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Everything posted by mazakaal

  1. Yep. I know exactly what you mean. Even if I'm not interested in the thread topic, I still wonder what could have been written for it to be deleted. I've even read all the follow-up posts to see if I could figure it out. (hiding head in shame)
  2. Thanks for all the replies. I'm off to go shopping now. :001_smile:
  3. I only frequent this board and occassionally a pastors' wives' board.
  4. My kids' favorite Put 1 1/2 frozen bananas, 3 cubes of ice, and one container of yogurt (they like strawberry or raspberry) in blender. Pour in enough milk to almost cover the ice and banana. Blend. Makes 3 kids' portions.
  5. A while ago I asked for ideas here for a geography study with my 1st grade dd to use next year, and this is what I've gotten narrowed down to... I'll be using CHOW for a history overview, but will not be doing any supplemental history work. Our focus for the year will be world geography and cultures. I have A Trip Around the World and Another Trip Around the World for 'spines'. I also have Maps and Globes and Geography From A to Z to supplement. I have Window on the World and some missionary stories that I'll use for read alouds. And I want to get the Geography Songs kit. So here's my dilemma. I've found lots of great 'foreign cultures' sorts of supplements on Amazon and I'm not sure I need them all. Here's what looks good to me. Some have been recommended here and some just looked interesting to me. But I've only seen any of them on Amazon. And no, I don't have a Barnes and Noble near me to order them and preview first. I live in the middle of nowhere, so I have to choose without seeing and won't be able to return anything. No pressure, though. Children Just Like Me Celebrations How People Live Material World: A Global Family Portrait Children From Australia to Zimbabwe So, are any of these not appropriate? Are any too similar to each other and would be a waste? Any must haves? Or should I buy all of them?! :001_smile: Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the ideas. I have flashcards that we use now. I don't think it would go over well to carry them into the summer. I'll look for the cd's though. Thanks.
  7. I got TTapp a couple of years ago and tried it for a little while (maybe a month or two). Then something happened and I got out of the habit. This was shortly after my 1st miscarriage. This is also when my body started to change. I had always been pretty skinny, with a pretty flat (though not exceptionally toned) tummy. After the miscarriage my tummy never seemed to go flat again. Then I got pregnant again and lost the baby. After this I kept blaming the pregnancies/miscarriages for my slightly bulging tummy. Months later I read a post from someone here who mentioned that TTapp didn't work for her, that it made her tummy thicker. Anyway, I wondered if perhaps my bulging tummy was a result of the TTapp intead of the pregnancies/miscarriages. So I was surprised to see that you said that it was the best thing you've ever done for your stomach. Was I doing something wrong? Or was my first conclusion right about the pregnancies/miscarriages being the cause of the tummy? I've been afraid to get the TTapp out again after reading that other post. What do you think?
  8. I was pregnant and up in the middle of the night with insomnia, ironing in front of the television of all things when the news was reported. I clearly remember when the Challenger disaster happened as well. I was in 11th grade history and the principle came into the room to tell us. It's funny that so many people mentioned John Ritter. I didn't even realized that he had died. Two others really affected me - Dave (I can't remember his last name) who owned Wendy's restaurants and Gerald Ford. Both died while we were home in the States on furlough and doing a lot of driving around the country. I remember when Dave died, I welled up with tears every time we drove past a Wendy's. When Ford died, I welled up every time we drove past a flag at half-mast.
  9. I'd like to do something with dc over the summer to not necessarily teach them more Latin, but just keep them remembering their chants and vocabulary. A friend of mine heard of a Latin teacher using rap music to review the chants. Anyone know of a cd with this on it? BTW, dc are 12yo, finished with ch6 of Latin Prep, and 10yo, finished with ch11 of Lively Latin. Thanks.
  10. Thanks to all the ladies who responded to my jogging post. I'm now committed to jogging 3 days/wk using the couch to 5k program. I'd like to find something to use 2-3 days/wk when I'm not jogging. There are so many different videos on Amazon that I have no idea what to choose. Can anyone recommend something to help me tone up in general and work on my abs in particular. I'd like a video that lasts no more than 20-30min. And if it had a few different workouts to choose from (so I don't get bored doing the same thing over and over) that would be a bonus. Oh yea, and nothing that requires too much coordination. My feet get tangled up when I have to do complicated aerobics dance steps. Thanks so much.
  11. I have to say that I really think it's wrong that homeschoolers can't be a part of this contest. Now, it actually has not effect on me because I'm not in the US, so we'd be disqualified anyway. But schools have a lot more money to spend on sports equipment than I do. Schools get $6-8000 per child per year from the government (from our tax dollars). Homeschoolers get nothing from the government for curriculum or sports equipment or anything else. We have a school down the road from me that has a brand new playground and sports area that my dc aren't allowed to use, even during non-school hours. Right next door to the school is the dinky pathetic public park that my dc can use. I'd love $5000 to go into fixing up that park.
  12. I'm really wanting to make this work. Thanks so much.
  13. We have always done Singapore and he started having trouble in 5A & 5B. When he was still having trouble in 6A, I switched to TT6. He finds it very easy. He's getting all 80's, 90's, and even plenty of 100's. So far I think he's just covering material that he'd already been taught in SM and was familiar with. I don't think it's nearly as challenging as SM, so for a dc who wants to go into engineering or something, it may not be the best choice, but for an 'average' math student like my ds, I think it's a great choice.
  14. I used to jog regularly back when I was in college (about 20 years ago!) and shortly after I graduated, but once I got married I got busy with other things and I've had a terrible time being consistent with any form of exercise for the last 15 years. I tried TTap, other exercise videos, walking, but have never kept anything up for more than a couple of months. When I was visiting my parents a couple of months ago I went out jogging a few days in a row and felt fabulous. Of course my legs were incredibly sore, but after just a few days I felt so much more fit. After the vacation ended I got sick and didn't go running again for weeks. I just couldn't get back in the habit. This week I decided I had to start running. I've gained about 15 pounds in the last couple of years and would love to lose most of that. More than the weight, though, I want to lose the flab that's accumulated in my tummy and tighten up my tummy muscles. And I just want to have the extra energy that I get when I'm exercising. So what can I do that will help me to be consistent? How many days/week should I jog? Should I alternate with other exercise- some days jogging, some days doing something else? Right now I'm not fit enough to just jog straight through for a half-hour so I jog to a point, then walk, then jog again, but I'd love to get to the point that I can jog for 45 min straight. Is this a reasonable expectation for a 38yo and how long can I expect it to take to get to that point? Thanks.
  15. I still have another 5 weeks to go. Enjoy your summer vacation!
  16. By my mid-20's I had plenty of white hairs, but they sort of blended with my natural highlights so they weren't too obvious. Now, at 38, the white is obvious. I had my hair colored for a couple of years, but couldn't afford to keep it up so now I'm just embracing my sign of maturity. :) My mom has been white haired for as long as I can remember, so I always expected to go white really early.
  17. Here's the link Okay. Nevermind. I can't get it to work. Go to foxnews.com and there's a link on their home page.
  18. Stephen Curtis Chapman is my favorite artist and dd says that Cinderella is 'her song'. Here is a link to a recording (made prior to the tragedy) of how he wrote Cinderella.
  19. We did LC I and part of LC II, so I'm hoping that I'm not too far off, but I don't worry about it too much since no one actually speaks the language any more.
  20. Okay, I don't know what I did wrong in my previous post, but the first paragraph is a quote from ticklbee. How do you guys make quotes come out highlighted?
  21. She asked me a question about an abacus the other day...why do they have two different color beads. I handed it to her and asked her to look at it and then see if she could tell me. Immediately she said " I don't know". When I tried to encourage her to make a guess I got "I'm sorry I even asked." That was it - no trying, no thinking, she just couldn't be bothered. This is just one example of a gazillion just like it. This is the exact thing that happens with my ds. What a relief to hear that I'm not alone. I get so discouraged sometimes when I read homeschool books about the family taking such joy in learning about some topic, finding books about it, making projects, etc. I've wondered what I did wrong in his early years that he would rather do anything other than learn. Although it's more accurate to say that he just doesn't want to put any effort into learning because he can learn things he's interested in, like surfing. Anyway, thanks so much for all the encouragement. I'm going to read back over these a few times and pray through what I should do. I think I'll also get a book that I just found on the Galore Park web site about study skills. Thanks everyone.:001_smile:
  22. I loved the Jane Eyre they made a year or two ago. I know there are others, but I just can't think of them right now. I need to go to bed!
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