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Everything posted by mazakaal

  1. I never put celery in soup. I don't like it on its own and I'm not going to buy a whole bunch just to use one stalk in soup.
  2. I asked a similar question a while ago - chemistry and physics in one year for my 6th grader. I don't know if those responses will help you at all, but here's the thread. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56174&highlight=chemistry
  3. We used to do a 6-7 weeks on/1 week off with a month at Christmas and a month in the summer. I found that after 6-7 weeks of hs, dc and I all needed a break. If you don't want a whole month at Christmas and the summer, just make some of the 1 week breaks into 2 week breaks.
  4. I'm really confused about this. I don't allow dc to download movies or music from the internet because it seems like stealing to me. I don't really know the legality of it all. We sometimes watch tv shows on-line. I assume that watching Monk from the USA network web site is fine since it's their show. I question whether it's okay to watch Monk (or some other show) on YouTube. And on YouTube I see adds for other sites where you can download tv shows. Is this legal? If not, why is it so accesible? Why is it not shut down?
  5. I know this is quite a broad range. The 5th grader is learning Latin also, so I thought a simple program that moved slowly would be okay, so as not to overwhelm him with too much language. Is there anything easy enough for my 6yo, that wouldn't seem babyish to my 10yo?
  6. Thanks, ladies. I'll try the water and food. If it doesn't work, I'll go to the doctor. I do tend to get a lot of headaches (not usually migraines) so there may be something there.
  7. I started running back in May - 30-40minutes a day, a couple of days a week and didn't have any problems. I've become less regular with the running as time goes on. A few weeks ago I took a long walk (about 10 miles in 3 hours). A couple of hours after the walk I got a migraine. I get migraines occassionally so I didn't think much of it. Today I went for a jog/walk (about 5-6 miles in an hour and a half). And now I have another headache. Can these headaches be a result of the exercise? If so, is there anything I can do to avoid them, other than don't exercise?
  8. Praying for a speedy recovery for Caleb. Seconding the idea to check with the airlines on the flight changes. Get a note from the doctor stating his condition. We've been able to get refunds on tickets when dc were too sick to fly. I expect they'd waive the change fee in your case.
  9. I think it sounds great. It takes a lot of courage to step back and re-evaluate, to change directions mid-career, and to take on a new challenge. Well done!
  10. I'm using LL for my 5th grader. I think it might be too easy for an 8th grader. I use Latin Prep for my 7th grader, and while it would be challenging for a 5th grader, if he is a solid student as you say, you could make it work if you were sure to take your time. I think it would probably be a better fit if you want one program to work for both dc.
  11. :iagree: And the criminals, I mean CEO's and CFO's, who have walked away from the mortgage crisis with big fat pocketbooks, leaving the taxpayers to bail the banks out. I really don't know how they live with themselves.
  12. Congratulations! Glad it all went well in the end. My biggest was 9lb 10oz and he was tough to push out. I don't even want to think about 11lb 1oz.
  13. Enjoy it and spend some time with your 7yo, or with a cup of latte. ;)
  14. I don't really have ds do a lot of writing. He's actually very good at coming up with creative ways to say things, but he hates writing, so I don't overwhelm him. I'm using Writing Skills where he generally only has to write 8-10 sentences each day. I'm hoping to build up to the point where he can write a good paragraph by the end of the year. I'm trying to work up to it very slowly because he really does get very stressed at the thought of having to write.
  15. I'm trying to transition to more independent work for my 5th grader. I switched from R&S to GWG because he can do it on his own. We also use WW and SW that he does on his own. I only need to spend a couple of minutes explaining each assignment in Writing Skills and talking about yesterday's assignment, the strong points and weak points. I started using Sonlight this year because he can do most of the Eastern Hemisphere Explorer on his own. I still do read alouds with him and I have to teach Latin, math and science. I'll hopefully move him to more independent work as time goes on.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up on the MFW lesson plans. :001_smile:
  17. Sorry, ratzapper.com has the thing for $39. www.ratmousezapper.com has it for $29. That was the one I had looked at.
  18. We've had mouse problems and someone here recommended the Rat Zapper. It looks very good. Unfortunately it costs $20 (not too bad), and $32 to ship to England. So we're looking for other solutions. If I were you I'd give the Rat Zapper a try, and if there's no joy, go with a professional exterminator. www.ratzapper.com
  19. Is this designed for your dc to use mostly independently? Or does it take a lot of your time as a teacher? Do you recommend the companion cd to go with it?
  20. Things I do to reduce my grocery bill... Breakfast for dinner one night a week (eggs, French toast, pancakes) Cook foods that use less meat - instead of whole chicken breast for each person (1 1/2 lb for our family of 6), make food that uses chunks of chicken and only use 1lb for the famliy Pasta with no meat once a week (pasta with pesto, or alfredo, or marinara) Soup once a week Buy generic store brands as much as possible Cook from scratch as much as possible Use less lunch meat at lunches - Ramen noodles one day, Spaghetti-O's one day, eggs one day. We have sausage rolls or Cornish pasties one day, but you probably can't buy those. And, of course, look for special deals at the grocery store. Go to Costco if you've got it. I wish ours was closer.
  21. Heather, I'm so sorry that you've lost such a good friend and especially that that precious baby will never know his mother. Wonderful to know that she is with the Lord, though. How is her husband doing spiritually? Megan
  22. I just watched the you tube video. It was very cool how she mentioned homeschool moms in a positive way. And it wasn't part of political rhetoric, just an off the hand comment about how hard we work. It's nice to be recognized. :001_smile:
  23. I think the only ones who don't get the real picture of what's going on are the politicians in Washington.
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