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Rebecca M

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Everything posted by Rebecca M

  1. What an encouraging post! Getting a little OT here... we have an 8th grader Aspie in PS and I'm just not sure about teaching him at home (many reasons.) However this thread and the aspie posts especially are so encouraging to me as I think about the possibilities. Thanks!
  2. My 5th grader is hsing for the 1st time this year. I started him with Town and it is working great. It is one of our favorite parts of the day!
  3. I'm really new to Homeschooling and this board. I have a 5th grader at home and I'm considering taking my younger children home next year. I have loved learning about teaching ideas for all their ages in this forum. However when I'm trying to sort out curriculum choices and teaching ideas for each child's unique needs it would be helpful to have the Logic stage in a different place than the Grammar stage. I'm trying to keep all these ideas sorted in my head and maybe I'm just easily distracted, but having separate places to search, think and share would really help me.
  4. Another one using this schedule for about 10 minutes a day.
  5. These are great - I'm bringing my 9 year old home from PS this year and will be using these. Thanks!
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