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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. What is jet glue and what would a dancer do with it? It is used to make the box a little harder again and get the shoe to last longer.


    How do you know that a shoe is truly dead? It depends, its a personal decision based on how they feel when your dancer is dancing in them
    Her first shoes had a full 'soft' shank and these have a 3/4 "hard" shank. Does it matter? She has done great with both, but I read somewhere that a 3/4 shank shouldn't be used by beginners. True? Not true? Depends?

    I think the reason some people don't recommend them for beginners is because most beginners need to strengthen their feet and having to roll through a full shank can help strengthen...but honestly it is more about what the teacher wants and what fits best when using a professional fitter.  

  2. Finished:

    Choosing Mr. Right by Jennifer Steward Griffith (fluffy),

    Dixie Divas by Virginia Brown (fluffy mystery),

    Only You by Deborah Grace Stewart (really enjoyed this fluffy romantic fiction), 

    Rhythms by the Better Moms Bloggers (interesting put in my implement file for someday lol),

    Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson (I love love love these romantic historical fictions by Eva Ibbotson and this one had dancing)


    Working on:

    Fiction: Surrounded by Strangers by Josi Kilpatrick 

    Kindle: Rain Song by Alice J Wisler

    Non-fiction: Five in a Row Vol 2 by Jane Claire Lambert

    Phone: Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Computer: ????

    Well Education Mind: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

    Angel Girl: The Aesop for Children by Aesop

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Autobook: Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith


    Total Read for 2014: 15

  3. I actually looked into this a last month...one of the hormones that is released about the time of a woman's period can cause digestive issues...it started with a p...it can cause the intestines to get a bit slippier and I think it said something about effecting the stomach...I don't actually remember a lot because I was trying to figure out a specific issue related to my period but I would look that up because there does seem to be a hormone related digestive issues.

  4. I had multiple people tell me my child was not spectrum...she didn't even qualify for early intervention at 2.5...but by 3.5 was instantly on an IEP for how far behind she was...multiple people mentioned language issues but none could actually pin point a problem...at 4 the autism team at our local hospital could not agree on a diagnosis...at 5 we were given a provisional High Functioning Autism diagnosis...August was an official diagnosis....this December the school district reevaluated her and the independent psych determined my dd qualified under the DSM 5 with mild/moderate ASD.  


    This is to say that you just have to follow your gut...if you feel the services are helping your child and that the progress is what you want then what does a label matter...if you feel like you are still circling around a problem and not getting the help needed then keep pushing for someone who will really listen and knows what they are talking about and don't stop until you find peace whether that is with or without a diagnosis of ASD.


    Oh and totally get a second opinion I didn't fully believe the diagnosis until this dec when an independent person also said yes she is ASD (because so many people didn't seem to think she did).

  5. Another person who uses Medic Alert...I like the easy of having everything online but the important stuff is on her bracelet (ASD, epilepsy, food allergy)...all her meds are listed if they call...I did find that we use to get the sports band one...but it didn't stay on so dd now has the old fashioned metal one because it is harder for her to take off.

  6. Finished: The DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley (I really like this especially how basically he says there are no guarantees but it will help)

    Dawn’s Prelude by Tracie Peterson (cute romantic fluff)

    “Profitable Blogging For Beginners†Class Workbook by Blogelina (someday I may do a fancy blog)

    Matched by Ally Condie (I don't think I like dystopian love triangle books)


    Working on:

    Fiction: Choosing Mr. Right by Jennifer Stewart Griffith

    Kindle: Dixie Divas by Virginia Brown

    Non-fiction: Five in a Row Vol 2 by Jane Claire Lambert

    Phone: Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Computer: Rhythms by the Better Moms Bloggers

    Well Education Mind: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

    Angel Girl: The Aesop for Children by Aesop

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Autobook: Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith


    Total Read for 2014: 9

  7. Finished:

    Kitchen Stewardship Family Camping Handbook by Kate Kimball,

    Final Act by C. Paul Anderson,

    Witches on Parole by Debora Geary (total fluff but I am so in love with this author and her witch series!!!),

    Real Food Kids: In the Kitchen by Wardeh Harmon and Jami Delgado with Melissa Naasko,

    A Mathematics Source Book by University School Support for Education Reform


    Working on:

    Fiction: Matched by Ally Condie

    Kindle: The DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley

    Non-fiction: Five in a Row Vol 2 by Jane Claire Lambert

    Phone: Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Computer: Stress-free Baby Shower by Sarah Shay

    Well Education Mind: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (I am actually really enjoying this but feel like I have to read it with my bible next to me lol)

    Angel Girl: The Aesop for Children by Aesop

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book


    Total Read for 2014: 6

  8. My 6 year old HFA has had no interest in books...even with me reading daily to her ect...until the last few months....now she is interested in learning to read...I really thought she would never get interested because she didn't care even when we read all the time...but now she is and so I am holding onto the hope that she will read some of the books that I have...and maybe someday she will even be more willing to sit for a read aloud longer than a few pages...

  9. Finished: None this week


    Working on:

    Fiction: Final Act by C. Paul Anderson

    Kindle: Witches on Parole by Debora Geary

         (in the wings)The DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley

    Non-fiction: A Mathematics Source Book by University School Support for Education Reform

    Phone: Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Computer: Kitchen Stewardship Family Camping Handbook by Kate Kimball

    Well Education Mind: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

    Angel Girl: The Aesop for Children by Aesop

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book


    Total Read for 2014: 1

  10. So for my two kids we try to build the item at least 1 time...then everything gets combined in a giant lego bin.  I keep the booklets of the kids to use to design but also just let them have free play.  But so far I only have bought little extra kits that are less than 10 bucks, don't know what I would do if I bought expensive kits.

  11. Finished: An Unlikely Witch by Debora Geary


    Working on:

    Fiction: Final Act by C. Paul Anderson

    Kindle: The DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley

    Non-fiction: A Mathematics Source Book by University School Support for Education Reform

    Phone: Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Well Education Mind: Whatever comes after DQ (again not near me at the moment but will start as soon as I get home)

    Angel Girl: Aesop Tales (not sure which one right now since it is not near me lol)

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book


    Total Read for 2014: 1

  12. Haven't read the whole thing but here is my experience so far.


    DD is a Sensory Seeker...that means she seeks out sensory input regularly...as a baby everyone told us she was hyper aware...as she aged it didn't matter how much we redirected, timed out ext she HAD to move.  When she had regular input like spinning she did better.  It because obvious that she was not choosing to act out of control it was not manipulative it was a need like breathing for her.


    DS is not diagnosed with sensory issues but he has always hated tags in his clothes...at age 4 he had a tag burn his back (bad momma for ignoring his constant whining about the shirt but it was required thing for an activity we were doing).  Since he started solid food he would evacuate certain textures like rice or pasta.  He would hide the apple peel in the side of his cheek because he couldn't eat them but didn't want to spit it out on the ground.  Food has been a constant issue...he will starve himself...so we feed him 2x a day a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and for dinner he can sit and watch us eat or choose to eat what we are eating, which never happens.  I figure if this is a game eventually he will eat if it is not (and I truly believe it is not but try to explain that to the doctor) then he is still getting fed 2 meals a day.

  13. I bring Gilmore Girls....basically my husband knows that I bring a set of tv shows and when I am overwhelmed I go away and watch them.  Actually at this point it is kind of a joke with my/his family (my sister married dh brother and my mother is living with them 1 block away from dh's families house, we really can't get away from family here) about how many times I have watched the Gilmore Girls series.  But it helps me cope with out really running away (which we have also done in the past). 

  14. The danger in having the church define a specific set of standards for modesty is that it creates a culture of judging people by their clothing choices rather than a culture of valuing the inner person. It reminds me of the Pharisaical rules about only taking a certain number of steps on Sunday and the like. "Did you *see* how short so-and-so's shorts were? She's not living the Standards. She's not a good person."


    Yep we had this problem when i was a youth...my sister dressed in slightly less modest clothes (heaven forbid she wore a v neck shirt and her skirt was 1 inch above her knee the horror) and she was called the slut of the ward and people were really rude to her...when the other girl in our group was making out with her boyfriend EVERYWHERE and was handsy at school so I can only imagine what went on when they were at home...but she dressed modestly so she was still perfect.  


    I think we need to focus on the heart of modesty including respect for ourselves and our bodies.  That we need to recognize that our clothing makes a statement for everyone who see us and that we need to dress in a way that makes the statement we want to be made.

  15. Yep usually a few minutes...but the worst is when they have combined RS/Priesthood and no one is getting their babies...but even in nursery we always had at least 1 kid whose parents couldn't be bothered to pick them up until 15 mins after even if classes got out on time.

  16. That is why I am an iPhone owner...all the android phones that I had always broke and had to be replaced right before or at the replacement time...drove me nuts!  I wanted something that would not be obsolete in 3 months when the new fancy version came out....now its only gets older every year and I drool over the new iPhone but since my phone is still working I don't go out and spend the money on a new one so its all good.

  17. You could look into Fountas and Pinnell articles or Marie Clay....but mostly they talk about what good readers do...from there others have created the current "balanced" literacy approach (I really wish it was balanced but sadly more pendulum and we are on the far side of it).  The basic idea is that good readers don't individually sound out each word but rather quickly word recall.  That is in conjunction with the use of meaning making (in other words good readers only put in words that would make sense in their story), grammar making (in other words good readers put in words that are grammatically correct i.e. would not say goes would say went), and phonics (using chunks and individual letter understanding to determine a word i.e. was vs saw using 1st letter discrimination).  For most good readers they don't break down into individual phonetic sounding out unless they are really unfamiliar with the type of text (i.e. a chemistry text book for an english major) or a new and unusual word for which there is no other way to use the other cueing systems.  


    From this research about what good readers do others created this idea that sight word reading is best because it encourages quick word recall which was what was found about good readers, neglecting the other cuing systems including phonics.

  18. I just want to agree with your vent....My son has had multiple cases of unexplained hives (most likely environmental grass type allergy)...but no other issues...call the dr...and have to wait 1 hour to get the dosage for benadryl...yes 1 hour...at this point I have a chart from them so I don't have to do the whole wait to give my kid meds when he gets hives (yes the dr knows and doesn't seem to care every time I have told him about the hives).

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