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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. There is also a bias in the method of teaching, and the textbooks used. Girls do well when math is a social learning experience...which many traditional math teaching techniques don't utilize. Also the majority of teacher in elementary education are not mathy people...the majority are caring, loving, people people and that is why they love teaching. Thus many teachers don't teach math well and probably show their personal bias towards math inadvertently while teaching.

  2. Ds (probably with help from dd) has been to the er twice with foreign bodies in body parts. The first was a bead in his nose that was there for at least 2 days before I discovered it. The other was a piece of styrofoam shoved in his ear canal that required a trip to the emergency ent for removal because the er could not safely take it out....then after all this dd shoved a piece of styrofoam in her ear just 2 nights ago thank goodness it was easily grabbed and removed with tweezers. Now if I could just figure out where the kids were finding little pieces of styrofoam from.

  3. Thank you. I went ahead and bought the Kindle version. In the review it said the book's thesis statement is: They believe in Christ, but they do not believe Christ. This has been my problem for far too long (even before my parent's divorce). I'm going to go ahead and start reading.


    There is a website the red headed hostess that I have been going to. She has great ideas for scripture journalling that has changed my level of scripture study and made it much much much more meaningful. The other thing has been reading about other religious beliefs and g the bible and seeing that I really do believe the bible points to things that I believe as a Mormon more than what I have read about other religions (not saying others are wrong just that ready this way have validated my beliefs as lds belief rather than mainstream beliefs)

  4. We started our DD on ADHD meds at 3.5 years old. It was not the first thing I wanted to do but she needed them. They have changed her life...she is able to learn including how to behave.

    One way to think about it is if your child had say epilepsy and needed medication you would do it. It is a brain problem that is medicated for and very few people would not medicate for epilepsy. So why do we (general, cause I totally did it) dither about over medication for ADHD which is also a neurological issue. The only advice I have is to research the meds and side effects and realize you may have to change the meds if they are not working or the side effects are worse than the problem they are helping. There are so many options out there for ADHD now there is no reason to deal with massive side effects when something else can be tried.

  5. Regarding church vs gospel...the gospel is the good news, the truth, the message of Christ. It is what is True!

    But there are things in the "church" that is not gospel but culture and not Truth but the way it has always been done. Therefore a person can be strong in the gospel and not strong in the church stuff. But so many judge based on the church stuff and not the gospel stuff (its harder to see someone's heart).

  6. Regarding church vs gospel...the gospel is the good news, the truth, the message of Christ. It is what is True!

    But there are things in the "church" that is not gospel but culture and not Truth but the way it has always been done. Therefore a person can be strong in the gospel and not strong in the church stuff. But so many judge based on the church stuff and not the gospel stuff (its harder to see someone's heart).

  7. So wishing we could actually watch conference....sadly it is not an option and I am just grateful if I can watch it after the fact during naptime this week (right now we are grateful when we can actually sit in a pew for 5 mins during sacrament meeting before having to remove dd :( )....but Redheaded hostess has a General Conference idea book and I second sugardoodle...and therhouse has a cute food idea for general conference kinda like the drinking game but with sugary candy and gospel topics.

  8. Already having children in your home and age do not preclude you from domestic adoption, although it may mean the wait is longer. I have a friend who has 5 other children and placed 2 years ago with a white newborn. I know 50 + single women who are getting placements. Be prepared for a wait but if your baby is coming through adoption then your baby will come regardless of age and number of children in the home.

  9. So here is my thoughts as a buyer for how ever little that is worth:

    Price your items to include paypal fees and shipping (most people say ppd to show that the price includes all of this)

    You can use media mail to ship books but if there is something other than books/dvd/cds it needs to go 1st or priority, which both cost more.

    I think some sellers weigh their items before they list so they have an idea of how much shipping will be.


    Paypal puts all the onus on the seller to ensure that their items arrive, that means it is the seller's responsibility to get Delivery Confirmation and it is encouraged to get insurance. If the item is not received proven by Delivery confirmation there is a chance that the buyer can go to paypal and get their money back.

    I think that paypal offers delivery confirmation with their shipping labels for way less then the post office.


    Hope some of this helps, I have never sold but I have bought quite a bit and have even had to use the paypal protection with a scammer once.

  10. The shooter, Zimmerman, is Hispanic. Well, half hispanic, but since half white, half black folks are always referred to as black, shouldn't a half white, half Hispanic guy be a Hispanic? I find the Florida law horrifying and this Zimmerman guy should be locked up or institutionalized. I think he is unstable at best- reports I have read said he has called the police upwards of 80 times in recent history! That is excessive and screams unstable to me.


    The media and the racial issue is maddening. No one is talking about this guy being hispanic, because in my opinion it is more powerful (and agenda fitting) to be saying a white guy shot a black kid in cold blood. Clearly this man was the agressor, but is it too much to ask for full truth in reporting instead of cashing in on sensationalism?


    Hispanic is not a race it is an ethnicity, techniquelly. Hispanic people are the mixture of native peoples and either white or black. So saying he is white Hispanic means he is a white person who is ethnically hispanic...kind of like saying I am white German, I am a white person who is ethnically German. Again this is technical and why you see a race question on many questionnaires followed by the are you Hispanic comment.

  11. I think that you can still read the bible without having to subscribe to someone else's interpretation...I think the advantage to leaving organized christian religion but still believing in God and Jesus is that you can make up your own interpretations to the bible that fit your personal beliefs and then find a place (whether church or home) that fits your personal beliefs.

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