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Everything posted by mazakaal

  1. It happens so easily, doesn't it, Cindy? Glad you were able to detatch yourself and get involved in ministry that was more in line with your gifts and interests.
  2. This is so true. It's the only way that I was able to get help with the Friday night cooking. We were in the US for a month a while back. The congregation decided to just skip the meal on Friday night and have coffee/tea/dessert with a Bible study. They said that it just wasn't the same without the meal. So when we took a 3 month trip to SA a couple of months later, a couple of guys did the cooking every week. Yet when I returned, the cooking landed firmly back in my lap. This past winter we were away for over 5 months. They got a whole rotation going with 3 teams of people cooking. The first week I was back, who do you think cooked? I went to the new pastor and told him that I didn't want to have any of the cooking responsibility because it will inevitably fall back in my lap. They agreed. Finally everyone else has taken the responsibility. I'm now just the backup cook. Yea!
  3. salad - spinach salad with mandarin oranges main - chicken with creamy lemon and tarragon sauce sides - rice and green beans almondine bread - none dessert - apple and blackberry crisp
  4. This can't be real! Someone actually named a child Strawberry Field? And the others aren't much better. Those poor kids.
  5. My brain is 29yo, and I'm 39 irl. Ds is 12yo, but his brain is 34. Poor guy.
  6. Wow. I'm shocked that was his response. I would not go back to that church. If that is their methodology and their values, I would not want to be a part of it AT ALL. Youth group should be hip enough so the kids want to be there, but it should be an opportunity to teach the kids the Word, to train them to be young men and women after God's own heart. Crude jokes do nothing to lead a person to Christ. It really saddens me that some churches stoop to this level. It's not really what Jesus had in mind IMO.
  7. I used FLL for 1st & 2nd, but FLL3 wasn't available at the time, so we moved on to R&S. It's very thorough, but I found that it took too much of my time because I did so much orally. We used Easy Grammar 6 last year for oldest. It was good and I was going to switch ds#2 to EG this year also, but I gave Growing With Grammar instead and I love it. I'll hopefully stick with it.
  8. My story... I met dh at church when we were both pretty new Christians, but very involved in the church. About a year after we got married we moved to Moscow to help start a church. This was '94 right after things opened up there. Dh was the assistant pastor there for 6 months, but had to take over the church when the pastor was in the States for 3 months. After the pastor's return, we moved back to the States, dh got a secular job, that was still a ministry. He was managing a surf store which was owned by a Christian guy who encouraged dh to use it as an outreach ministry. After 5 years doing that we moved here to England to start a church. In addition pastoring the church, dh started organizing a festival and doing a lot of outreach work. A year ago dh turned the church over to a British guy (his assistant pastor who was the first person to come to the church), and dh is now the outreach pastor at the church. I've worked in more different ministries in the church than I can count between our lay ministry days and being a pastor's wife (singles, children, couples, women, outreach, homeless feedings, media ministry, administration). The first several years of this church plant I taught Sunday School every week (even 3 days after dd was born) and did periodic women's Bible studies. Eventually I found others to teach SS and only had to run the children's ministry. Finally, when I thought we were going to be moving, I turned the children's ministry over. I recently started teaching SS again, but only every 3rd week. I also do a lot of hospitality ministry right now. I cooked a Friday night meal for the church every week (unless I was out of town) for 2 1/2 years. The cooking finally got turned over to others when we were on furlough this year, so now I just host the event. I find that the biggest challenges in the ministry are dh's expectations. The people at the church are great, but in dh's mind, if there's no one else to do something, then I should step up. He's gotten better as time goes on (I didn't have to teach SS the week after ds was born), but I'm hoping that it will get better still. Also, I struggle with dc's attitudes to the ministry. My oldest in particular really resents the ministry and the church a lot of the time. He tends to have a difficult time with keeping a good attitude in general. It is a real struggle. Anyway, I would love it if a social group started. I really do feel like I'm on my own here. As a pw I really can't talk to anyone about a lot of the struggles and difficulties of life. Thanks for starting this thread, Cindy.
  9. Oh, and also bring a stuffed animal to snuggle with, if he's still into stuffed animals.
  10. I may get blasted for saying this, but when we go on long flights, I let dc watch tons of tv/movies. I always make sure that we have the little individuals screens so they can choose what to watch. We also bring books and playing cards. I got tired of bringing tons of stuff to keep them occupied and none of it getting used. I figure one day of too much screen time won't kill them.
  11. I don't have time now to read all the responses or to write too much. I'm a pastor's wife, too. I'm surprised how many there are here on the boards. I hadn't realized. I'll post more later.
  12. I haven't read all the other responses. It looks like a lot, but really I guess it depends on how long each of those co-op classes are. It seems like you have your basics covered at home. As long as you are getting to all of them and they're not getting skipped a lot because of all the extra-curriculars, you're fine. Does your daughter handle all the activity all right? Does she seem exhausted when she gets home from co-op? If it seems like too much for her, you could easily drop a p.e. class, a science class, and a book club. She would still be left with a full plate of extra curriculars. And if you're not managing to get through her basics on a weekly basis (math, language arts, history), then you should probably consider dropping a couple of extra-curriculars. But if she's happy and the basics are getting covered, it looks fine.
  13. And should this be... He had to throw the ball faster than he wanted.
  14. So would the correct way to phrase this be... I only keep reading this thread because I am curious about all the mistakes I make that annoy others.
  15. If you ran my name through IMDB, you would come up with a low-budget teen film, but I wasn't in it; my mil was. We have the same name (had, she's passed away). She played one of the screaming moms in the film. And I actually can't really think of anything particularly interesting about myself. Hmmm... I grew up one town over from where the Clintons now live, but that's not really about me so much. My nickname in high school was Pizza, short for Road Pizza which is what I almost turned into when I stumbled into the road in front of a car one night (and, no, I wasn't drunk, I was just really silly).
  16. This looks interesting. I've never heard of it before. Have you used it?
  17. Yes, I was going to recommned All Through the Ages. It's a great list of books, broken down by country, and recommended age. If you have a good library, this resource would be all you need.
  18. Thank you! I'm just starting Core 5 with my 10yo and doing a world geography study with my 6yo. This site is a gold mine. Thank you!
  19. Thanks. I saw La Clase Divertida at a convention and really liked it. I tried to order it over the summer, but could never get through to them on the phone and finally just gave up. I'd looked at Easy Spanish, too. It's good to hear from folks that use it and like it. Thanks again!:001_smile:
  20. Haven't read the other responses. Maybe this has already been suggested. I like it cold, mixed with some olive oil and either lemon juice or lime juice, some salt and pepper to taste or some garlic salt. Add chopped parsley or cilantro and chopped bell peppers (any color), chopped carrots, chopped cucumber, maybe some peas, a little bit of shredded lettuce if you want, really any type of veg that you'd add to a cold salad.
  21. British Museum, Natural History Museum, Cabinet War Rooms, Victoria and Albert Museum. They're not specifically Middle Ages, but they're all great, and free now - well, I'm not sure if the CWR are free, but the others are.
  22. Bumping, just in case anyone knows an answer to this. Thanks.
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