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Everything posted by mazakaal

  1. Thanks for all the recipes. I can't wait to try them out! :001_smile:
  2. Baby #4 was 8 days late and doctor stripped my membranes. Ds was born within 24 hours. I saw the dr one morning, at about 5am the next day I woke with real contractions, ds was born within a couple of hours of that. Praying for baby to come tonight for you.
  3. bumping I'm sure there must be breadmakers out there! One other question... is one type of oil better than another for the recipes in the pamphlet that came with the breadmaker? Thanks.
  4. Alana, I was just perusing your blog and saw your Latin vocabulary bingo idea. I think that could really work for these noun/verb endings. Write the endings on the cards and call out their use (ie - 1st person singular present tense or 1st declension nominative singular). What do you think? How has the bingo game gone for them learning their vocabulary? Megan
  5. I'm using Latin Prep with my 12yo and Lively Latin with my 10yo. I like both programs, and it seems like they have lots of practice, but neither of my boys can do the exercises without looking back at charts of noun and verb endings. I've used flashcards and matching cards with them. They memorized the chants, but they can't quickly remember which ending to use without going through the whole chant. I feel like these endings are almost like multiplication tables. If they can't have them memorized well enough to quickly recall the ending they need, they get totally bogged down when trying to do an exercise and it takes them FOREVER and my 12yo usually has lots of endings wrong. I'm willing to put LP and LL on hold for a few weeks until they have these endings memorized, but I'm not really sure how to do it other than what we've been doing, which obviously isn't working. Any suggestions?
  6. My kids go through phases with them, not playing with them for weeks, then they can't get enough of them. My kids are like that with a lot of toys, though.
  7. Dh is bringing home my new breadmaker. I've never owned one, so I need all your best recipes - normal sorts of white and wheat bread, as well as wonderful seedy granary loaves. Thanks.:001_smile:
  8. Well, we were a no kill family. We had a little humane trap that caught the mouse in a little plastic box. I'd always heard that if you let them free just outside the house, they will find their way back in, so you have to release them at least 2 miles from your home, so dh got the fun job of driving the trapped mice a few miles away and releasing them into the wild. Unfortunately, one particularly active creature tossed its weight around inside the trap so much that the trap fell out of dh's hand, broke, and let the mousey free. Fortunately, this happened outside our house. But, at that point, dh put his foot down and said that we would henceforth use the traditional neck-breaking style of trap. So sad.
  9. Well, I only got migraine headaches during the boy pregnancies. Does that count?
  10. LOL I can picture them all praying for safe baby while your dh tries to tame the wild beast. Too funny. :001_smile:
  11. I used Easy Grammar with my then 6th grader last year, after using R&S for 3 years. I just found that R&S took way too much of my time. Easy Grammar was much, well, easier! If a friend gave it to you, I say try it out. You have nothing to lose.
  12. Depending on how 'back to basics' you want to go, you may want to look at Writing Skills. I'm using it with my 5th grader and find it to be a very gentle basic course, and very inexpensive - I think around $15. It's available through Educators Publishing Service if you're interested.
  13. Our current house is 50-100 years old, but our last house was over 300 years old. There was a legend that there was a tunnel from that house to the coast for smugglers. Kind of cool.
  14. Here in Europe they've been trying to push reusable shopping bags for years. I've always thought they were too much trouble. And I actually use my used disposable bags to line small garbage pails, so I didn't want to have to buy reusable bags for groceries and then buy disposable bags to line the bins. Finally, about a year and a half ago, I noticed that the disposable bags they were supplying in my main grocery store, were decidedly more flimsy than they had been. I think the grocery company must have reduced the amount of plastic per bag. They would rip with only a few things in them. I finally broke down and bought the reusable bags.
  15. Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. :001_smile:
  16. Yikes! Do you afterschool? Are you American or Swedish? Are you trying to fight in the court system?
  17. Hi! Welcome. I'm sure you'll learn lots of great things here. I know I have. You may want to check in on the High School board to help you with your self-education. It sounds like a great idea. I'd love to do it, but just haven't quite managed to get there yet. Megan mom of 4dc - 12yo, 10yo, 6yo, 4yo living in sunny (at the moment) England
  18. I would not be at all happy if we had snakes. I don't like snakes in general, but even worse, the snakes here are poisonous. I'll take mice over snakes any day.
  19. Our landlady won't let us have pets. I'll keep the terrier idea in mind if we move, though. :001_smile:
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