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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. One of the issues of colorblindness that may impact this a bit is that we don't teach racial issues...for the most part kids learn about 5 or 6 famous non white americans and get a survey of slavery/civil rights that is short in nature (due to our desire to teach all of American history in 1 year in a complete survey)...I know I was very naive about things that were inappropriate to say due to them representing racist things (IE watermelon had no idea until Barak Obama that watermelon can be racist).  We just don't educate people about race because we are colorblind, because the teachers themselves have no idea how to address it ect.  It then repeats the next generation as parents aren't sure how to teach their children and hide behind racism.  I think this young man is trying to hide behind this lack of racial understanding common in America, although I feel like he knew it would not be overly appropriate but perhaps didn't just the level of inappropriateness.

  2. Talk about similarities and differences openly and matter of factly...IE yes Angel Girl has brown curly hair, brown eyes, and brown skin (or chocolate skin or black skin depending on age and how your child identifies themselves, I am white (or pink when I am sunburned) my daughter identifies as black but my son still insists on brown), Handsome boy has red short hair, brown eyes and white skin.  Also help them identify their own racial identity...as a society full of white people many small children don't necessarily understand that they are white it just is but talking about your own racial identity lets them know that it ok to talk about race in general and not a bad thing only applied to those that look different.  Have a variety of toys in your home that include black, brown and tan faces (if you are white).  

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  3. Dealing with this today too!  Got a bill for a UTI urine test...that says my insurance won't pay...no joke you spelled my last name wrong and because you HAD to have a group number put in random numbers...no group number at our insurance and they will never match the mess you made of my name with the one on their record even if they could mind read.  GRRRR.  At least they acknowledged they made a mistake and hopefully they get it re applied...oh and the test was done over 4 months ago.

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  4. I don't know what kinds of tests they did but my son sounded like he had cotton in his mouth...because everything he heard sounded like it was underwater because he had constant fluid (but no ear infections).  Tubes did help A LOT!  we got tubes put in right before he turned 3 and by 5 he had graduated from the early childhood speech, and he has fabulous clear speech...that said he did not have expressive/receptive language issues (my 7 year old did and still does which is due to her autism) his speech was entirely articulation based, he would tell us strings of words they were just totally unidentifiable (then he would repeat louder and louder in hopes we would understand).  I do recommend seeing an ENT and audiologist if you think he has fluid behind his ears that never drains because that could cause speech issues.

  5. My local school use to have a free for all program that was provided via donations (so basically cereal and milk)...they now have a traditional breakfast with free/reduced/full cost options.  This school has always had a snack time where families supply snacks and kids can purchase milk to drink...but this year they added a fresh fruit component.  I believe the fruit is supplied from local farms/fruit market in the area i don't know if the school is paying something for it...but I think it is a great option.


    1 of the complaints is the quality of the food and one solution could be to work with local food suppliers (hopefully the fresher suppliers) to make sure the food provided is fresher and has more quality items not so focused on the packages...and the bonus would be to the farmers/suppliers in the area who get the money which I would prefer over the large food processors currently supplying the food to many schools.

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  6. Bring entertainment...one of the big disappointments on my carnival cruise was the lack of things to do that i was interested in.  I thought there would be more activities to do on ship but found that most of the time there wasn't and the pool was too loud to hang out at for the day.  So make sure you have things you enjoy doing that you could do in your room or a quiet corner of the ship.

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  7. At Magic Kingdom the longest lines are for Seven Dwarves Mine Train (45 mins within minutes of rope drop to 2 hours), Elsa and Anna Meet and Greet (45 minutes to multiple hours) and Peter Pan Flight (slower morning start but by 12 up to 2 hours).  If you have more than 1 day at MK and have kids who like big rides I recommend Splash Mountain, Big Thunder and Space Mountain because those are the next big ones in terms of wait times.


    At Animal Kingdom the big 4 rides are Safari, Everest, Kali and Dinosaur so pick 3 and make the other the first thing you do when you arrive in the park.


    At Hollywood Studios and Epcot they have tiers where you only can get 1 of the most popular rides and then 2 smaller rides.  


    At Epcot I recommend getting a Test Track fast pass and plan on waiting an hour (or less) for Soarin.  Then just pick 2 more that look interesting (for this trip we did Figment, Character Spot, Nemo and Spaceship Earth but we had 2 days at Epcot).


    At Hollywood Studios you want Toy Story Mania if you can get it!  If you have a Frozen lover I recommend getting a sing-along fast pass and because we have a star wars lover we get star tours...but that is usually walk on so if you prefer grab tower of terror.  Then plan on going on rock n roller coaster first thing when you arrive unless you want to do Jedi Training Academy then you have to sign up for that immediately (and that was the highlight of my son' trip this year).


    So yes you can just go wait in lines but Fast Pass makes it easier to do some of the huge lines faster so you only spend time in the shorter lines.  If this was confusing please ask me more questions...we are just finishing up 8 days at Walt Disney World and love Fast Pass (except when it goes down like it did today lol)

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  8. In the IEP there is a section called accommodations....its towards the end after all the goals...this is where you can have them address things like preferential seating (if actually in a classroom) or amount of work to be shown...This could be a really good place to have it written in that he show 3 problems each day from math or all none handwriting specific tasks be dictated or typed, or non-reading (IE the task of decoding activities) be read aloud...if these are list in the accommodations then they have to offer them and they have to allow you to offer them which should make the teacher back off on her requirements.

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  9. I love the Poly!! but if not poly then our second favorite is Animal Kingdom Lodge (but long bus rides to everything).  We just stayed at Beach Club and if our kids were older we might have liked it better but the food choices were very limited and the pools were way to deep for a novice swimmer like my 5 year old (who is capable of swimming but isn't confident in his abilities).  If you will have a car I love Old Key West (which is DVC) but haven't taken my kids there.


    I have been told by a older person in our church that I shouldn't cater to these two kids and that they need to learn to understand that they can't have everything that everybody else can. 



    Haven't read everything so this may have been said...but these two kids already know they can't have everything that everybody else can...its a daily occurrence for them...so you desire to add a little sunshine and not make them worry about that is a kindness that may not get extended to them all the time.  I say do your best with the snacks...don't kill yourself but know that it is appreciated.

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  11. I find that very odd, if you are modeling the opposite mindset and behaviors for your children. My ds has always viewed people as equals, and we have never had to tell him that color doesn't matter because he has never seen us treat people differently based on their race.


    I have to wonder what kind of TV shows and movies your kids are watching if they are getting racist messages from them to the point where they are getting the impression that white people are better than black people. Your kids are still little, so I can't imagine that the movies and TV shows you are allowing them to watch would contain such messages.


    Frankly, I would be concerned that children as young as yours have already developed that kind of prejudice and you can bet I would want to know exactly where (and from whom) they were getting those ideas. I haven't seen those behaviors in my ds or his friends, either now or when they were your kids' ages.


    Interesting where your immediate thoughts went to...my children are black living in a predominately white community...they are seeing first hand the differences between being white and being black.  In addition when they turn on the tv they mostly see children that do not look like them...they only have 1 or 2 cartoons to choose from in which a main character (not part of an ensemble group) is black like them.  They internalize that when they look around them in magazines and on tv the majority of those are white.  The bias is there and they feel it at a very young age.  We talk about race because we don't have the luxury of not talking about it.  White children internalize the same thing but it is doesn't mean the same thing to them because they are use to being the majority that is the issue of systematic racism the majority doesn't see it because they don't have too unless it is in their face...thus a comedian is trying to put it in front of us to have this conversation to confront what is going on in society especially when the majority (but sadly not all as evidenced just this weekend during NCAA basketball) of overt racism is a thing of the past because many of us realize its not ok to by overtly racist...so now is the time to tackle the so much harder to see system of bias.

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  12. RE: Black cops having as much bias as white....thats the worst part about the systematic racism in this country!  The message that black people receive is that they are thugs, that they are less than...so even a person who rises above it feels themselves the exception rather than the rule and that they have to prove constantly.  Sadly its happening at a young age, my littles tell me that white people are better than black...I spend a lot of time trying to counteract this image but it is in the news, in movies, on tv (although that is slowly getting better), is not overt but rather subtle and hard to pin point but my 5 year old and my 7 year old are noticing it and commenting on it (and yes I encourage my children to talk about race on a regular basis).

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  13. I recommend looking into a Boston City Pass! When I had 1 week in the city that is what I used and I liked that it gave a good glimpse of the important stuff + freedom trail it was 1 weeks worth of busyness.

  14. UPDATE:

    Ped agrees it was a concussion.  We have dr note for rec sports (so we can get our money back for missing the rest of the classes).  She is now asleep and we are on brain rest for a few days then add things as tolerated with lots of sleep.  Thanks for the help!!  We are also following up with Neuro just to make sure there was not also seizure activity too but he is not in until tomorrow and we may not get in to see him until next week.

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  15. Update:

    I have an appt with her ped for this afternoon to determine if it was a concussion...also have a call into the neurologist but they usually take 24 hours to get back to us (Neuro is also the autism guy)...she does have high functioning autism so she does have some unique pain issues (sometimes she over reacts to pain sometimes she under reacts)...One odd thing is that since she was 4 she has exclusively worn boy clothes...today she put on a skirt and a sweater that says princess...its odd not sure if it is related (personality change) or just an odd coincidence.  Thanks for the help!  

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  16. This is odd.  Call the ER and chase down the paperwork.  You may need it for insurance, at the very least, and all the test results for her ped.


    Didn't dh have to sign a release?


    All dd's Dr are attached to the hospital...I believe everything it attached in their system so I don't think releases had to be signed...but no discharge paperwork may mean nothing in the computer from this trip either :(....I have checked her online records for test results ect...and there is NOTHING there either other than it says she saw the ER doc last night...I don't think they have paperwork :(  Again by the time she left they said she was fine, nothing was wrong with her.


    I have already made her stay home from church today because I didn't feel like it was  good for a kid who had been in the ER last night to go out in public the very next day...I will keep her home from everything tomorrow and call her ped at 8 am.

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  17. Is there a better hospital near you that would order a CT scan? I am shocked that they didn't do one when you were at the ER.


    Yes they did do a CT scan and it came back normal according to my husband...they also did a bunch of blood stuff and supposedly that was normal...I guess the Dr didn't really say a lot to my husband about what could be and gave him no discharge paperwork :( (this part is probably what bothers me the most because trusting another human to relay all the dr.'s info without it written down is really hard, things get forgotten or seem less important)

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  18. There was also no miraculous 2 hour later recovery.


    She still had confusion and still couldn't remember the 2ish hours and fall, 2 hours later but she was perkier and actually talking which was way way better than when she showed up and not responding to anything people where saying to her.  Although over the course of today she is clearing up more and isn't still complaining of a headache.  Perhaps it is not as bad as the symptoms appeared when it first happened with the confusion/unresponsiveness/spinning eyes.

  19.  No one saw her fall, she doesn't remember falling,  why is anyone assuming the unconsciousness/delirium was caused by a fall?  Was there a bruise on her head?


    She said her shoulder hurt and there is a bump/scratch just behind her ear...she ended up on the opposite side of the snow bank from where dh was gathering all the winter play gear which is why he didn't see it.  But that is why the Drs. also thought there could have been a seizure which can cause memory loss...but they didn't say it was that either...basically they said she's fine.  What should I look out for today, since I can't call her Dr. until tomorrow.

  20. UPDATED: Saw the ped they agree she has a concussion.  Total brain rest for a couple days then add in things as tolerated.


    Last night we suspect my child fell down a snowbank...her daddy was with her but didn't see her fall.  When he turned she was unconscious...but she came to when he shook her (he didn't know what happened).  As they walked to the house she didn't remember falling (thus why we are not certain that she fell because no one saw and she doesn't remember) or what had happened in the last 2ish hours.  As soon as they got home she said she was dizzy, and her eyes became really unfocused and started spinning.  My husband grabbed her and off they went to ER.  By the time they arrived at the ER she was not talking to anyone and barely acknowledging my husband.  They rushed her back and things got crazy...they did CT scan and X-rays...she couldn't remember who daddy was or her brother's name.  But 2 hours later when the neurologist came she was bouncing back, starting to interact and able to answer the questions they asked.  They discharged her as perfectly normal and with no problems...no restrictions and no acknowledgement that she may have had a concussion or a seizure which they suspected due to memory loss.  So everything I read on the internet says dd should rest and other things including sports...but the Drs. didn't say she had a concussion and said she could do whatever she wanted like normal.  Should I call her regular Dr tomorrow and ????  Do I just treat her like she did have a concussion?  How do I explain to her sports that she can't participate due to concussion with  no concussion diagnosis (and no note from the Dr.)  Any thoughts from BTDT?

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