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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Since we're making educational posts, may I just say that my quarter horse mare, Scarlet, makes the Best.Hay.Infusions.Ever.
  2. Oh, no! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for you and your baby!
  3. Is this like IEW's other stuff? Because we tried their Student Writing Intensive in 6th grade and only lasted a couple of weeks before we were both ready to gouge out our own eyes. (I think writing is really one of those "student specific" areas. DD is a willing and natural writer. Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer has finally bullied hectored gently persuaded me to be more Charlotte Mason-ish in my approach to writing with DD. Which works out well, because it really means just leave her alone and let Brave Writer teach her the necessary skills when she reaches the appropriate age. :thumbup1: )
  4. Now, put a crown on that baby and it'll be perfect!
  5. Tex, on the geometry question, have you considered Derek Owens? We'll be attempting AoPS, but Derek Owens is the back-up. DD is doing the self-paced Physical Science this year, and I have been impressed.
  6. Shall I come and bring the AR, so I can be cleaning it when he arrives?
  7. YES. Now go pour yourself a glass of red wine, sit down, and eat a handful of chocolates. That's an order.
  8. I have a Build-a-Bear stuffed monkey named Neko. He wears dragon wings. When the fam has pushed too far, I grab Neko and screech calmly say, "Don't make me let loose the flying monkey." Newsflash: I'm kinda weird. :wacko:
  9. You all are quite ambitious. Here, it's hot dogs, buns, and chips. With doughnut holes for dessert. Because tomorrow, we diet. :lol:
  10. My barn kitties look so beautiful! They are two, big, strapping boys. Each is a bit on the chunky side (they plumped up for winter), but their coats are so thick and soft and lustrous. They're so black they're almost blue. Petting them is like petting the softest, finest fur coat. :001_wub: *this has been my random post of the day.
  11. Rats! I just read the obit, so I missed the services. (Didja catch that? **snort, giggle** I think I'm soooo clever! :wacko: ) (Actually, I really am sorry. Losing a pet can be hard, especially on short people.)
  12. AT-A-GLANCE Monthly Wall Calendar 2016, 20 x 30 Inches (PM4-28) They have them at Amazon, but they are a bit pricey. ($22.08 with Prime shipping.) I ordered mine on time this year ( :huh: . Yay, me!), so it was a bit cheaper then. I would be lost without this calender. It is LARGE and hangs by my desk. The grids are large enough that I can write down entries so that they can be seen on my way out the door. :thumbup1:
  13. So, may I join the conversation? As a stakeholder, I find these lists to be especially problematic. So, the problem becomes how do we walk it back? Well, there's also the potential problematic situation that could occur should everyone else join the conversation: We might break the internet!
  14. Happy New Year's Eve! We were supposed to be doing a science intensive week, but I evaluated the short person and ruled "Break Time" after she turned in all of her AoPS work yesterday morning. She and her BFF are still sleeping off the copious amounts of crab (the broken pieces are WAAAAAY cheaper than the legs-YAY!) and chocolate covered brownies consumed last night, and I am planning my assault on Mount Laundry. Tonight, we shall, in grand tradition, celebrate East Coast New Year's by watching the ball drop and then sleeping. One downside to living in a rural area is that a shocking number of people drink and drive (Cuz there's hardly anyone on the roads, right? Wrong.) I think I need to go hang out at Slash's house; it sounds FAR more entertaining! :lol:
  15. Praying again for Baby Caden! Be strong, little guy!
  16. We'll be hitting geometry in the fall, so I can't help you there. But how about this:
  17. Have you considered Brave Writer online courses? If your son is a natural writer, perhaps one class a quarter? For basics, depending upon his skill level, perhaps Kidswrite Intermediate or Expository Essay? My DD is 13 (8th grade this year), is a natural writer, and will be doing Kidswrite Intermediate next term (well, this term now, I guess.) She has done a number of classes through Brave Writer, and we have been uniformly pleased. Susanne Barrett teaches literary analysis-DD has taken 2 Shakespeare classes from her-and we both think Susanne is fabulous.
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