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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Oh my goodness...for some reason I was thinking June 13 was Tuesday! Thanks!
  2. I like Bachmann mostly, but I do have some HUGE disagreements with her.
  3. About 16 of Newt's top level campaign people resigned en masse yesterday. Many of them have ties to Rick Perry, which is what started that rumor. Newt and his campaign staff had different ideas on strategy, but he says he is continuing to run. We will have to see what happens!
  4. Is anyone else excited to watch the GOP Presidential primary debate on Tuesday? I love election season (although the people I support rarely, if ever, win!). It is at 8pm ET on CNN, and will include: Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Texas Representative Ron Paul, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. It's weird how much later this cycle is starting than in 2007-2008. EDIT: It is actually on MONDAY, June 13!
  5. I get that it isn't cheap, but I addressed that in the other part of my solution...it would involve overhauling our entire economic system.
  6. Okay, but the school requirement is that you pass this test, and pass the classes, right? And this was known to him, right?
  7. Please don't take this the wrong way... Do you expect the school to award diplomas to people who do not meet the requirements? Or am I missing something here?
  8. Okay. My answer, and it probably won't be well liked. The whole system is broken. Medical care is too expensive. This is due to a variety of factors, but I have some suggestions. One, we need sound money. Inflation caused by the Federal Reserve causes prices to go up. Two, malpractice insurance is too expensive. Three, drugs are too expensive due to over-regulation. As far as health insurance being so expensive, people are using health insurance to pay for every little thing. It would be like auto insurance that pays for oil changes and adding gas to the tank. Catastrophic insurance (for, say, you get in an accident, or discover you have cancer, or some other chronic illness etc) with a high deductible should be the way to go. You should be able to buy it across state lines. It can be reasonably priced. For your routine care, pay cash. Those who can not afford this basic level of care should get help from churches, charities, and their local community. I should not be required to provide money to pay for other people's healthcare.
  9. My dd5 wants breasts...mostly because she wants to wear a bra... I don't think we will be giving her a voucher for some custom built ones.
  10. On the second quiz, I got a similar placement. You are a far-right social libertarian. Right: 9.52, Libertarian: 5.51
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_kansas_drowning_charge I know my dd5 doesn't understand death that well, I don't think this girl is responsible for the decisions she made.
  12. Honestly, tea seems like dirty water and leaves to me.
  13. Sorry, I mis-typed...Lower left would be Democrat, upper left is the non existant party! :)
  14. Looks like most so far are in the lower left quadrant...very interesting!
  15. Cool! I am right where Milton Friedman is! :001_smile:
  16. In practice, they would both be in the upper right quadrant, very near the middle of the graph. More abstractly, I would consider the lower left quadrant to be Democrat, the upper right quadrant to be Republican, and the lower right quadrant to be Libertarian. Hope that helps!
  17. I can't imagine that is the criteria used, nor does it appear to be relevant.
  18. That's fine. You have my permission to think differently than I do. ;) Do you have an alternate suggestion for defining freedom as it applies to states, and a list that orders the states by your criteria? Please share!
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