as a form of power over others. That boy needs help. NOW. And away from temptation. Yes, he offended against a much younger child, but most data shows that preferences aren't solidified among children as much as they are among adults (gender preferences either). If he is not getting help, I'd push the issue until he got it. Not a witch hunt, but with statistics (prior abuse, only one offense caught- who knows if there were others), odds are against him, and I'd much rather he fall on the good side of the data. I don't want to sound fatalistic, but something really needs to be done to help him. Without counseling, and finding the source of what caused the first(?) offense, and teaching what to do in a similar instance, something could happen to trigger another offense. There is a cycle, and he has to learn how to break it. Renai
  13. Occasionally, like when I remember, or dd reminds me- about once a week or so. We do it in English and Spanish, and it's posted on the wall.
  14. Go ahead and learn it. The couple of Spanish (Spain) natives I'm acquainted with never used it, but the Spanish homeschooling yahoo group I'm a part of I see it sometimes. We also read it all the time in the Bible. I still haven't taken the time to actually sit down and figure it out- I'm learning by osmosis :D. So, yeah, you can go ahead and learn it :).
  15. I did find a site where I could get it for $50. Thanks for the information.
  16. The testing thing has been the thing I've been thinking about most. I decided to go ahead and pick up the paperwork from the district to get her tested. Wow! What a great website. Thanks for sharing it.
  17. I met with the director yesterday, and the co-owner's sister homeschools all her children- not that that means anything :). She made mention of using the CAT test. Is that the California Achievement? If so, I know that test can be done at home. Are the results the same comprehensive results Sylvan has?
  18. Can you tell me more about the evaluation? How in-depth was it? Did it give you information you could not / would not have figured out on your own?
  19. Has anyone ever used Sylvan for their children in reading and/or math? We are considering this for our just-turned 9yo dd/3rd grade and looking for opinion/comments/likes/dislikes/options. TIA! Renai
  20. Most publishers will specifically not allow TE purchases by parents whose children are in school. There is the concern of cheating for one. If she wants to help her son, she should ask her son's teacher for helps. Ok, I'm editing to add: HM has textbook supports on a website for teachers, parents, and students. The site is http://www.eduplace.com/. She can choose the state she is in, the subject, which text, and it provides resources- extra practice, homework, etc., set up by lessons and everything. Hope that helps.
  21. Some people don't. I didn't until I was 24, about to be r*ped, and saw the guy aroused. It took a while, but I figured it out. And this was after years of being "told". I don't know what is the "ideal" age, but I would think it would depend on the child. My almost-9yo dd knows about the menstrual cycle, has seen women give birth (pictures and video) and knows the difference between that and how she came out of me. She has no interest knowing about s*x (thank goodness, I'm not ready to tell her). She heard something from a neighbor girl, but she won't tell me what she was told and basically said she doesn't want to remember (this was a year ago). (She also said that when dh and I disappear, she knows we're not taking a nap :001_huh:) I guess when we're both ready, we'll talk. I don't know about pictures though. So, no advice. I don't know how I'll feel by the time dd is 13. I guess I'm not on either side of this argument then :tongue_smilie:. (So, what am I posting this for again...?)
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