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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. Sorry to sound very stupid, but what "exactly IS" RAD? I know it is some kind of attachment disorder, but, how can you tell in an infant/toddler that it isn't just a personality type of issue (or even just normal infant/toddler issues)?


    Where can I read up on this?

    Thanks so much for your help.

    Hot Lava Mama


    It is hard to untangle things when kids are little. My dd had symptoms that looked like lots of things including rad. Turns out she was having seizures and ADHD that were inhibiting her a lot and causing those behaviors. But we had learned about attachment and many of the basic things that help attachment kids are great for all kids like wearing them ect.

  2. Hoping this works HERE is a song I am using to teach my children the books of the OT. (otherwise go tohttp://www.lds.org/cm/catalogsearchalpha/1,17929,4958-1-2,00.html and click on G and then the top choice Genesis, Exodus)


    Disclaimer: This is from the LDS.org site. This song does not do anything but list the books of the Old Testament to music but it is from the LDS children's music book.

  3. Another vote for not normal...my dd was a rager. We had daily hour plus violent rages over everything. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and Epilepsy...and the raging stopped within 1 week of increasing the epilepsy med. It was a miracle in our family. I found that I had to push and push to get someone to take me seriously though so be ready for that but as soon as a medical professional saw the behavior they realized that it was outside the norm. Good luck it is hard to mother a child who rages.

  4. So...a question. Dd just adopted a newborn through Bethany and the birthmom wanted the adoption totally closed. She received his hospital records today and the hospital left the birthmom's name and a good bit of info still intact.

    She's thinking she should save this info- but since the mom doesn't want contact, would it be wrong to let dear grandson use it in the future if he wants to find his birthmom? It sounds like most of you have contact with the family-so I'm guessing you think it's the best choice when raising an adopted child.


    Enlighten this grandma- I'm new to this whole adoption world.


    Yes keep it...the little slip up in paperwork is how I found dd's birth mother on Facebook. Most states don't "allow" searching until the child is 18 but then at least he will have a starting point. Plus if there were ever a severe medical issue it would be easier to find her at that point.

  5. My dd was basically closed for the last five years. Then I found her birth other and Facebook and messaged and she responded (when she was ready after a while) that she was ready to see us and it was AMAZING!!!! Ds was open and it did cause dd to ask more about her birth mother and there were tears but both birth,others have taken an interst in both our children not just the one they birthed. They want to be open with the family. I love open adoption!

  6. The problem with primary is that they are volunteers with no training and in some cases they are there to grow themselves. Primary presidents are regular women who are just trying to do what they do and I am sure have lots of concerns with the children in their "care". I think the problem is that as a mom we KNOW that there is a reason we are asking something and usually if we are asking it then it is very IMPORTANT to us. The hard part is getting other to realize how IMPORTANT it really is. (I am a food allergy mom, I have asked multiple times to know what food is available at primary activities so that my dd can bring appropriate options....I was blown off and had to confront the primary president about it at church and it was similar she didn't get how important it is that safe food be available and that I want to help with that but must know ahead of time). I think this is a time of grace, she probably didn't really get how IMPORTANT this was to you. But I would also be very aware of what is happening so that you can continue to show that you are trying to "help" too and not just be a problem.

  7. I just want to point out that the strike is not about the money...the main items they are objecting to is the evaluation of teaching based more than 50% on student achievement on a standardized test...when the majority of the students in their schools are on free or reduced lunch indicating that it is a very financially poor area. The other it appears is based on health insurance which as with everyone is going up and thus they are working longer hours and essentially getting paid less than when they were working shorter hours with better benefits.



  8. Hmmmm . . .is Regulation Springiness a thing?


    Also, should they get rid of the age restrictions? With such a short shelf-life for a sport, is there harm in letting athletes compete WHENEVER they peak? It would spare us the constant drama over the age of the Chinese gymnasts.


    Who actually knows something about gymnastics and wants to chime in with an opinion?


    Here is another breathtaking performance. I can't begin to guess this girl's age.





    The reason they upped the age restrictions (right after 1996) was to protect the athletes. The hope is that by raising the age coaches would be smarter about training young athletes so that they have less injuries and more longevity. It appears to have worked with many athletes staying around longer.

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