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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. I love the book a week because it causes me to make time to read...That said I try to keep a number of books going so that I read at least 1 chapter a day. I have a book upstairs (usually very fluffy) that I read at night before bed, a nonfiction downstairs, and then books on my kindle, phone and ipad. Some weeks I don't finish a book at all but then other weeks I finish 2 or 3. I also watch at least 2 hours of tv at night so its not like all I do is read. Thanks to the accountability of posting books I have read I will take the time out of my day to read. The first year I did it I did 52 books...last year I read 108...I am hoping this year to do as many or more. But I agree not so much the number as the prioritizing of reading in my life.

  2. Finished: The Explosive Child and A Phule's Errand by Robert Aspirin


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: The Faith Club by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner

    Upstairs: Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs

    Kindle: Curious Folks Ask: 162 Real Answers on Amazing Inventions, Fascinating Products, and Medical Mysteries bySeethaler, Sherry

    IPhone: Lucy Doesn't Wear Pink by Nancy Rue

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)


    Total Finished in 2013: 18

  3. I just walked through 2 airports with my 3 1/2 yr old on a monkey backpack and got lots of he is so cute. He loves his backpack and actually is the one who found it at the consignment store and asked me to get it for him. He even asks me to hold it when we are at home. That said my now 5 year who needed a lease more than anything....broke hers within 24 hours of my buying it. I think more people are realizing how valuable they can be.

  4. So here is my Sunday whine. DH and I are in nursery...there is 1 other couple...they are out of town this week and didn't try to find a sub...so I got sick and can't go...called the Primary Pres (no answer) called 4 other people no one could sub. Went through the ward list and everyone else was in a calling that made nursery hard (YW, Sunday school and primary) so I don't know if they had anyone in nursery...and did I mention the Primary Pres didn't answer her phone. Now I am going to be gone for the next 2 weeks and worry that no one will be able to do nursery. Grr I wish we had a current list of people willing to do nursery.

  5. I would not say there is anything wrong with it for a 12 year old BUT it is all online and the interaction (chat) is always on. You don't have to interact with others but some people do try to interact. I usually just say no thanks because I prefer doing it alone. There are some quests that "require" a group...I just skip them. It is not possible though to make is a solo no interaction game. I do enjoy it as an adult but I also have the ability to do just 1 quest and get off...it can be highly addicting though so you would need to set strict time limits on it if you did allow it.

  6. Finished: Forevermore by Kathy Hake and MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene

    Upstairs: A Phule's Errand by Robert Aspirin

    Kindle: Curious Folks Ask: 162 Real Answers on Amazing Inventions, Fascinating Products, and Medical Mysteries by Seethaler, Sherry

    IPhone: Lucy Doesn't Wear Pink by Nancy Rue

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)


    Total Finished in 2013: 16

  7. Maximizer for sure!!!


    One of the most obvious examples is that we are infertile and have adopted 2 times. At this time we are not pursuing growing our family although we would like to in the future. But even still I know everything there is to know about current adoption processes including many different international policies (both our kids were domestic and we really aren't interested in international lol). I also know about current reproductive technology including embryo donation/adoption, donor gamete ect. Again we don't seem to be headed in that direction but I HAVE to know about it so that when/if we decide to add to our family I feel like I have to have all the possible pathways so I can make the right choice. lol

  8. If it was just hubby and I or just me by myself I would be hoping I had a balcony and take it as an adventure...with a little bit of complaining on the side. BUT I have a child who has food allergies in addition to high functioning autism and epilepsy...it would have been a NIGHTMARE! She must be fed and watered every 2 hours in order to keep epic meltdowns at bay and if she eats her allergen there is a chance of an anaphalactic response which at sea with no way to get her to a hospital scary. So waiting in line for 4 hours hoping and praying that when I get to the end there is something that she can eat that will not cause her major health issue yeah lots of complaining.

  9. Finished: West with the Night by Beryl Markham, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum, and Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene

    Upstairs: MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton

    Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake

    IPhone: Lucy Doesn't Wear Pink by Nancy Rue

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)


    Total Finished in 2013: 14

  10. There is subway access from Grand Central. There are also phone apps with "walking" tours you can do. We had one that listed "famous" bakeries so we hit up a few of them. Also the nice thing about the CT trains is that they usually have extended service and it is cheaper to go after 10am and after 7pm. So if you didn't have a pressing reason to be back by 5 (like a 5 hour drive home) then I would take advantage of offpeak price train tickets.

  11. I am friends with a couple who were on it. They got home today. They report that it wasn't as bad as the media made it out to be. But this friend has an awesome ability to chill/go with the flow and a great way to see the humor in life.



    I think a lot of how awful it was depended on a lot of things. If it were just me and I was on an upper floor and didn't have to go to work...then it would be like camping on a cruise. If it was my dh and I and kids were being watched by a family member then there may have been a bit of worry just wanting to make sure everyone home was ok. If it was my whole family and food could not be safe for my food allergic child and she was starving because she couldn't eat anything then it would have been a horrible experience. If medication had run out for dd (she has epilepsy) it would have been a very very scary experience. If I had a baby and had limited formula and diapers as some families were said to have experience it would have been a nightmare. So I think that experiences really depended on the situation per person on the ship. I think that the overall impression for the majority is that is was a very smelly mildly inconvenient adventure at sea. But there are families that had nightmare experiences because of things like med needs and older persons who couldn't handle the lines ect for food, of course the media is going to latch onto the nightmare experiences.

  12. 1. It seems like your DD does well and enjoys her day 1 class -- what is the concrete reason to take her out of it (rather than let her continue and just be an average parent-of-participant until the end of the session)? It is a 45 min class and a 30 min drive each way...which makes the drive longer than the class. Also this late in the "session" the only other activities available to sign up for now are on Day 1, which is closer to us.

    2. Is it that one person, a participant (or parent of participant) complained to you by email -- and that crystallized your desire to get out of an over-expectation situation... Or is it that the organizer got the 'concerned' email and decided to make extra requests of you (and you said no to the extra requests).

    A parent complained I guess and the owners told the teacher that I was not allowed to bring my children to class because they are a distraction. I am not getting paid and am doing this because my kids enjoyed it and I wanted to help.

    3. How are you feeling about all these facts? Angry? Ashamed? Relieved? Put-out? Rejected? Do you feel that the situation got out of hand in spite of good intentions, or that you were being intentionally pressed and taken advantage of?

    I am not sure how I feel, I am a little frustrated because I think that I was not given a chance to work on fixing or improving the situation. I know it may have ended the same way but it seems like someone (or many people) were having problems with things but never told me so all the sudden out of the blue its an ultimatum done. I wish that if there were earlier issues I would have been respected enough to have them communicated to me so I could either fix it or realize it was not going to work. Otherwise they are taking 1 complaint from 1 day and throwing a major fit which makes me feel like they hate me for some reason.


    Move on and be thankful you are done with this torture. Is it yoga or something similar? Can't you do this at home with your children in a much more relaxed setting?

    Its gymnastics and yes we may do it at home. There is also a gym just down the street that I may try.


    I don't know how you managed to get your kids to sit behind a curtain for so long! especially at their ages.

    That's what iPad and iPods were invented for lol. They only get to use them when we are there.


    So you signed dd up for class A, and they asked that your dd not return to class A? Then yes, I would insist that they refund the money, as they are the ones who asked you not to return.

    My dd was signed up for Day 1 A (paid) B (free I helped) and Day 2 B (free I helped). They told me I was not to bring my children if I was going to help. I told them I would no longer be able to help there. They did not directly kick her out of class A but they did say they didn't want me to bring her with me if I came.


    They should refund the portion of the tuition that covers the classes that have not occurred yet. I'm really not understanding the expectation of a young child hanging out in a closet/small area, and not be allowed to interact with what was going on.

    The child in the "closet" was the child not involved in the class going on. Day 1 Class B was for bigger kids (5+) and Day 2 Class A was for littler kids (3-4) so in order for me to help I had 1 child in the "closet" were I knew where they were while the other was in the class I was helping. I did not want to leave a child unaccompanied downstairs where I could not see them.

  13. This is really long but I wanted to make sure I was accurate about it.



    March 2012 Signed dd up for class...10 other kids signed up. I have experience in said class type and offered to help. Teacher let me help.


    June 2012 Teacher split class based on age and asked me to help with both. This caused me to have 1 child who was not in class while I was teaching. 1st class dd played on iPad. 2nd class ds played on iPad and then was taken home by dh. Signed dd up for another class with teacher 30 mins away (continuing 1st class too). Teacher asked me to sub for her other teacher 4 times and gave me a gift certificate for my help.


    Aug 2012 Teacher tells me my children are free for classes I am helping in.


    Sept 2012 Continue helping with 1st class also get asked to help with class 30 minutes away full time because she likes my teaching.


    Oct 2012 Teacher announces she will be closing the current place after Dec. and moving to another place 30 mins away. She wants me to help because she respects my skill in said area. Classes are offered when DH is working so I informed her that if she wanted me to help both of my kids would have to come and that one would be in the "closet" (hallway with a curtain blocking it from the room) and that would be the only way I could help. She agreed.


    Jan 2013 Sign dd up for another class offered at the location before the one I was helping at because it was a 30 min drive each way and I wanted to ensure we made the most of the time. Paid 70 in gift certificates 60 in cash.


    Week 1

    Day 1

    Class A DD does fine (I don't help in this class)

    Class B DD is rolling on the floor not participating. DS is in closet on idevice.


    Day 2

    Class A DD in closet on iDevice, DS in class does fine.

    Class B Both kids are awful!!! Consequences occur at home. I realize class is during dinnertime and also close to bed time. Decide to make sure that I bring food to help.


    Week 2

    Day 1

    Class A DD does fine (DS pees out of his pants 3 times in 2 hours ends up in DD pants)

    Class B DD participates for a bit then stops I ignore her since she is not in the way of other students. Teacher discusses a time out place after class that she could use if she does not listen.


    Day 2

    Class A Went fine.

    Class B Fed kids. DD did fine until last 15 mins...took her to time out were she melted down. She was punished with time in with mom and dad the next day and loss of other privileges. Realized she would probably benefit from getting her pm ADHD med between classes.


    Week 3

    Day 1

    Cancelled due to weather


    Day 2

    Class A Went fine.

    Class B Fed kids and tried ADHD meds. DD did well and completed the class.


    Week 4

    Day 1

    Class A fine

    Class B Told teacher dd had just been diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. She asked if she could tell others because they just thought DD was naughty, (and then she moved conversation on to the lesson plan). DD did AWESOME in class doing everything exactly as told and following all directions.


    Day 2

    Class A DS peed in pants on the first part. Sent him downstairs (the only place they have a bathroom) to get changed. He doesn't return so during stretching (when I am not needed) I go downstairs discover he hadn't changed. Changed him and we went upstairs. Class went well. DD in closet 1/2 through has to go potty. Quickly walks through class and goes then waits at the door peeking in until I tell her to come back. Goes back to "closet".

    Class B Cancelled


    Get email that someone in Week 4 Day 2 Class A complained and that I am not to bring my kids to class anymore but they will not pay me to help although teacher respects my abilities as a teacher of said activity. So I said I would no longer help because I will not pay someone to watch my kids so I can help someone else for free. I was very polite and said thanks for letting help.


    Monday I email asking for a refund of the 60 I paid for Day 1 Class A since we will not be returning. Because they don't want me to bring my kids if I come to teach and Class A was only added since we were going to be there anyway. They are refusing to refund my money.


    Should I pursue the refund of my money more or just move on?


    Thanks for reading my novel.

  14. Finished: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham

    Upstairs: MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton

    Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake

    IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)

    Book Club: Why are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum


    Total Finished in 2013: 11

  15. Finished: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham

    Upstairs: MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton

    Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake

    IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)

    Book Club: Why are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum


    Total Finished in 2013: 11

  16. Finished: The Road to Memphis by Mildred Taylor


    Currently Working On:

    Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham

    Upstairs: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin

    Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake

    IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer

    Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book

    Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows

    WTM: Don Quixote

    IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada)


    Total Finished in 2013: 10

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