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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. The worst part of all of that is that I can see how many a desperate parent would read that article and see how "happy" it was (it was written in a very gentle sounding way, not preachy, but like how perfect it all turned out everyone learned to tell the truth when the stakes were small) and how it appears to have changed the family and WOW how wonderful if they could do the same thing...and either miss the spanking part or think hey one spanking a day that is not very much (or is much less than what is going on right now at the end of their wits) and want to learn more and be slowly pulled into the idyllic picture of a perfect family and not see what is truly happening.

  2. Do you want your children to be religiously Jewish or just culturally Jewish? Right now it appears according to your post that you are culturally Catholic (with Grandparents who are trying to teach your children religious Catholism). If you seek to teach your children cultural Judiasm then I think you should just do it, you don't need any sort of permission because it is teaching them a part of your culture. If you desire the religious part of Judiasm then I would talk to your husband about your feelings and see what works best for your family. As for your IL's they may have their thoughts and opinions about religion but this is your family and you and your spouse are in charge of the religious (or lack of religious) education.

  3. Ask Please! As the mom of a food allergic child it is so important to be asked before my child is fed food that I did not give her. Many things have her allergen hidden (some brands of pretzels while others are safe). Please please please ask even children that are older may not be totally proficient in identifying foods that may have hidden allergens.

  4. I know you have probably already checked but just in case Have you gone to an ENT? I just found out my son who talks like he is underwater does that because he hears everything like it is underwater...we are going in today to get tubes in hopes it will help. He will be 3 in 1 month and there was no history of ear infection (the normal way to diagnosis). The only reason we even got in to the ENT is because his sister helped him shove a piece of styrofoam in his ear and when it was removed the ENT noticed fluid and said that was not normal.


    So if you haven't already (and I am sure you have) make sure he has seen an ENT, our regular doctors never even noticed the fluid its just not in their normal checking routine.

  5. I have to say I am really surprised at these responses. It smacks of entitlement to me. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of privilege and entitlement.


    It is not entitlement....I didn't fill out the original survey expecting to get selected, that is entitlement, I also did not expect to receive the game not do anything and get a gift card again entitlement. But when I am told that I was selected and then told to E-sign a statement with a follow up that says the game is on its way that is what I expect to have happen...And if it could not happen I would expect to receive information in an appropriate time frame that was more than a generic email like I had never really been selected to begin with. I don't expect to get something free but I do expect a company to communicate appropriately its not entitlement it is good customer service.

  6. I vote for the forum too...because each child is different and has different needs. I joined when dd was 3 and had just been diagnosed with the first of several special needs. I was hoping to find a place to talk about how to teach my child things like HOW to play with toys or how to read a book with her at all. Or how to teach discipline and while some of those things were answered in the Special Needs forum it was not the same because many of them are parents of much older children dealing with much older things. Now I have my son who will be 3 in a month and he has different sets of needs. For example now I need to do more enriching play that I never did with my daughter, art and such and I have forgotten all I thought to do but couldn't so I feel back at the beginning but k-8 isn't the place for that. So I would love a forum for mama's who still have littles and doesn't have to be about academic book learning but it could be about support and thoughts on what to do to help each of our individual children to be the best they can through mommy schooling (which for me means mommy and child spending time together playing with possible learning outcomes).

  7. Technically MealBoard does not let you set up different stores....but you could customize the setting so that instead of it saying Produce or Meat as the header to that section, it would say Trader Joe Produce, Costco Produce ect. But you would have to set it up that way and divide it up that ways in your ingredients list that you do with each recipe, because that is where you put it in at...

    MealBoard does move a checked item off your list...so if you get something at Trader Joes it won't show up when you go to your next store. HTH

  8. Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(

  9. On Tuesday I was diagnosed with an ear infection, the first one in my adult life. They gave me antibiotics and I have been on them since them. The problem is my ear is still super stuffed up (very occasionally it still hurts)...I can't hear out of it and it is driving me crazy. Should I be concerned that the antibiotic isn't working? If I don't contact the Dr tomorrow then I have wait until Monday. Has anyone else had this problem?

  10. My dd was diagnoses with epilepsy in sept...we had no idea we did the EEG to rule out epilepsy and then the results said seizures increasing during sleep...there were no signs other than violent behavior that would turn on and off in instants....all that to say I think the common understanding of epilepsy is common but does not mean every single person with epilepsy does the common and there are outliers like my dd and possibly your son...the meds have changed my dd's life for the better and mine too

  11. So I talked to dad and if he doesn't bring formula tomorrow my dh is ready to go buy it for her. He did bring solids for her to eat but I just feel like babies should have bottles and those bottles should be formula. So that is what we will do. I assume his mother who is older probably recommended the watered down milk but I will not do it...it didn't fill her up! She is chunky and wants a lot of food and formula is part of that food and calorie count. So here's hoping he shows up with formula tomorrow.

  12. She is a very chunky baby at 8 months she weighs too much for a bucket carseat. Dad said something about milk formula doing something to her poop and it didn't work so they are doing the watered down milk. It sounded off but I was doing so much paperwork stuff with him I didn't push it. He is trying to get wic but there is legal stuff and time stuff that he is dealing with from what I gathered. I did not plan to do day care I just took a friends little boy till she could get him in a real daycare...he's on the waiting list, and this baby is a friend of the friend. So I figured I would give it a try. I am going to tell him she must have formula of some sort.

  13. I just picked up a child care baby who is 8 months old. She is a chunky adorable baby but today is the first time I met her or daddy (who is quite young but doing his best considering he has only had her 2 weeks full time). Daddy told me they don't do formula and handed me a bottle of 2% milk and said to mix it 50/50 with water and give her that....WWYD?

    It makes me feel funny to give a baby cows milk because I have heard that you should till 1 but is it really that bad? Do I need to tell dad that I will only give her formula and to get soy based if she can't do the milk based? Have you ever given your under 1 year old baby anything other than breastmilk or formula?


  14. Couple of thoughts...

    You have all the power in this right now. You have the information to do with as you will and only you can decided when and how and what you do...and I would make it clear to all those pushing that you will do with the information as you see fit and that you will tell them what you are going to do when you are ready.


    Second your birth mother made the choices she made by herself your biological siblings had nothing to do with it. But again you have all the power and can do with the information as you wish.


    This is your life and experience and it is ok to just hold on to the information. I think there is a lot of people that think they know how an adoptee should feel based on what other adoptees felt or what they read or what they would feel but that has nothing to do with how you actually feel and what you should do. That is something only you can decide.

  15. Couple of thoughts...

    You have all the power in this right now. You have the information to do with as you will and only you can decided when and how and what you do...and I would make it clear to all those pushing that you will do with the information as you see fit and that you will tell them what you are going to do when you are ready.


    Second your birth mother made the choices she made by herself your biological siblings had nothing to do with it. But again you have all the power and can do with the information as you wish.


    This is your life and experience and it is ok to just hold on to the information. I think there is a lot of people that think they know how an adoptee should feel based on what other adoptees felt or what they read or what they would feel but that has nothing to do with how you actually feel and what you should do. That is something only you can decide.

  16. The most recent statistic I had heard was 40% of children with ASD have seizures too. So it is a known co-morbid. We did an overnight EEG and were shocked to find out our dd was having seizures. But with treatment they are not effecting her as much and the change in our child has been HUGE. I highly recommend that you get an EEG done to really rule out the possibility of seizures. This way at least you can really check the box off and move on to other things.

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