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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. We did not get ABA in NY (where it was available) because i could not get autism put on his early intervention or preschool plans. I spent all my energy fighting for the label because that's what mattered in NY. My son does not have autism, but at the time he was diagnosed by a neurologist and developmental pediatrician, so he should have received those services.



    This is part of the problem...there are certain labels that are recognized and thus able to get help more than others. DD currently has an ADHD label but I fought for an autism label because then we qualified for ABA, social groups, speech therapy and for parents support groups. We got a provisional which did get us speech but nothing else. That got removed and we are left with ADHD and no help other than give her meds. Thankfully we have an insurance that grants a lot of OT and that has been her saving grace but many insurances don't cover as much. Also there is no other supports being offered us. It seems that the label rather than individual is more important in our system. The other thing is that many of us parents recognize our child had needs at an early age yet mental illnesses typically are not labelled until the child is older (IE I was told we would not get a known diagnosis until teen years until then is a behavior disorder) so how can we treat something so generic as a behavior disorder. I do hope that people keep talking about the failing of mental health in our nation so hopefully someday no one will be left hanging with a child with mental illness.

  2. I only told my dd, when she wanted to play with a toy nerf gun and I said no and she kept asking why, that a bad man had made a bad choice with a gun and hurt someone far away and I didn't want to see any guns today. I have not watched any news about it only read a bit on the internet. But I just saw on facebook that her school is going to be addressing it somehow and I am hoping they are really gentle because I don't want her to know :(

  3. So I don't actually do the thread but have been inspired. Last year I read right around 52 books but this year I have done 93 so far. I have a book available on my phone, my kindle, my ipad, a book downstairs, and a bedtime book. This means that I may not actually read 1 book a week but some weeks I finish 3 or more books. I read during naptime and whenever I have a spare moment. Next year I hope to actually post on the thread :)

  4. Yep so hard...my dh's family gets all the little girls dresses...but this year my dd sized up to the 8-12 group and they couldn't find anything...so they got this ugly big girl flapper dress with a necklace...it was way to big kid for a 5 year old. Thankfully Friday I found a cute one that didn't try to make a 5 year old look like a 12 year old, and they paid for it and return the other.

  5. As someone who feels very left out at my church I can see where she is coming from...and there have been times when I have reached a breaking point in my trying not to care that I am left out of everything (IE I set up a Halloween party invited 10 people and NO ONE SHOWED UP), that I have said similar things just because I am emotionally at my end with being a nobody. As for responding I don't really know if there is an honest thing you can do unless you are ready to be her friend or are able to help her become a part of your group.

  6. Do you know the reasons that she is being cared for by grandma? How long has she been in their care?


    If she has been in constant care by grandma since birth I would not bat an eye. If she has been with grandma for quite a while and according to medical information has attached and is healthy I would do it instantly. But I would be concerned and want a LOT more information is she is being cared for by grandma due to abuse or if she has been in care for just a short time.


    The other thing I would want to ensure is that she can still have contact with her grandma until her death and attend the funeral. Hopefully she has established a strong attachment and will need to grieve the loss of her grandma who was her primary care giver.


    Good luck!

  7. Can you clarify this? Is it a regional school system? Trying to figure out why other towns can go to school in Hanover. Thanks!


    Hanover's school district covers the towns of Norwich, VT, Hanover, and Etna...possibly even Lyme...it has to do with towns not having enough students to fund their own high schools so they tuition them to Hanover High....which is one of the best districts in the state. Hanover and Norwich are very expensive. I don't know about Etna.

  8. I have started digital scrapbooking and am finding Photoshop Elements to be my preference. There is a learning curve but there are a LOT of tutorials on how to use it. Also it has a 30 day trial (which is what I am currently using) so you can see if it will work. I have not tried any of the other programs but from I have seen Photoshop will do everything a scrapbooker could want and not really be outgrown....until you start wanting to design scrapbooking stuff lol.

  9. I live in an area that was VERY effected by Irene flooding in Vermont. Recover is still in progress so this was scary but we appear to have fared well this time. We did not lose power last night! It was pretty gusty around 9:30pm and again around 4:30 so lots of branches and leaves but no trees down in my area. School is in session today and it seems like most people are going around business as usual. But we keep getting heavy rain showers followed by sunshine intermittently which has been odd. I have prayers for those effected recovery is only beginning and the devastation is starting to be seen. I hope recovery comes quickly for them.

  10. We had trunk or treat tonight. DD had her own cookies in her special tupperware container. Then we went trunk or treating were I tried to guide her to safe food. She knows skittles are safe so she asked for 1 pack of those in the car then waited till we got home. Then I switched unsafe (which we gave to baby brother who was sick and didn't get to go :( )with safe candy. Thankfully she won't eat much candy so most of it will disappear a few days after Halloweem :)

  11. I think the best we can do is offer the opportunity and be open to their interests. That said I realized how valid the 10,000 hours thing probably is. When I was 14 I started doing ballet...I was short and stocky and had not danced before 14. I knew it was not a career just a passion. I ended up dancing for 10 years through college and even for 1 year after college. Then I stopped to be a mom. Just recently I tried an adult ballet class. The teacher was shocked....she said she had never seen anyone dance the way I did unless they were teachers. I had put in 10000 hours and had actually become pretty good even if I never used it again I learned valuable skills like self discipline (try going to be by 10 pm every night in college with night owl roomates that takes more than self discipline lol). So I think the journey is the key and the hope is when the passion hits 10000 hours will just happen, with support from us.

  12. The smoking thing is timely for me, I went to the post office today and a guy was out front, on the lawn, smoking. He had just blown a big puff of smoke, wind in my direction, when I walked out with my boys. He apologized, and started backing up, and I was like "it's fine, really." we were outside, he wasn't blocking the sidewalk, it was a random wind gust, we aren't going to drop over dead, you know? Poor guy was so apologetic, I guess he's been chewed out a time or three.:lol:


    I get that cigarette smoke is not pleasant smelling, but neither is baby poo, Dog doo or car exhaust. I have friends who just freak out if a smoker is visible, and I just don't get it. Maybe my nose is defective? :tongue_smilie: then again, we lived in Asia with toxic yellow dust- give me a little cigarette smoke over that mess any day!


    Now littering, I hear ya!


    For a lot of people it is not a huge problem just a yucky smell possible toxic inhalation. For a mom of 2 asthmatics it can mean having an asthma attack. Also its the fact that some other person can cause me to have to breath their known cancer causing agent in order to enter a building or enjoy playing at a park with my children is not right. They have the right to kill themselves, they do not have the right to kill my children with their addiction.

  13. I am the owner of a brand new iphone. I am looking to see if hive members can point me in the direction of some specific apps. They are home management and school related so I figured this is a good place to ask.


    #1 is there an app (or a couple) to help with shopping management? I meal plan and there really must be something in the app store for me. I would like something that would allow me to plan a meal and then have the ingredients posted to a shopping list. It would be nice if I could remove them as needed as well.


    MealBoard is what I use for menu planning and it generates a grocery list that you can click when you have purchased it.


    #2 some sort of pantry tracking thing. How many boxes of cheerios do I have in there? Should I buy more? When was the last time I bought cheerios?


    GrocerEaze is a pantry tracking app


    #3 is there something that would allow me to scan the isbn of my books and make a library? I just want to scan them. If I have to enter it all, then it prob won't happen.


    BookCrawler is my favorite book organization app.

    If you think of any that might interest me, I would be grateful.


    As for calendar I like Cozi but it seems to run really slow for me....so I am switching to apple calendar because it is on all my Mac devices.

  14. I too wish that the concentration on Mormon Mommyhood was toned down a little....as an infertile couple in the LDS world it is very, very, very difficult to have so much of the focus on stay at home mommyhood ect. I know that a lot of that is ward/area based but still hard. There were a couple of wards I was in when the only groups met during the day when I was working...and I was working to afford the opportunity to be a mommy. And I never realized how hard it would be to finally be the mommy and still have to work in order to pay of the process it took to be a mommy when EVERY OTHER young mommy was staying at home playing (ok not really but it felt like that). I know a lot of that is my own struggles but there is so much culturally in the church regarding mommyhood that anything less than Stay at home mommy can be very isolating. And don't get me started on the birthing babies being like the priesthood/closest to God stuff because then why would some very amazing spiritual woman never be given the opportunity even if they have been able to be married. Although I don't know how much of that is doctrine vs. cultural interpretation to doctrine.


    ETA: Which is why I think the change in age is good because it helps to removes some of the cultural stigmas that have been attached to women. Showing they can CHOOSE which path is best for them rather than the appearance of falling into it by not being married by a certain point in time.

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