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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. Oh, and, Heather's comment re: free books jarred a question for y'all:  I cannot find one single book on the kindle lending library list this month that I have any desire to read... any suggestions?

    I just finished Meant to Be by Terri Osburn...which was my kindle lending book for this month...if you are up for cute fluffy romance (it has scenes) also as warning it does use the f word a few times in the book for those that like to avoid scenes and that word (I would say about 15 - 20 times in the book not every page).


    Now on to reading The Fearful Rise of Markets by John Authers...this one may take me a while.

  2. Finished: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim (It was super interesting...It was for my book club and we had a great conversation about the universal themes in the story)


    Working on:

    Fiction: Nappily Faithful by Trisha Thomas

    Kindle: Meant to Be by Terri Osburn

    Non-fiction: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

    Phone: The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker

    Computer: Life Balance by Linda and Richard Eyre

    Well Education Mind: Gulliver Travels by Johnathan Swift

    Angel Girl: Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Audiobook: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson


    Total Read for 2014: 57

  3. That would be me!  I had meant to start this earlier in the week, but what with best laid plans and all that, it didn't happen.  But here I am now.


    So.  Announcing the official WTM-BaW postcard, book and goody exchange!   


    A few thoughts.


    I can compile and share a list of addresses for postcards.  We can continue what Rosie started and start sending postcards across the globe!


    Then I'll start the small book/goody box, send it to one of you on the exchange list who can add to/subtract from the box and send it to the next BaWer on the list.


    The smallest flat-rate priority mail box costs about $5 to send.  It is about 8" X 5" X 1.5", so it could hold a paperback, postcards and a small goody.  There are other size flat rate boxes, as well as padded envelopes, and as there is no weight limit, you can pack in as many books as you can fit for a reasonable shipping cost.  No need to top what was sent to you, just forward to the next person what best works for you.  You can also grab those boxes for free from the post office -- you only pay when they are packed and you are ready to send them.  


    I'm going to come up with a flat-librarian that can pose with books in your home or at a tourist area.  You can take a photo of her (am I being totally sexist in making the librarian a her?  Do we need a mancake librarian for Stacia?!!!) and send her in the box to the next address on the list.  Perhaps we can create a site to post the photos to share??   Maybe I'll make a small sci-fi/fantasy creature instead, or for you Pratchett readers, an orangutan!!  


    Send me a PM with your actual name and snail mail address, and whether you just want to do post cards.  I'm happy to ship a goody box overseas, btw.


    I've got to empty my message mailbox now....


    So if I want to do the book/goody exchange are there any rules about the kinds of books...like do they have to be new or like new or are used ok?  i want to participate but I am thinking about what kind of books I would want to include :)

  4. I just finished The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim...just in time for my book club tonight!  It was interesting and I am looking forward to what my book club ladies have to say about the book...I am surprised I hadn't read it yet.


    Starting Meant to Be by Terri Osburn (its my free prime book for April).

  5. Finished: Don’t Just Do by Richard Eyre

    The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Bishop Spalding

    The Awakening by Richard Eyre

    Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer


    Working on:

    Fiction: Nappily Faithful by Trisha Thomas

    Kindle: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    Non-fiction: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

    Phone: The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker

    Computer: Life Balance by Linda and Richard Eyre

    Well Education Mind: Gulliver Travels by Johnathan Swift

    Angel Girl: Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Audiobook: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson


    Total Read for 2014: 56

  6. So I finished The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spaulding...It has some interesting teaching ideas BUT I am not sure how homeschoolers would use it.


    I also finished The Awakening by Richard Eyre...I have been reading bunch of his wife and his books but this was by far my least favorite so far.


    Started Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis and Lifebalance by Richard and Linda Eyre

  7. I agree that there is a big push down and it is effecting the kids...I also think that there is immense pressure that starts very early to have kids a head of the curve average is not good enough everyone needs to be exceptional.  


    Personally I started here when my oldest was 3 and I really wanted to know what to use to teach her...because she could not/would not play...so I wanted to have something structured to do with her because unstructured was not ok...turns out she has autism.  But at least with a structured learning time I had her interacting with me for a few minutes daily and it gave a basis for special ed help she ended up getting.


    With my current child I am totally doing the if you want to do stuff I have a bucket of stuff (magnetic letters, kumon books ect) but if you are playing and having fun have at...but he is fully capable to eventually picking it all up because we have a language rich home and he has been read to and talked to his whole life.


    I hope that someday the public education system recognizes that not all children learn at the same exact pace and that there is a spectrum of readiness and its ok for kids to be anywhere along it as long as they are not outliers (thus gifted or sped).

  8. I just finished Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer...and I don't know what to think of it...It was interesting but hard to read and I don't really know what I thought of it...I have the second one (which I guess isn't actually a sequel but more of the same time at a different time) that I will be reading sometime soonish (at least sometime in the next 4 years lol).

  9. Finished: FIAR through the Seasons by Jane C. Lambert and Becky Jane Lambert

    Shatter by Elizabeth C. Mock (I ended up enjoying this but it took about 1/2 the book to get a good feel for it)


    Working on:

    Fiction: Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

    Kindle: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim (this is a switch but its the book club book for this month so I figure I should read it)

    Non-fiction: The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Bishop Spalding

    Phone: The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker

    Computer: Don’t Just Do by Richard Eyre

    Well Education Mind: Gulliver Travels by Johnathan Swift

    Angel Girl: Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Audiobook: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson


    Total Read for 2014: 52

  10. I just finished Shatter by Elizabeth Mock and it was interesting...I may someday read the others in the series...it did take about 50% to figure out what was happening in the story but do wonder what will happen in the next book.


    Now to start The Fearful Rise of Markets by John Authers....this make take me a while to get through lol.

  11. :lol:


    I made it most of the way through Gulliver's Travels a few years ago, but never completely finished it. I don't remember the peeing incidents, but I did get tired of the political talk (which seemed to become heavier & heavier as the book went along).


    No wonder you want something lighter to read!



    you all are scaring me....I just started Gulliver's Travels...and I really do want to finish it....but now I am scared that it will be like don quio...which I gave up on after the 1st part

  12. Finished: The Reader as a Learner by NZ Ministry of Education (wishing I lived in NZ...I just feel like they really get the not all kids on the same level thing....but they are obviously not perfect either)

    Arianna: A Gift Most Precious by Rachel Ann Nunes (meh...it was fine)


    Working on:

    Fiction: Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

    Kindle: Shatter by Elizabeth C. Mock 

    Non-fiction: FIAR through the Seasons by Jane C. Lambert

    Phone: The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker

    Computer: Don’t Just Do by Richard Eyre

    Well Education Mind: Gulliver Travels by Johnathan Swift

    Angel Girl: Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book

    Audiobook: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Berry and Ridley Pearson


    Total Read for 2014: 50

  13. Blind date....except its more interesting than that.


    I had just been offered a job at a job fair but I had never seen the company so I decided to fly out that night but I needed a ride to the airport....so I called around to a number of friends and found a roommate of a friend who would take me....on the way he said so I have a brother and you have a sister wouldn't it be funny if the brothers and the sisters went out on a date and I was all sure whatever just get me to the airport....so when I got back after having accepted the job, he set me up with his brother on a blind date....while he went out with my little sister....9 months later we got married and so did they.

  14. Finished: Motherhood Realized by Power of Moms

    Lies, Da** Lies, and Science by Sherry Seethaler

    Naomi and her Daughters by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    Life of Pi by Yann Martel


    Working on:

    Fiction: Arianna A Gift Most Precious by Rachel Ann Nunes

    Kindle: Shatter by Elizabeth C. Mock

    Non-fiction: The Reader as a Learner by NZ Ministry of Education

    Phone: The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker

    Computer:  Nothing Yet

    Well Education Mind: Gulliver Travels by Johnathan Swift

    Angel Girl: Water Babies by Charles Kingsley

    Sweet Boy: Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales Book


    Total Read for 2014: 48

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