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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectopic_pregnancy Interestingly, there have been at least 4 babies born alive that were the result of ectopic pregnancy. Those are extremely low odds. I don't know anything about Doug Phillips, except what I have read in this thread. Not a fan.
  2. I started this thread so I could become less ignorant. And now I am.
  3. Ok, I believe you. Sorry for yelling at you earlier. The problem is THAT video. People were pointing to THAT video and using it as evidence of his patriarchism. That is why I was getting frustrated.
  4. It was helpful, she asked lots of questions and seemed to really care what I had to say. I have a followup next week.
  5. I am not saying he isn't. I am saying that I haven't seen any evidence of it. I am saying in this video he is separating himself from pariarchists.
  6. Sorry, I didn't use the term on you. I was referring to what he actually said in the video. I equate masculinists and patriarchalists as the same thing.
  7. Yes, that is what he would say TO THOSE WHO HE CALLS MASCULINISTS. That is not saying he agrees with that. He distinctly separates himself from them.
  8. Seems very clear that Wilson is setting himself apart from what he calls "masculinists."
  9. So, automatically anyone who believes in the total sovereignty of God is a racist?
  10. He was answering the question, not asking it. The people he was addressing the answer toward are the ones that have this view. That was very clear. It depends. For some, their own calling from God is to be a wife and mother. For others it is not. How would I know what God's callings on my daughters are?
  11. Right. That would be patriarchalism. You extrapolated a lot that I didn't see in that video...because it wasn't said.
  12. So they can reach their potential and thus- be used by, serve, and glorify God. I think that is the role of all creation - to glorify God.
  13. My life has no value outside of how I can be used by, serve, and glorify God... does that make me a feminist?
  14. I haven't seen it either. Saying slavery is Biblical isn't by default racist. http://www.canonwired.com/ask-doug/complementarianism/
  15. No, that video was them discussing how they could explain his college educating women to "masculinists," which is what I imagine the same as patriarchists. He may be patriarchistic, but that video does not show that.
  16. I am a Biblical literalist (I guess you could call me that.) I disagree with his theology that applies the Old Testament law to modern day Christians. Therefore, I think slavery is completely 100% wrong. And I don't think Old Testament slavery is analogous to slavery in the USA. However. In the time it occurred, it was very common to makes slaves of the nations you conquered. I believe at times God commanded Israel to completely wipe out and kill all people of the enemy forces. It is not up to me to compare God to my personal moral ideas of good and evil. If God does or commands something, it is automatically good, since He is good.
  17. I don't really have any issues with what was said here. I do disagree with his Federal Vision theology, and his legalism...which translates into his views on slavery. (Which I also do not agree with.) I have no issue with his belief in "paleo-Confederatism." I have yet to see evidence of his "patriarchism." Thank you ALL for helping me learn more about this man. I definitely don't think he is comparable to Fred Phelps. He doesn't seem hate-filled, just incorrect in some things.
  18. I think so. Just found that out today. What do you think of it?
  19. About all I knew was he was a calvinist libertarian who has debated Christopher Hitchens and has written a bunch of books and writes about classical Christian homeschooling. No idea of his views on slavery or that he is patriarchal. I figured he was complementarean.
  20. Has anyone read his stuff? I am just learning about him. Seems like I guy I would agree with on a lot of things. Incidentally, seems very intelligent. What are your thoughts?
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